Consciousness Videos

Does Observation Affect Reality?

Josh Peck

Join Josh Peck in Dallas in March of 2019 for the Hear the Watchmen conference! Use promo code Josh20 to get 20 dollars off the price of your tickets. Order now at because it is going to sell out fast! – PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! A big question in quantum physics over at least the past couple of decades is “does observation affect reality”? Does our mere observation of a particle affect its direction? Leave a comment below.

Original Article –

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Now at … check out these titles by Josh Peck:

Quantum Creation: Does the Supernatural Lurk in the Fourth Dimension? –
Cherubim Chariots: Exploring the Extradimensional Hypothesis –
Disclosure: Unveiling Our Role in the Secret War of the Ancients –
The Coming Technocalypse Audio CD Set featuring Doug and Joe Hagmann –

Josh Peck:


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33 thoughts on “Does Observation Affect Reality?
  1. Observation affects reality if the observer is using another form of particle to do the observation. Quantum theory is exquisitely accurate in explaining the world at small scales. Our use of terms like waves and particles are probably not precise, but as the theory says, a particle exists in superposition all the time until its measured (by some experiment, not necessarily by a human). That superposition is a wave function, that is the particle exists everywhere at the same time. Then, hit it with a particle like a photon, and the wave function collapses and we observe what we term a particle at the most likely position as calculated. So that said, an observer such as a human or a device must interact with the particle to measure it. Therefore, it can be said that an interaction is an observer.

  2. So how do they know it behaves as a wave if they cant observe it? Is it because they look at the results after? Some kind of pattern left that you observe AFTER the experiment is done? You cant observe the experiment as its being done is that right?

  3. It is an "intentional" bug…

    Should have make two double slit experiment that placed side by side..

    One with observation
    The other don't

    And spread some talcum powder

  4. I've figured it out. Our eyes don't see the way we have been taught. We obviously don't pick up on light and process it. We project our vision out somehow and it doesn't do much but it will affect the way particles move and it's also why you can "feel" people staring at you. <—- my theory I came up with on midnight shift

  5. while not the same thing… maybe it is, because we are all made of these smaller particles…. anyhow, I have been experimenting with altering my own reality by projecting those emotions that I wish to receive back. Such as, when you're at wal-mart and it sucks, and everyone there sucks, you just wanna stab everyone in knee…. Stop, breathe, project kindness and happiness. "observation" is always biased, so, it may be a very related bit of energy.

  6. I think this answered my question from when I was a kid and I thought I saw a ghost or an apparition in my closet. Every time I gathered up the balls to directly observe and acknowledge the apparition, it would disappear. O__O

  7. I think this answered my question from when I was a kid and I thought I saw a ghost or an apparition in my closet. Every time I gathered up the balls to directly observe and acknowledge the apparition, it would disappear. 

  8. If observation can affect reality on a macro scale? Why not on the quantum scale? For instance, if I watch a certain YouTube channel and begin to contemplate a vast conspiracy (the evidence of which is everywhere) and then I begin to affect others with my own thoughts on the matter, then why wouldn't the case be the same on the quantum level? Our Creator created both macro and micro, so why would they same behavior have different outcomes on separate levels of creation: macro and quantum?

  9. If observation can affect reality on a macro scale? Why not on the quantum scale? For instance, if I watch a certain YouTube channel and begin to contemplate a vast conspiracy (the evidence of which is everywhere) and then I begin to affect others with my own thoughts on the matter, then why wouldn't the case be the same on the quantum level? Our Creator created both macro and micro, so why would they same behavior have different outcomes on separate levels of creation: macro and quantum?

  10. I think these contradictory findings in quantum physics is just the Creator's way of smiling at mankind and saying, "So, you really think you know everything? Take a look at this!"

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