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32 thoughts on “Does Consciousness Continue After We Die? – Jim Tucker – 4/26/23
  1. This is not to take away from Einstein or his achievements but I lways found that Max Planck is the greatest scientist of all time especially from his quote that mind is the matrix of all matter.

  2. Those cases of people talking about other life in the past are in reality demons living in those persons. Demons are the ones speaking and giving information, dates, names etc. Reencarnation is not real, is a lie. The demons decieved people doing that, is part of the plan to make some reject the true gospel. Bring those people with those experiences to me, I will rebuke those demons and you will se if they keep having those memories or experiencies of reencarnation. The Bible clearly in Hebres 9: 27 rejects the "reeincarnation" .

  3. Near death experiences and out of body experiences are nothing more than dying brain cells firing randomly and going haywire as they start to die. It takes many hours, if not days for every brain cell to completely die, for every neuron to stop firing and for electrical activity deep inside the brain to completely stop. Some near death experiences and out of body experiences conflict each other, they can't all be right but they can all be wrong. The laws of physics do not allow there to be an afterlife. There are other explanations for NDEs and OBEs, due to the lack of oxygen getting to the brain, these brain cells spontaneously fire and are a result of the chemicals in the brain. Quantum field theory says that there is one field for every type of particle. They can not be any spirit particles or spirit forces that can interact with are regular atoms because we would of detected them in existing experiments. Any new type of particle or force that we have not yet detected would: 1) Be too weakly interacting, 2) Be too heavy to create, 3) be too short lived to detect or 4) Interacting over too short ranges. In any case the new type of particle or force would not be relevant to what the atoms are doing in your brain and body. Your soul is just a certain pattern of arrangement of protons, neutrons and electrons interacting with each other via electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force and gravity which essentially gives us our spirit. Consciousness is a series of atoms and electrons which essentially gives us our mind. There is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and there is clearly no way for the soul to survive death. Energy is absolutely conserved upon death. Unfortunately conversion to spiritual of conscious energy is not one of them and your consciousness and spirit is not conserved in any way. The electrical energy of your brain simply ceases to be and will change form to a higher entropy which is a more disordered form of energy namely heat. This heat energy is not your spirit or consciousness, it is just the most disordered form of energy, thus all energy will eventually be converted into heat energy.

    I have 3 videos here explaining it here:, and

  4. Near death experiences and out of body experiences are nothing more than dying brain cells firing randomly and going haywire as they start to die. It takes many hours, if not days for every brain cell to completely die, for every neuron to stop firing and for electrical activity deep inside the brain to completely stop. Some near death experiences and out of body experiences conflict each other, they can't all be right but they can all be wrong. The laws of physics do not allow there to be an afterlife. There are other explanations for NDEs and OBEs, due to the lack of oxygen getting to the brain, these brain cells spontaneously fire and are a result of the chemicals in the brain. Quantum field theory says that there is one field for every type of particle. They can not be any spirit particles or spirit forces that can interact with are regular atoms because we would of detected them in existing experiments. Any new type of particle or force that we have not yet detected would: 1) Be too weakly interacting, 2) Be too heavy to create, 3) be too short lived to detect or 4) Interacting over too short ranges. In any case the new type of particle or force would not be relevant to what the atoms are doing in your brain and body. Your soul is just a certain pattern of arrangement of protons, neutrons and electrons interacting with each other via electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force and gravity which essentially gives us our spirit. Consciousness is a series of atoms and electrons which essentially gives us our mind. There is no way for the information stored in your brain to persist after you die and there is clearly no way for the soul to survive death. Energy is absolutely conserved upon death. Unfortunately conversion to spiritual of conscious energy is not one of them and your consciousness and spirit is not conserved in any way. The electrical energy of your brain simply ceases to be and will change form to a higher entropy which is a more disordered form of energy namely heat. This heat energy is not your spirit or consciousness, it is just the most disordered form of energy, thus all energy will eventually be converted into heat energy.

    I have 3 videos here explaining it here:, and

  5. I’m not convinced to be honest. Every time I listen to presentations like this I just get presented with anecdotal evidence which means nothing really and certainly can’t be qualified as scientific. I had what’s called a NDE myself but caused through overwork and little sleep. Had the same experiences listed multiple times but I see it for what it is. A biological reaction to physical trauma. Nothing more, nothing less.

  6. I used to believe the reincarnation but when you think carefully there are some major problems in Stevenson's research. For example, the wounds seen in the next life body make all reincarnation theory much weaker not stronger. Let's say you believe the soul is given a new chance with reincarnation, but on the contrary, it seems "the soul" is punished in the "new body" with physical problems carried from the previous life. Or simply reincarnation is not true, It is just Stevenson arrived at the scene where the link had already been established by the local people because of these wounds in the children. It feels like Stevenson is just there to confirm something already accepted in the local society.

  7. Our bodies fail. We as conscious beings cannot die. If we are individualized sparks of light from the fundamental light of the cosmos there is no way we can die. Cosmic light, not sunlight, does not die. If we were not individualized sparks of light we would not be conscious or have a body.

  8. Drugs as anesthesia's do marvelous things to the brain. Even the human body produces chemicals to alter ones mood. Unfortunately when you are dead all the electrical activity in the brain stops. Has anyone weighed a "SOUL". I don't think so Olie 🤣👀.

  9. I would like to believe that there is such a thing as reincarnation. But how do you explain population growth? The world population is growing at 10 000 people per hour. Where did they all come from? Sorry for my English.

  10. When did this consciousness trait arise in the evolution of mammals, or just hominids? Or early Homo sapiens. The oldest known Homo sapiens fossil is over 300,000 years old. Just asking. Seems important.

  11. It seems to me that quite a number of the worlds greatest thinkers all down the centuries are in agreement that consciousness is the source of everything. It is primary and fundamental. And evidence continues to mount that this is very likely the case.🤓

  12. The human body is but a vehicle making the human consciousness visible to others.

    And the condition of the human body itself is a manifestation of the level of spiritual/mental/emotional consciousness which inhabits it.

    To scientists, the outer conditions may appear to be those in which the body resides but the truth is, it is the consciousness which dwells within, experiences and responds to the outer conditions.

    We can live in two dimensions—that of the physical world in which our bodies resides, bringing us our experiences—and that of the higher standpoint of Christ Consciousness which will enable us to transcend the humanhood and radiate thoughts and feelings into our situations from that state of being Christ termed the "Kingdom of Heaven."

    I must remind you and ask you to fully realize—that we are not bodies possessing consciousness—we are:

    "Divine Consciousness individualized into separate "consciousness beings" and made visible on earth by means of electrical particles drawn and bonded together into elements, to give us visible living form according to a fundamental physical pattern."

    To understand the Truth of Existence and the origins of our physicality, we must make daily efforts to rid ourselves of the limited earthly perception that the body receives its "beingness" and is conceived and developed entirely—and only—according to unchangeable physical/scientific laws.

    In place of our old limited human beliefs, we must make daily efforts to develop a strong, clear realization that our "personal reality"—our soul (the essence of Divine Life)—is drawn directly from All Reality—SOURCE of BEING.

    Our physical body also draws Life from All Reality at the moment of conception, but it is also tempered by the initial plane of "consciousness vibrational frequencies" out of which our body was conceived. It is constricted and encapsulated ever more strongly as the years pass, by the magnetic-emotional "bonding-rejection" impulses ("sin") which control the human consciousness.

    So do not judge the inner development of any species, human or otherwise, by their outer physical bodies. All living things are individualized out of the same Divine Life.

  13. No,*of course( not, for want of one to know because consciousness me-a-n-s * with_ knowledge and without one to know or experience, there can be no knowledge. That is axiomatic

  14. I have my own personal story of reincarnation. No one can tell me it's just a story if I experienced it myself. The things I spoke of in such detail as a 2 year old should not be things a child can recall, and it's not from a tv series and everything I watched was with my mother. Though, I don't remember so well. But I'm Christian, how does reincarnation work with that? Many say it's demons giving you false memories.. But do they have those powers in the Bible?
    Well, I'll continue to follow Christianity. If I'm wrong about following, it won't matter, I'll just be reincarnated.

  15. Mr. Tucker, i would have interesting input.
    I was technically and medically dead for consecutive days twice verified by the City in 2012. I would have to argue that consciousness absolutely continues after thay experience.
    (The City could verify that I was medically dead. LAPD could verify that I woke up days later.)

    (I have many people impersonating me, some lookalikes, please dont meet with me in person. The imposters are of bad ethos and have murdered people in the past while pretending to be me. I am a kidnappee and most of these girls are associated with the network of kidnappers, leaving room open for serious crime(s).)

  16. Listened to the full lecture nice it is. I read and saw in movie say Avatar, there are parallel universes and the consciousness may pass into another realm with the experience gained in one life instead of rebirth in the same universe, if at all this is true.

  17. I think this consciousness we have here ends here. NDE happens bc death was just brief. But when death persists we eventually lose this consciousness. We are energy that transforms from one type to another. There's a universe after this life and we must get excited to new different experience after this life. That said why want to reincarnate?

  18. How come these past lives don't include children who died from famine? Or maybe I've missed it. I've listened to this topic and read about it – no mention of victims of famine!! Very strange. Seems to be only a certain "kind" of life that reincarnates.

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