VocabularyHelp – Learn English Words With Meaning
What does Judicious mean? Learn the meaning of Judicious as we define this advanced vocabulary word with a simple definition, pictures, example sentences, English pronunciation and audio.
Judicious definition (adjective) showing intelligence and good judgment
Judicious pronunciation: joo-dish-uh s
Examples of Judicious in a sentence:
1. Since I have a small budget, I have to be judicious about my purchases.
2. Because of the doctor’s experience, he was a judicious fellow who was well-respected by his colleagues.
3. The experienced software engineer is judicious when it comes to finding the best way to code a software application.
4. Judicious investors will only put their money into stocks which will provide them with hefty profits.
5. When it comes to choosing friends, be very judicious and choose wisely!
Judicious synonyms and other related words for Judicious
prudent, reasonable, wise, sensible, rational, discreet, sound, politic, sagacious, sane, sage, intelligent, discerning, perceptive, shrewd, sapient, careful, expedient, practical, cautious, circumspect, diplomatic, logical, perspicacious, well-rounded, considerate, discriminating, sober, tactful, thoughtful
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adj. förståndig, klok; omdömesgill, välbetänkt, rationell
The experienced detective is judicious when looking for clues in solving crimes.
One must be judicious when subscribing to vocabulary YouTube channels. ?