Doha Debates
Advocates for AI defend it as manageable and say the risks are marginal, and the rewards life-improving, by empowering more people with instant information. But critics warn about transparency gaps and power disparities, including a slippery slope into a digital apocalypse where superintelligent machines surpass humans’ ability to control them. Watch as four experts weigh in on the future of AI.
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Is there any peer reviewed objective research statics to prove, AI systems inherently biased compared to human counterparts? Will the AI in a black African country discriminate against the darker skin person to a lighter skin person or is it happen in the other way round? Should people balme AI as bias when their Politically Correct views negated by it?
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Interesting times
Timeliness and suitable debate on AI, thanks for whole team who involved in this awesome task.
Only Nick Bostrom is a big name. The rest are effectively unknown and are probably invited for "diversity purposes"…
Lol! AI topexperts? Those 2 black women are just there for diversity. You hacks aren't fooling anyone. Also, Africa as the powerhouse of the future? That's a joke, right? This was just a bunch of leftist propaganda. Africa will never become a powerhouse. They simply don't have the IQ to achieve that. Race and IQ is real. Stop denying it!
As long as feminism or other corruptions aren't allowed to stunt Africa's growth, she will thrive.
Look how manic and crazy the thinking of the feminist in red, avoid that being a powerful influence in your countries.
I feel dissapointed with the speakers, or is AI in charge already? I feel confused!🤔
When the stage is bigger than you. The speakers are innocent, I mean they know not a thing. When you google to do your assignment defined in practical terms.
Doha debates higly resembles World Economic Forum.
HAHAHAHAHA… WHAT? WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?! This is what the debate has evolved to? I was thinking this was something from 2010… this makes me feel we literally knew more about A.I 10 years ago but I shouldnt judge the field from one debate but god this is embarrasing… this is laughable…
T_D is leaking. Why is this comment section so toxic? Debate seems insightful.
tech industry shuld be leaders
So Truistic :')
Nelufar has large breasts.
Don't allow financial institutions to lend you money on interest. Respect human rights including the right to privacy in the home (completely anonymous banking and internet use). If you do this A.I. could be extremely beneficial insha Allah
Both these women are like…….. don't need to be here cause there like not even representing a diversity correctly
Very amateurish and non technical, you can't gloss over this subject. Those two biased sjw activist ladies actually do a disservice to blacks. I've seen actual black developers that I wish had been invited to tackle the subject.
Answer is 'D'
Is it me…or did everyone looked afraid of the guys in white