Consciousness Videos

Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains? The 2023 Holberg Debate, feat. Seth, Luhrmann, Sheldrake.

Holberg Prize

Do conscious experiences happen both within and outside the brain, and can science solve the ‘hard problem’ of consciousness?

At this year’s Holberg Debate, Tanya Luhrmann, Anil Seth and Rupert Sheldrake will take on the deep scientific and philosophical mystery of consciousness. The debate will be chaired by David Malone.

The 2023 Holberg Debate will take place on 2 December, at 15:00 CET / 09:00 EST, and will be livestreamed from the University Aula in Bergen.

See our webpage for more information:

The Holberg Debate is an annual event organized by the Holberg Prize.
See previous instalments here: .


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28 thoughts on “Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains? The 2023 Holberg Debate, feat. Seth, Luhrmann, Sheldrake.
  1. the first speaker not the host needs to think further outside the box, he keeps saying things like does my consciousness extend further outside my brain, instead how about your brain is what you are perceiving consciousness through but what if consciousness is all encompassing, meaning there is no separate you or me or anything it is all one entity, and to say there is no compelling evidence is bs, every civilization ever has had this as a core belief, why is that not compelling evidence?

  2. We are all interconnected. Our cells are big pile of goop. Understand that consciousness extends to all of us, everything, every thought and action. By now, im thinking we are living in a simulation, possibly just a computer. Especially when you understand that hyper or super intelligent AI. Is this history repeats? Hard to explain, try watching what the bleep do we know, read about these concepts, they are the most highest way of thinking. Great debate. My 2 cents mates. It might blow your mind when you understand it all. Conciousness. Got to love this topic. 😎👍❤️💪✌️🙏 Love, Respect, Peace

  3. I wish I could have been there. Thanks for your expertise and effort. Amazing. I did several tests on people whilst growing up. I have also connected with a dogs consciousness (the dog decided to show me). I have had some similar ideas of the panelists, and more. I might wish to share with someone like Tania or Rupert. Though I wouldn't want to complete the questions of consciousness to program A Int any time soon. I do believe that our existence here is primarily virtual, but not artificial. The software is held by the creator. To suggest the possibility of another creator, and another software system, it would really be redundant, as we hardly exist here. If there was ever a timeline, this is all history. That is to say, others know our fate.

  4. The organ which was just discovered in the last decade which exists between the skin and muscle I believe and connects the vascular and nervous system to the body and brain which explains all other forms of human consciousness that is not directly or only tied to the brain, pulses of energy. Experiments are nearly impossible to conduct as by doing the experiment you are removing the required conditions for the result – for example someone staring at you. You do not notice every glance. You notice the glances with intention and emotion connected to them – as if our energies are affecting one another – It can sense the burning stare of a man in love or lust at first sight or someone with nefarious intention making the hairs stand up on the back of our necks it is this energy and force perhaps that leaves us when we die. It explains the warm fuzzies or the chills or goosebumps, flight fight, hypervigilance becoming fibromyalgia… The body keeps score it is all connected. Anyone who has had a lot of trauma can tell you its both and that sometimes your brain bypasses you and tells your body things it needs to know that you arent aware of. Its like a camera always recording but files things under need to know basis.

  5. They create broblem called Consciousness Consciousness. The true fact is they control oure Consciousness in 100%. They can;t do it once. They have to control in real time – this is true problem.

  6. All these so called great minds on stage yet none of them mentions that outer space does not exist . Such a simple fact that anyone with a grade one education could figure out and which the Firmament proves . This debate has made no progress and sounds like a Monty Python sketch

  7. not one word on the Akashic records vs the memories in the living brain or Cartesian dualism . Every event by every living person since the beginning of time has been recorded and exists in the Akashic records and can be accessed through meditation and by communication via many types of spirits

  8. If you listen to Pr Seth carefully, he explains it clearly about the prevailing views this community about brain and consciousness; its assumption and not thoroughly investigated (22:26:36). Every investigation or events you throw at him, he elegantly disregards it. Usually science investigates and does not use counter-arguments.. Consciousness is a field energy; believing in God is anthropomorphised by humans or religions and God is speaking to me – again anthropomorphised; I believe that they have experiences, mystic ones. Science 400 years ago was more advances in studding energy fields. Late last century the science has become reductive, simple and physical.

  9. The conciseness stops when the brain stops is an unfound statement, or scientific conclusion. As we are unable to measure it with our current tools and mindset, round 1: 23:50– . Prof Seth, it is time that neuroscience should extend to quantum physics to explain phenomenon. Lets leave the petri dishes behind. The whole medicine has been focused so far (starting mid-end of last century) separating an organ from the whole body, let alone considering consciousness. Reductionism gets a bad rep: I disagree — it is pretty self explanatory and simple; Free will debate- morally v factually; History of Science: are you encountering thousands+++ of years of science or just last 50 years?; the idea of who we are will not change-the idea of how will understand ourselves will change; a solution cannot be solved if we do not put all pieces of puzzle – we are in the last pieces of that puzzle, we are refusing to see them and keep saying that they do not fit; morality is not just connected to a higher purpose – I know atheists who do not commit crimes and are the best citizens; the inner should in majority of people exist through a third party due to the religious institutions indoctrinations to propagate control and fear; Prof Seth when there is evidence you do not take for credit and you immediately present counter-evidence – are you struggling to make and defend a point?; I know this is a big comment; however this will be my last remark: all the physical scientific evidence is ben heard so many times – prof Seth is just putting it more elegantly; in order to find new solutions to the same problem we cannot use the same or similar tools, we need to find new tools.

  10. The concept of consciousness extending beyond the physical brain challenges our deeply ingrained beliefs about privacy and personal space. If our thoughts were no longer confined to our skulls, it would indeed disrupt our sense of mental autonomy.

    Consider this: If consciousness were external to the brain, akin to a shared field of awareness, it might lead to both positive and negative consequences:

    Loss of Privacy: The loss of mental privacy could be unsettling. Imagine if anyone could tap into your thoughts or emotions at any time. It would be like living in a world without mental doors or curtains.

    Empathy and Connection: On the flip side, an interconnected consciousness might foster greater empathy. We’d truly understand each other’s experiences, emotions, and perspectives. This could lead to more compassionate interactions and a deeper sense of shared humanity.

    Ethical Dilemmas: New ethical questions would arise. How do we respect each other’s mental boundaries? What rules govern accessing someone else’s consciousness? Would there be laws against “mind invasion”?

    Collective Decision-Making: If consciousness transcends individual brains, decision-making could become collective. Imagine a global mind where everyone contributes to solving complex problems. But this could also lead to groupthink and loss of individual agency.

    Existential Shift: Our understanding of self would fundamentally change. We’d no longer be isolated minds but interconnected nodes in a vast mental network. This shift could be liberating or disorienting.

    [Ai assisted] 🤓🤗😏

  11. Death was a real eye opener for me…..considering I used to make fun of the jesus freaks and I was one of science and software…….I was so freaking wrong…..wrong..wrong…wrong

  12. Consciousness is in everything , in a matter of Degree, constrained by its physicality and atomic Structure and arrangement . Simple antidotale context is, as in "'ANTENA '' . The frequency as well as Resonance are just the beginning of identifiable attributes. Thank You for Great Conversation.

  13. I had a stroke in 2010 from Moya Moya…….the NDE was something unlike anything else I have ever been through…..would love to chat sometime…….water slide feet first at warp speed was fun.

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