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Donald Hoffman – Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality?

Closer To Truth

Is consciousness deepest reality, the ground of being of the cosmos? If the question is “What brought all into existence?” the answer is “Consciousness”. Some say this is a ‘cosmic consciousness’ of which our personal consciousness is a small part. Others, that the ultimate consciousness is God. Others, that consciousness and cosmos are both deep reality.

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Donald D. Hoffman is a Professor of Cognitive Science, University of California, Irvine.

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21 thoughts on “Donald Hoffman – Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality?
  1. The basis of his theories are not new, it was expressed by many thinkers before, the idea that reality is a construct of the mind and may not exist independently of perception is a central theme in several philosophical traditions. Here are some key philosophers who have contributed to this view:

    1) George Berkeley (1685-1753)

    – **Key Idea**: Berkeley is famous for his theory of immaterialism (also known as idealism). He argued that objects only exist to the extent that they are perceived by a mind. This means that reality is fundamentally mental.
    – **Major Work**: "A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge"
    – **Quote**: "Esse est percipi" ("To be is to be perceived").

    2) René Descartes (1596-1650)

    – **Key Idea**: Descartes is known for his method of radical doubt, famously concluding that the only thing he could be certain of was his own mind's existence ("Cogito, ergo sum" – "I think, therefore I am"). While he did not deny the existence of reality, his philosophy laid the groundwork for later skepticism about the external world.
    – **Major Work**: "Meditations on First Philosophy"
    – **Quote**: "Cogito, ergo sum."

    3) Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

    – **Key Idea**: Kant proposed that while we can know the phenomena (things as they appear to us), the noumena (things in themselves) are beyond our direct knowledge. Our experiences of reality are shaped by the structures of our mind.
    – **Major Work**: "Critique of Pure Reason"
    – **Quote**: "All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason."

    4) David Hume (1711-1776)

    – **Key Idea**: Hume was an empiricist who questioned the existence of a stable, external reality. He argued that our knowledge is limited to our sensory experiences and that we cannot make definitive claims about the existence of things beyond these experiences.
    – **Major Work**: "A Treatise of Human Nature"
    – **Quote**: "The mind is a kind of theatre, where several perceptions successively make their appearance."

    5) Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)

    – **Key Idea**: Baudrillard is known for his theory of hyperreality, where the line between reality and simulation becomes blurred. In the modern world, he argued, we live in a state of hyperreality where symbols and signs replace and obscure the actual reality.
    – **Major Work**: "Simulacra and Simulation"
    – **Quote**: "The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true."

    6) Bishop St. Augustine (354-430)

    **Key Idea**: In his introspective explorations, Augustine considered the possibility that the external world could be an illusion and that only the mind is certain. Though not a skeptic in the same sense as modern philosophers, his ideas influenced later thought on the nature of reality.
    – **Major Work**: "Confessions"
    – **Quote**: "I am certain that I am, and that I know and delight in this. In respect of these truths, I am not afraid of the arguments of the Academicians, who say, 'What if you are mistaken?' For if I am mistaken, I am."

    These philosophers, through their various approaches, have contributed significantly to the debate on the nature of reality and the role of the mind in shaping our perceptions of it.

  2. Consciousness is non-computable (per Penrose), but It is fundamental. There is NO mathematical model of C. since IT is the Transcendental Absolute. Shankara went into C. (Brahman) in great philosophical detail and mentioned how C. bridges the gap into our apparent world of space and time. This is covered in verse 21 of Soundarya Lahiri. While you're waiting for the mathematical model, tap directly into and merge with Pure Consciousness. Access "Mahamritunjaya mantra- Sacred Sounds Choir" and listen to it for 5 min per day for at least two weeks.

  3. 我思故我在、知識和唯我論









  4. The idea that we are living in a simulation has caught on. That idea and its siblings: the world is not real, everything is only in the mind, you are the universe, you are god, etc. Headlines recently blared that three men had won the Nobel Prize for proving that the universe isn't real. Followed shortly thereafter by another round of headlines condemning that initial sensationalism. Nonetheless, I see ideas like this often. Donald Hoffman has made an impression lately with his claim that math proves evolution won't let us see reality. Elon Musk says we almost certainly live in a computer. Physicists have suggested we live on the event horizon of a black hole. There are many others. And I see commenters saying stuff like that all the time.

    It makes me ask myself, how valuable is reality to us?

    All that my mind can see of the outer world is an impression of its surface features. I know that much exists. But if I'm to believe that the world is not real, what am I being asked to believe about the depths below the surface? Are there depths at all?

    When I take a walk, I occasionally like to think about the life going on down below. Ladybugs scaling to the tops of flowers. Lizards darting under leaves. Root systems fanning out and intertwining. I like to believe that all of these things are having their own experiences of the world. But are they? If I say that the reality is an illusion, is life on the forest floor sacrificed? Are the pains and joys down in that world erased?

    Or what about the life that is happening inside a star on the other side of the galaxy? Is a star something huge and ancient and complex — or is it a pixel on the screen of the mind? Do my dishes in the cabinet recede into total formlessness when I'm not looking at them? Does a raindrop fall through the sky?

    Of course, reality is what it is. I don't get a say. And I bet someone will tell me that I just don't get the idea. And maybe so. The truth is there are a hundred shades of these ideas, and usually they are pretty vague in their description. "The universe is actually a hologram." "The universe is actually a cloud of potentiality." "Everything is made of math." OK, what?

    I am not even saying I dispute these ideas. (Though in my heart, I do.) But I really just wonder if others out there also feel there is an overly casual attitude around these ideas. Why is reality abandoned with such . . . abandon? Shouldn't we at least mourn it?

  5. Ok so I thought this was always the point? Why do you explain what you need to do instead of explain what you're going to do and how you're doing it? I like Donald I really do but the things he says doesn't give any insight to the things that need rooted.

  6. Having a model of a phenomenon doesn't mean to have a descriptive mathematics but a predictive one. And it look so far away from bring there.
    It look ls to me so odd the idea of a predictive mathematical model of a subjective experience.

  7. Do Hoffman`s ideas take us closer to an understanding of reality ?

    What do we mean by `closer` ? Does science take us closer ? Does meditation take us closer ? Science is corporate, informative, representational meaning. Intuition is individual, still, non-informative meaning. Can that distinction ever be eradicated ?

    Can thinking understand itself, or must it be understood from the stillness within which it arises ? Can thinking understand intuition, or does it take intuition to understand thinking ?

    How does the subjective conviction of the reality of time arise within an understanding constrained by the nature of life to remain immediate ?

    Can the status of time as a contextual authority in understanding be reduced ?

  8. If Space-Time is doomed, does that mean the argument of free will vs determinism is also doomed. Both these contradicting theories assume a linear passage of time with one event affecting another or the order of events already having been determined. However, with Prof. Hoffman's idea, if Space-Time is a construct, then what was, what is and what will be is the same… or have I misunderstood his ideas?

  9. Let me take the example of God.

    God has all the power, all the goodness, all the knowledge 'by default'. He hasn't worked hard for it. It's like a 'free fund'.

    Similarly, we have consciousness/free will as a 'free fund'. Thoughts come and go in our mind on their own. I myself don't know what thought will come into my mind, say after 5 minutes, 10 minutes etc. It's a 'free fund'.

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