Consciousness Videos

DMT & the Nature of Reality: Consciousness, Spirit Realms, Multiverse Theory

Jonas Rosen

DMT is commonly known as the “Spirit Molecule” for its profound psychedelic effects. In this video, I discuss why the DMT experience raises fundamental questions about the nature of reality, consciousness, and the cosmos.

DMT users report incredible out of body experiences, visits to spiritual realms of existence, bizarre entity encounters, and even mystical experiences of cosmic unity.

From parallel universes to the afterlife, what might Dimethyltryptamine reveal about the mysteries of the universe?

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Forgotten Dawn- Lost

Thumbnail: Alex Grey


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30 thoughts on “DMT & the Nature of Reality: Consciousness, Spirit Realms, Multiverse Theory
  1. I think that we all have a piece of the puzzle with religion. I think these beings are humans and when god says “we will have homes to build and work today” what if our homes is our own space and time and we can do as we wish with it. Just like there are different biomes here on earth the same things in the spirit world. People saw different parts of it and made their own religions around it.

  2. I can believe that natural psycadelics can "release" us temporarily from what we know as our physical bodies and show us whats beyond what the human senses can pick up on. Places like heaven, hell, purgatory ect could be places within that higher dimension/reality. Things like dmt and other powerful natural phsycadelics may just be givingbus a glympse, a small introduction to the vast existence beyond our human vessels, a place where our soul uses as a way station of sorts between our lifetimes if thats what we choose.. maybe its a place where our souls can "retire" (heaven?) Once our souls have fulfilled whatever it is that it is trying to achieve unbeknowst to us while we are "human".. as someone who was raised to believe in god or a "higher power", i would like to believe we that when we die we end up at this waypoint or demention where whatever higher power we believe in gives a a choice or an option on if we want to "run it back" n try again or if we are ready to move on to something "more" somethimg diffrent! If thats the case im sure many ppl are afraid of the unknown and will choose what they known over n over again for lifetimes!!…..i also gotta believe that who we are or have been in our human lives will have a certain level of impact on our options going foward once we reach that waypoint in reality…. perhaps what we know as "ghosts" or spirits are simply souls that reject and dont accept the higher reality and return to the "realm" they know. Perhaps they are souls that do not want to "start over" forgetting and wanting to hold on to their most recent lived life! Therefore accepting a existence of a "limbo" where i retain ur memories but cannot move fowars nor backward!.. honestly one can go crazy pondering the possibilities of "existence" the "whys" and "what ifs" but all we can do is live what we know, deal with what is right in front of us, and everyone will eventually "find out". Whether that means reremembering things we (our souls) have always known n simoly cannot access as a human vessel, or if its something brand new the only 100% sure thing is WE WILL FIND OUT one way or another, some sooner some later, and perhaps some over n over again through out multiple lifetimes just to do it all over again!! i say we just make the most out of what we know and what out human bodies and senses are telling us is "real" right now..! Its good enough for me…for now atleast! We will figure out the rest eventually/inevitably and hopefully all or most will be revealed at a time we can "handle" the info.

  3. Thank you for this wonderful video. It was fascinating and really well done. 🙂 DMT changed my life profoundly for the better. I was telling my dear Friend, about how it made me feel, and to me, DMT is like "Coming Home."

  4. Spiritually speaking (gender aside), matriarchal (gnostic) wisdom can begin with a fundamental understanding of the cyclical nature of reality (God).

    Represented by the snake in many creation myths, the living cycle has a trinity of a beginning (head), a middle and end (tail). As above so below, the sexes were created in the image of God's cyclical nature where Mother is the head and opening to all beginnings and Father holds the tail to all endings (through which the sowing of seeds allow for the next great matriarchal rebirth).The joining of the two (symbolized by the Ouroborus or the marriage ring) is the sacred union needed in assuring the creation and continuation of new life cycles. To speak of the present day God as "Our Father" is simply an admission to our collective positioning within the bigger cycle.

    As all mothers have direct experience with the creator quality of birthing, so is the direct experience of rebirthing the divinity within (baptism) belong to that which is spiritually matriarchal. (John 3, verse 3-8).

    Sekhmet statues (ancient Egyptian) carry most of their weight in symbolic memory of what was a mother culture dedicated to the direct experience of baptism. As the leg shaped hairlocks extend from maternal breasts to the womb of rebirth, the lioness's head proportions are such that they highlight the bust of a second animal figure. The Lioness's ears as eyes and eyes as nose (nostrils) brings to life the figure of a reptile. 'Neath the halo headress of the solar egg, the lioness's egg fertilization process being internal (Set) and the reptile's egg fertilization process being external (Setting), such being key components to the safety of entering the trans-egoic or "born again" state. The life threatening fear associated with the predatory nature of a lion and/or crocodile encounter are reflective of the intense ego death experiences associated with the transpersonal awakening process.

    In spiritually matriarchal times, illumination could be seen as wearing the false beard (ancient Egyptian funerary "ego" death mask) as the high state of cyclical self knowing; high awareness of both our upper matriarchal half and our lower (later) patriarchal half (compared with a mini lower body replica, an "as above so below" tail end beard extension); in full recognition of her civilizational Underworld, her inevitable cyclical destiny. The male pharaoh wears his beard tapered in reverse, indicating a pointing upwards towards the patriarchal head, divine representative of God's tail end cycle.

    Mary Magdalene's anointing and wiping of Jesus's feet with her hair can then be seen as head to tail (toe) imagery as she descends her matriarchal head to his patriarchal feet, thus reenacting the high understanding of the divine cyclical process. (John 12:3)

    To carry the Ankh was perhaps to symbolically carry that upper and lower understanding. As the upper matriarchal womb symbolised the fertile birthing of civilization, below, the now Christian cross is carried to place emphasis on the lower (later) "End Times" Father principle of the great cycle.

    Lord Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu diety, displays a cyclical head to trunk symbolism and points to the Mother head of his matriarchal elephant society. Ganesha (like the elephant) wears God's cyclical nature on his face.

    A whole temple was dedicated to the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, who is the matriarchal "Uterus" personified.

    "See all women as mothers, serve them as your mother. When you see the entire world as the mother, the ego falls away. See everything as Mother and you will know God." – Neem Karoli Baba

  5. If it was mentioned, please forgive me for bringing this up again. But, when a human brain is dying it releases massive amounts of DMT, so I believe that this is why those nde are so similar to the “trip” of taking DMT. I truly believe that this is because it definitely is the merkaba or ascension tool our consciousness uses to transcend to the next level of existence.

  6. They don't seem to get into any bad experiences in Spirit, and I've read or listened to as many bad DMT trips as good. If these realms or beings are real, I'd love to know why people go to bad places or meet beings that mistreated them.

  7. MYSTIC – Obvious, but incredible!

    To prove that our world is not what they think about it, including the above, I use my mystical research of the interaction of consciousness and reality in online roulette, one mystical screenshot of which is shown in the picture of my YouTube channel (all videos in private access).


    “Our world is a civilization of orcs (Cains) – evil primitive semi-entities that do not have their own intellect.

    These creatures are controlled by something like the "Matrix", the most graphic description of what is the "Plato's Cave".

    The Matrix does not know English or any other language, its algorithms react reflexively to human emotions and evoked feelings. These algorithms are imposed by a special cosmic radiation known as the "Maya Illusion".

    A special reflex bio-mechanism of the "slammer*" plunges each consciousness, first into a kind of hypnotic sleep, then into identification with the role assigned to it.

    Consciousness in a "normal" state is not able to influence social processes in the Matrix, because it observes them in the post factum mode.

    The concept of the matrix is the only thing that can somehow explain and help to realize the nightmare that is now happening in the world.

    What to do? Take the red pill, that is the knowledge of the "slammer".

    *In the meaning “to slam the book”–it slams the true reality”..

    I am Ukrainian. Today I am in a difficult situation. If you can support my research in exchange for access to my private videos, please email me.

    /Yam Esotericist/.

  8. This video needs wayyy more views then it already has!! Thank you for creating this 👁 opening video for everyone too expand on there consciousness, there are a lot of people that need too to try this amazing chemical!!

  9. Edgar Cayce claimed to visit the Akashi Record after a childhood brain injury.. He was illiterate. He described complex medical diagnoses and conditions in we're still learning about today In astonishing and accurate detail. And he could do do in any language (Chinese,, Korean, German, French, Dutch or English) as long as he remained sleeping. He described going to visit the " Akashi Record", which just happens to be the name of the library of what one NDE story said is the name of the big library in the place we visit after death. How would such an odd name be a coincidence unless this is the most elaborate hoax ever? The NDE isn't from and author either. So now can link Edgar Cayce (brain injury) to DMT & NDEs. It all becomes so clear.

  10. Great video! You know, the most intreging thing to me of the NDE experience is how many people come back saying that, while in the experience, having the overwhelming sense of,"Of course! How could I have forgotten this?". Esthetically, the experience vary but this tends to be a common theme. Glad I found your channel!

  11. That’s crazy I keep seeing eyes in this video cuz the last time it happened to me I seen eyes float in then stop and slowly turning all while they’re looking at me. Then I seen this large gate opening.

  12. Not DMT trip but, had some interesting experiences on Salvia.

    First time, I ended up in some old ass bakery with some dude baking some bread. Came back from the trip laughing my ass off.

    Second time, smoked it while watching Pan's Labyrinth. Ended up being pulled into that place and stepped in a creek, felt real. Came back laughing my ass off.

    Third time, did it in a dark room. Was transported to some weird place that was within an infinite looking tunnel with this repeating geometric pattern creating the tunnel. There was a presence with me, a woman. She felt comforting as if I have known her for a very long time. She was just there with me. Came back not laughing my ass off. Just happy.

    I want to try DMT. Want to see where I go and who I meet.

  13. What make more sense there are independent dmt worlds that can be accessed by taking dmt? Or that Pythagoras was correct "that this world was like a stage we are actors on that stage." We are all one, we all share the same consciousness. So right in your face all the time that is the cosmic joke, you are not real. You are is real as you want to be. You are a persistent illusion. This fact will not benefit you in anyway nor will it make u rich and if you tell people this all at you like you are the mad man. Dmt is most likely part of the homoeostasis and pattern recognition to much naturally occurring dmt you go crazy you start to see patterns in a rug, and to little brain cannot pick up on linked information. This is all speculation on my part.I believe that schizophrenia and genius runs in families. A perfect example of this is in the movie a beautiful mind. Also I believe that Albert Einstein family also suffers from schizophrenia. Schizophrenias see meaning where there is non. If you google schizophrenia dmt and pee found I believe 30% to 40% dmt. You listen to Schizophrenias sound like they are on 30mg to 20mg of dmt all the time. Look at the art of Louis Wain you most likely seen it before.

  14. We are literally related to DMT…How is it that dmt just so happens to be apart of our makeup and if consumed, we end up experiencing higher levels of consciousness and divine realms…Really says a lot about the nature of our consciousness. You're really bridging the gap between the spirit world and what we call the physical world. Jonas, I can't wait to see the unfolding of what your work brings to fruition.

  15. Great video man it gave me goosebumps and the duration is 15min is just like the experience!! I’ll share some of my own with the spirit molecule. In my first experience i just surrendered my self and continued upwards towards the light until I merged with the source and felt oneness. It changed my life to say the least. I can say that one of the biggest lessons i got was realizing that depending on how i related during the experience it would change. For my second experience i had a moment that i desired to see other beings but I was a bit scared about the idea and that expression quickly manifested as a very real and terrifying alien abduction. I was in a hospital bed surrounded by grey looking aliens who were doing experiments on me. Feeling terrified i looked into their large black eyes and remembered that I was everything including them. As soon as i had this realization the beings began to celebrate and exploded into what i can only describe as colorful geometric fireworks of crystals. They would explode and then take form again and they no longer looked like the grey aliens abducting me they looked more like jesters or jokers but those long black eyes remained. They were putting on a show and basically told me that they are always creating our reality depending on what we think and desire but for that moment they could take a break thanks to my realization we could see face to face which was shocking to all. I haven’t returned to the spirit molecule in over 15 years but the positive impact it had on my life and the memories are with me forever.

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