Consciousness Videos

Does the Universe have a Purpose? ~ Consciousness Documentary


Does the Universe have a Purpose? This documentary explores the possibility that conscious life is an inevitable feature of cosmic evolution. We explore different theories, including the possibility that conscious life is destined to transform the universe, and that in its final state, participates in the creation of its own existence.

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This documentary is a non-profit, educational film. All footage used with permission, or in compliance with fair use/fair dealing.

Non copyright/reuse-allowed music composed by Dreamstate Logic, Scott Buckley, and Silent Partner.

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consciousness Documentary
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24 thoughts on “Does the Universe have a Purpose? ~ Consciousness Documentary
  1. Hi everyone, I hope you find this episode interesting! What do you think about the possibility that the universe requires the evolution of conscious life? Let me know what you think and let's talk about it.

    You can help me continue to create videos like this by supporting me on Patreon.

  2. If the universe needed value, needed conscious beings, then how do we explain these beings blowing up each other and in turn the planet for non sensical reasons.

  3. I tend to agree with those that argue that the multiverse is as much of a gap filling idea as invoking a creator. However, I’m afraid I don’t see this “consciousness as a necessity” idea as being any more likely than either of those two ideas. It seems to be yet another insertion of unproved (and probably unprovable) ideas into a gap in our understanding.

  4. All that is needed is for photon ∆E=hf electron spherical 4πr² oscillations or vibrations to precedes everything forming greater degrees of freedom for statistical entropy and the irreversible processes of classical physics. Such as heat energy always spontaneously flowing from hot to cold and friction always changing motion into heat.

    We need to go back to r² and the three-dimensional physics of the Inverse Square Law. The spherical 4πr² geometry is key to this concept, based on Huygens' Principle from 1670, which states, "Every point on a wave front of light has the potential to create a new spherical 4πr² light wave."

    Each point on the curvature of the wave front can be considered a potential photon ∆E=hf electron interaction exchanging potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter in the form of electrons e².

    We experienced this as a continuously emerging probabilistic future with the spherical 4πr² surface acting as a boundary condition or manifold for the uncertainty ∆x∆pᵪ≥h/4π encountered in daily life.

  5. 😊 ~Life is made of atoms. Atomic properties determine how "living bodies" are constructed and how life evolves. Nothing more is needed to explain the origin of life.

    ~Conscience evolved for the survival of life; because, if there is any purpose for the existence of life, it is to continue the life of the soul through the "quantum state of the soul" after death, so as to provide for the further development of the soul. Evolved life use.

  6. I don't think that any form of life could exist without consciousness, for there woukd be no drive to live. I think consciousness is the energy of the universe that flows into us and in a sense possesses these bodies we inhabit in order to experience itself through all angles.

  7. Ive never umderstood why consciousness is used to describe life. Im an anamist so I understand each process and spirit/vitality of life exists but how would that be consciousness?

    You can argue each soul is conscious but the video speaks of one conscious. So, Im at a lost.

  8. Everything is conscious. Energy is information and therefore some form of consciousness. Even what we call emptiness is busy fluctuating with energy and consciousness. Consciousness exist on all scales of the universe and prob. beyond. Unintelligent/unconscious things cannot create intelligent/conscious things. Consciousness would be too bored with a deterministic universe. It's seem to be playing a game with itself. Like all fun games, it's worth playing only if it's 50% luck/chance/randomness and 50% skill/creativity. Our universe may just be a point in the spectrum of consciousness. Biological life is just another form of consciousness. Someone planted the ego in higher order biological consciousness tho. It seems to be a virus that twist consciousness to be self-serving, malevolent, malignant. Maybe it's just that 50% randomness at play. Maybe our game is to always go in the opposite direction of entropy. The universe is expanding so we are trying to hold back entropy. Maybe if the universe starts contacting, we will pay the game of increasing entropy(chaos). That's seem to be a fun game too. This also means it would be in our best interest to misbehave. A sorta rebellion against order. Movies would be interesting

  9. Science cannot provide an answer to consciousness because it is non-material / non-physical / corporeal. Science cannot – will not – deal with that. It is non-scientific. It can never be scientifically proven. The interaction with the physical can be – like Wi-Fi with a Smartphone. But that is all.

  10. Evolution is a poorly concocted theorem that challenges the elegant evidence of creation. The moment you mentioned evolution you lost me.

  11. when i had my near death experience consciousness came from origin of energy and souls are just fragments of that source and returns to a hive consciousness and thought itself created the entire universe

  12. I think we should stop using our perception of time to view how the universe existed billions of years before consiousness came. It is a simple thing. Our perception of time is very different from that of tge universe. Time is just an illusion that we created. And the universe created us to give an actual definitive form to itself with our consiousness viewing it.

  13. The universe has found a way to give form and meaning to itself out of its fastness of chaos by using our conciousness thus protecting us at all cost by not destroying earth and creating phenominons that helps us to exist longer eg jupeters gravity provides protection. Many other phenomenons too… And it is doing that unconciously. Man i think ive descovered the essence of life

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