Consciousness Videos

Deriving Einstein's most famous equation: Why does energy = mass x speed of light squared?

Physics Explained

E=mc^2 is perhaps the most famous equation in all physics, but very few people actually know what the equation means, or where it comes from. In this video I would like to show one method for deriving this equation, as well as provide some insight into what the equation actually means. Along the way we will also touch upon some of the most fascinating features of Einstein’s theory of special relativity, including time dilation, the reason why nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, and the relationship between energy and momentum for massless particles.

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40 thoughts on “Deriving Einstein's most famous equation: Why does energy = mass x speed of light squared?
  1. That’s the best explanation I’ve seen by far. Very well done, thank you.
    However I’ve always wondered why the clock moving on the train shows time dilation compared to the one at the station, when it is a condition of the theory that the frames of reference are only relative to each other and not relative to an absolute reference frame. In other words, couldn’t we argue that relative to the clock on the train’s frame of reference , the clock at the station is moving and should therefore show time dilation?

  2. 我的这篇为主的文章上网评论仅仅十几个小时,就统一被封杀了。(Subscribe for regular science videos: @t​ for DAILY videos: @t
    89,161次观看•2019年6月17日)(耶鲁科学家验证量子跃迁确属连续过程,并成功开发量子跃迁 ..@t​ › …
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    Jun 15, 2019 — 在研究中,研究人员通过特制的高速监测系统,成功捕捉到了量子跃迁将要发生的起始时间,并以此在量子跃迁进行到一半的时候人为逆转量子态 …)李辉林注:这是我的论文“动力学基础理论的提出及应用原理示意”发表9年后;“宇宙物质结构动力学”网络公开(国内7年、国外5年)后,看到的第一篇国际论证“物质非能量转化”地足以推翻杨振宁“量子伪科学”为封建专制服务,及抢劫、剽窃“宇宙客观真理”否定欧美文明地权威佐证报道。
    李辉林评论:总书记高呼“要发展量子科学”。就将几年前被我驳斥得体无完肤的陈词滥调又都重新放于网上。上Google网上去查看原文,却只有标题没有内容了。看来都是被那些科学巨骗们忽悠的(大陆伪科学的癞蛤蟆们一叫,台湾的伪科学癞蛤蟆们也都跟着一起叫。当然首要的不是为了某个政治人物。而是只有维护文化精神领袖,才能巩固不劳而获靠嘴巴成就生存“真理”的伪科学、文化、知识垃圾精英的荣誉、地位、利益。)!想用“电子光”物理作用,人为地设计一个“量子”伪物理概念替代 [本来想用“电子跃迁存在不连续的突变”来解释存在“物质与能量交换的量子过度现象”。被耶鲁大学的科学实验证明“电子跃迁是连续的”而破碎:薛定谔的“猫”从来就是鲜活的“电子”,是被人类所谓的科学精英们自己始终坚持近百年装死制造出地幻觉“量子”彻底死了。就想干脆用“量子跃迁”混淆、取代占有“电子跃迁”回避掉其“物质变能量地不连续性”。]。设计出“量子”的原始定义是“物质与能量地相互转化”。那么它不论作为物质还是作为能量都应该是可以实际收集储存(存在)的。可它与“光”一样只是在电子的“得”或“失”时地物质结构力地一种反应现象,电子平衡时“光”就没有了踪影(此时的元素没有电子成对地一入一出,而“量子兔成对出现就纠缠无踪影”了?),所以是不可收集储存与直接使用的臆造物质与盗窃物理现象,仅仅只是将“控制储存的基本物质电子运动,引起物质结构能量反应出的光现象及利用其物理特性,进行比特(状态)再分解(光的路径、偏振、角速度还可以做若干地分劈)获取更多的计算机运算、存储的开关单元。但是最终必须还是要还原成电子物质才能进行有效的存放。”。如“有光”(1)与“无光”(0)的计算机存储,只能靠电子的“得电”(1)与“失电”(0)来实现的。其讲解中除了将“量子”当做佛祖的名号供奉于神坛,就没有介绍出任何其具体有地实际作为。所以其“量子”没有任何实际意义,只是盗取、占有了“电子与光的物质结构与能量变化反应”的关系地“伪科学概念”。如果没有电子运动,“光”就不可能存在,“量子”更完全是垃圾科学家们脑袋里多余的“狗屎”。以你们的这种“科学理论思维”:高锟先生的“光纤技术理论”,还有“光碟信息技术理论”就都应该脱离“以电子为基础技术理论”而归依你们臆造的“正统”,作为“量子计算机的辅助材料理论”叫“量子科学技术理论体系”了?如果再对计算机追根寻源,其人类发明的第一台计算机就是使用“电子管”靠其发光运行计算、存储的,不就已经是你们这种欺骗逻辑的“量子计算机”了吗?逻辑理论上就是“挂伪真理的狗头,卖科学的羊肉。”,盗用一些成功的实用科学手段,去“证明伪真理”主观意志。将自然科学主观复杂诡异化,成为被主观封建专治说教控制地典型教义。(国内外都统一地封杀我的个人网页上的科学论文、评论、《证据》,只允许我做些时事评论,不允许做揭露伪科学的评论与论述。预示着“人类社会的专制与“民主”从意识形态上正在接受、效仿伪基础科学欺骗性地思想认识方法,用主观搞乱客观而趋于统一去专制、奴役人类!”。2020年12月7日)
    F=ma 0=m0 ? (加速度等于零时,物体运动不需要动力?)
    F=mv=-a'm=F' (物体做匀速运动时,加速度等于阻力加速度。)
    E=M²C² (校正爱因斯坦缺失了阻力的“能量公式”,E=M²C² 为正确的能量等于质量的平方乘上速度的平方。)

  3. 【被杨振宁带领中科院抢劫、剽窃,用于否定牛顿和爱因斯坦都错得离谱的科学论文(理论及公式)之一。】 (第八/八)
    【注:此宇宙物质结构的动力能量原理分为上下两篇文章论述,上篇以数理分析论述为主,所以有大量的数学公式和图表在论文中,网络上不能正确传递讯息。所以就不完整上传,只上传“内容提要”之前部分。因为此论文2009年投稿钱学森创办的《中国力学》被建议改投“物理类”而转投杨振宁创办的《中国理论物理》,被杨振宁带领中科院截取剽窃,并用其理论和公式否定“牛顿与爱因斯坦都错得离谱”!可他们不知道该论文2010年被中国科技部科技学术杂志《中国新技术新产品》发表(论文标题被该期刊封面采用。),国内刊号:CN11_5601/T;国际刊号:issn 1673_9957。如果有兴趣可以在网上搜索。其论文的副标题就在提示与牛顿力学及爱因斯坦的相对论,是继续探索、发展中的关系,并不是要去颠覆否定。2015年开始在国际网络上指出杨振宁获诺贝尔奖的论文的虚假成分,及吴健雄为其证明手段做伪。2017年杨振宁弃美投中,否定美国教育及基础科学都落后中国!当我提出在我的个人网页上有科学论文理论、证据、资料可以充分证明其抢劫、剽窃时,就将我的国际网络上的个人网页、个人邮箱、云端资料的账户和密码全部封锁。甚至连网上“评论”功能都被取消(直到九个月后的2020年1月我从国内回到居住国后,才唯一开放了我在国际网上的部分评论权限及部分网页功能。)。当然杨振宁是东西方共同最高文明的代表,在国际网络上受到如此地保护,是不应该只局限在哪一方的。2019年12月上旬我在国内与曾经发表了上篇的出版社联系出版下篇一事,被告之:再不能在国家级刊物发表,在取消英文标题、内容提要、关键词,删除论文后面的“说明”并必须注明作者所在单位后,可以在省市级刊物上发表。在此上传其完整的下篇、是在上篇的数理理论的基础上,从最微观世界到最宏观世界,论述宇宙及所有物质全都是由不可消灭,也不可创造的电子、质子、中子三种永恒地最基本物质的性质和相互作用变化所组成的各种物理层级与各种变化现象。所以宇宙自然当然就是永恒存在的,不断变化的只是这三种基本物质在其中的各物理层级地排列组合。当然在我这个网页上的其它文章中还有一些论述涉及到,但是更大量的证明资料、图片、文章现在还是不让上传的。即使以前成功上传的小部分也是被网络封锁删除了的。
    “机电动力变速理论向恒功率理论发展的先进性与实用性”、2008年《中国科教创新导刊》、 (国家科技部主管、科技文献出版社出版、提出了国际最新最先进的动力理论。)。】

    中国湖北武汉 李辉林
    Abstract: in 300 years ago the Newtonian mechanics was born
    during the modern industry germination times, basically the gravity, explosive
    force or trajectory force was primarily studied. The industrial science
    develops up today, as the kinetic foundation the Newtonian mechanics should be
    developed followed by dynamic, have a complete theory system to face all
    dynamical phenomenon (including personal force). Such as:electromechanical dynamics, hot dynamics or
    hydrodynamics and so on , it is the most important part in all personal living
    environments. There will have some questions if they are interpreted by the
    Newtonian mechanics. The most basic reason is that the Newtonian mechanics
    takes the disposable use of force as the object of research but the modern
    mechanics mostly needs to face the situation of the long-enduring use of force,
    and photo-electrical and the Big Bang Theory

  4. ok… a simple thought experiment…
    You have a spaceship in empty space,
    He is always stationary to it's self.
    He starts accelerating from it's starting point by 1m/s that requires a force of 1N.
    He has now accelerated to 50% of the speed of light from it's starting point.
    BUT relative to it self, it's still stationary object and it's not moving at all…
    THEREFOR it's accelerating from 0 again even tho relative to it's starting point it's traveling at 50% of the speed of light…
    In that manner, you can go infinite speed and your mass will stay the same relative to it self… so you will still be needing just 1N of force to keep the same acceleration…

  5. Brilliant. Best ever derivation I have seen. However I couldn't see, from just only what was presented before 23min18secs, why we can definitely deduce that KE+mc^2 = the total energy E. What am I missing?

  6. I don't like this derivation, even if you explain very well, because this is the usual derivation that I had always read in books of Physics and there is always this "shorcut" that you make also ( ) about this "total energy" that you define and don't justify. This is very disturbing and frustating because the final result is not consequently very rigorous. I prefer the original derivation by Einstein himself that explain better the meaning of the energy in the rest frame.

  7. I recall reading that Einstein only used and popularized this "famous equation". Contrary to popular belief he was NOT the first to use it and, in fact, on something like five different occasions he tried to derive it and FAILED to do so!

  8. I don't mean to bust Einsteins chops but doesn't this just look like the kinetic energy equation. I think the only reason that it works is because the speed of light is so large. Mass can be infinitely small. Like an asymptote approaching zero.
    This also makes it very hard to disprove. If E is set equal to zero.
    Then mass has to be essentially zero. How can you square the speed of light if the speed of light is finite in its singularity. I'm just saying there's a problem with the problem.

  9. I have never seen a better tutorial about relativity. I am very impressed how you manage to combine ‘complex’ formulas with a ‘simple and easy’ to follow narrative in such a way that you really feel that you understand what is presented. This kind of teachers are the ones that, as a kid, you will remember for the rest of your life.

    If you allow me one suggestion: consider (where possible) not spell out the same formula every time again because the listener is already reading it and is already familiar with the formula. But maybe that is only my preference and not that of other listeners.

    Thanks for your passion and effort to explain difficult matter in an easy way 👍!

  10. 23:16 the E on the left hand side bugged me for quite a while until i found out that when you set v to 0 in the expression on the left (KE=..) you get -mc^2, and it makes more sense to set the left hand of that equation to 0 as kinetic energy is 0 when something is not moving. so…this whole theory of relativity is based on the weird observation that out of all things in nature, light moves at a constant speed regardless of where you measure it.

    judging by the current state of quantum mechanics idk if humans are able to wrap our heads around this matrix…so.. try buddhism?

  11. Can someone please explain to me the insight which lead to the knowledge that if you add mc^2 to the kinetic energy, that this expression must be the total energy? (23:19)

  12. This hurts my brain… a lot. It is so mind-blowing that we figured this out. It also amazes me that we have people that are intelligent enough to understand this.

  13. One incredible observation is that you can interpret the Energy-Momentum Equation as
    E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2.
    The Pythagorean Theorem can give a geometric perspective where E is the hypotenuse of two orthogonal dimensional vectors given by momentum, p, and mass, m – each scaled by speed of light c.

  14. Einstein is actually the father of quantum mechanics and won a Nobel Prize for describing quanta (photons) for the photoelectric effect. Einstein didn't adopt quantum mechanical theories, but he discovered the quanta in physics.

  15. One thing I've always wondered about that final equation: E² = m²c⁴ + p²c² is that it's clearly a pythagorean triple. So, is there some context where Energy can be conceptualized as a "distance"?

  16. It's NOT Einsteins..and it is ridiculous gibberish having no relation to science or reality. It is a WEAPON OF PROPAGANDA to seduce idiots into a never ending trap. A Cruel JOKE.. A FARSE..A SHAME..A CURSE ON HUMAN ADVANCEMENT AND UNDERSTANDING.

  17. I am confused by the 'Trade's" (Physicists) insistence on using 'time' as a 'descriptor' when IT is…well, 'wrong' is wrong, as the term 'time' is basically 'meaning-less', so 'inaccurate' is not accurate either…I will go with 'meaningless', be still my beating Heart, &: when you are 'repeating the convention' 'time dilation' you are actually 'conceptualizing' the Fact of 'Change' and 'change' alone…

    to ask 'how long does 'change' take to take Place' the answer is 'It's Relative'…do I really have to say more? does the 'expression' 'Change Dilation' have a place in your minds_conceptions to 'replace' 'meaningless' with something Cogent as a 'verb_based_Equation?'

    Relative to the Observer, a Planck Second is 'viewed' as a Photon (are viewed as the carriers of the electromagnetic interaction between electrically charged elementary particles. Photon numbers are not conserved. Photons are created or annihilated in the right numbers) being 'tracked' as 'changing' positions from one 'point' to 'an other point'…time is this case is a 'construct' that requires a 'technology' to 'breath life into the concept of time'…but this does not make it Real…

    do 'divide-on-to-the-Atom' & view it within one's mind requires the Ability to not-take preconditioned 'ideas' in to the Planck Arena..see?..

    so to take a Clock with you, is just a 'convention' that allows you to 'attempt' to Converse intelligently about your 'speculations'…

    time does NOT Dilate, except in your Mind…the Plank Arena is "FLOW" without 'points-of-reference' nor 'points-of-view', Except when viewed thru 'Mind' & Time is a Human_pre-occupation…not a Planck Reality nor Attribute nor property…

    Space is a Place where Change takes Place…no Space? no Change…what does a 'clock' have to do with that? Space_Change?

    Photons are still just carving a worm_hole thru Space_Change as a 'flow' or 'tunnel': regardless of 'how' a human-mind 'clocks' it…and the Fact that Photons "appear" to Be 'Clock-able', is Just the Nature of this Fact: Everything must have a "Space to Be" or 'exist'…Every_Space or Container or Universe must have a 'foundation':

    'segmenting the Flow of the Photon_carving trough Space_Change is all 'time' reveals…put it back together & there is no 'time'…thus time is a human convention & invention, AND this is not to say 'do not use it', it is to say 'educate' those you are 'teaching' to this Fact…as the 'tool' of time is Pivotal in the Process of Understanding, named 'pivotal' as it is a 'crucial' tool & Pivotal in the Sense there will come a 'Time' when y'all will 'dispense' with it through Direct_experience & Evolution_of_mind…if y'all work on IT, & IT is just the "Rigors" of the Scientific_Method, a Method Newton used to 'clear' his own Mind…then passed on to Scientist who Take there very Name from the 'Method' of Mental Discipline & Clearing that Newton took to the nth Degree…like Me…Scientist…no Arrogance…just a Fact…

    The Foundation of this Place in Space_change is 'Founded' upon 'Light', with 'photon' as the 'Communication_Particle' in the Baryonic Universe…& the Atom, obviously, is a 'self_contained_magnetic_field_generator, that Generates a 'Quantum_Vacuum' at it's Heart, & this is where I would like to have Planck's "Let there Be Light" equation Speak, but I will go with Lenard Cohen's 'the Cracks where the Light gets in' as more 'human'…which is Scientist lose their Humanity so easily, A-Bomb wise yet set-to-do-it-all-again..binary minds & their 'addiction' to 'conventions' & regurgitation of these Patterns…unconsciously…& may be that is my job…to wake y'all up…

    Light-as-a-Photon has a 'Foundational_speed' that you can 'clock' as all Foundations are founded upon a 'constant'…circle of truth & simple…
    as a "Communication_particle" photons are a 'analogue' to a 'field in the quantum Universe 'expressing' it's Attributes in the Container_where-material can Be Changed…change is NOT an Attribute of the Quantum Universe…& that is a different Treatment…

    i will not spend the time 'un-packing' that, you all are able & I hold you to Be Such…

    Ancients Knew the Above…they measured 'Change' with all their 'Tech' made of Stone…call me a Primitive then, 'cus Truth is Truth…

  18. I used another approach: v = d/t, a = v/t => a = d/t^2; F = m.a => F = m.d/t^2; W = F.d => W = m.d.d/t^2 => W = m.d^2/t^2 => W = m.(d/t)^2 => W = m.v^2
    Since Work = energy and "c" in the Einstein equation is light velocity, W = m.v^2 is (almost) the same as E = m.c^2

  19. Einstein was wrong…you can go faster than light…OUR sun shoots out light at a certain speed…a more powerful sun might have faster speed…then there is gravity slowing down the photons…empty space should be relatively gravity free and there for go faster than light

  20. We wish to understand what this equation means , it means Kaboom :), I understand your explanation, very neat very clear, but I still don't buy it, now explain to me what happened to the delay in time it takes an outside observer to view what's going on the train, what happened to his lag in vision, doesn't light take time to get to him as well, wouldn't that cancel out the time dilation? I just want to understand

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