Consciousness Videos

Dr Quantum – Fred Alan Wolf PhD – Time, Space, Matter & Quantum Field Theory

Lilou Mace

Author of many books including Taking the Quantum Leap, Parallel Universes, The Dreaming Universe, The Eagle’s Quest, The Spiritual Universe, Mind into Matter, Matter into Feeling ,The Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time, and his latest book Dr. Quantum Presents, A Little Book of Big Ideas. .

Fred Alan Wolf is a physicist, writer, and lecturer who earned his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at UCLA in 1963. He continues to write, lecture throughout the world, and conduct research on the relationship of quantum physics to consciousness. He is the National Book Award Winning author of Taking the Quantum Leap. He is a member of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Collegium of Scholars.

Wolf is well known for his simplification of the new physics and is perhaps best known as the author of Taking the Quantum Leap which, in 1982, was the recipient of the prestigious National Book Award for Science.

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Fred Alan Wolf is a physicist, writer, and lecturer who earned his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at UCLA in 1963. He continues to write, lecture throughout the world, and conduct research on the relationship of quantum physics to consciousness. He is the National Book Award Winning author of Taking the Quantum Leap. He is a member of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Collegium of Scholars.

Author of many books including Taking the Quantum Leap, Parallel Universes, The Dreaming Universe, The Eagle’s Quest, The Spiritual Universe, Mind into Matter, Matter into Feeling ,The Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time, and his latest book Dr. Quantum Presents, A Little Book of Big Ideas.
– from

Dr. Fred Alan Wolf at TEDxReset Talk 2011


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39 thoughts on “Dr Quantum – Fred Alan Wolf PhD – Time, Space, Matter & Quantum Field Theory
  1. You might be be able to explain fiscal reality with quantum physics but quantum physics cannot explain the energy that exist in and other realities or other dimensions of reality so yes I want to fix it works but only for this 3D physical reality that's it

  2. Okay let's think about it this reality in the one that we exist as a physical bodies is that you can call it 3D physical reality. The reality where we can experience life and we can experience Consciousness and awareness so this reality was created by the higher spiritual mind being Creator then that means that as long as I was we are existing in his creation the dimension that he create then we are part of that creation but you know what cuz if in a but if he creates this 3D reality plus he create us to experience this reality reality that he create is obvious that we are part of one we are part of that energy or mine so that means logically that we are one weird part we are connected because we are the same part of the same being a Bard the same energy mind

  3. Extensively and consistently balanced AND unified ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY AND GRAVITY:

    Inertia/inertial resistance is proportional to (or balanced with/as) gravitational force/energy, as this balances AND unifies ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy AND gravity; as this balances gravity AND inertia. (This explains F=ma AND E=mc2, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity.) ACCORDINGLY, gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. The FUNDAMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE of F=ma AND E=mc2 is the provision of absolute (and extensive) MATHEMATICAL PROOF that gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND balanced IN AND OUT of SPACE AND TIME, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. SO, gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. Accordingly, GRAVITATIONAL force/energy is proportional to (or balanced with/as) inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE; as gravity IS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy. This explains the cosmological redshift AND the "black holes". GREAT.

    ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. This is proven by F=ma AND E=mc2. ACCORDINGLY, gravity/acceleration involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. "Mass"/energy involves balanced inertia/inertial resistance consistent with/as what is BALANCED ELECTROMAGNETIC/GRAVITATIONAL force/energy, as electromagnetism/energy is gravity. Gravity IS electromagnetism/energy. Accordingly, objects fall at the same rate (neglecting air resistance, of course); AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. GREAT.

    Very importantly, outer "space" involves full inertia; AND it is fully invisible AND black.

    Stand straight up AND look at the ORANGE, flat, AND SETTING Sun (with the SPACE around it THEN going INVISIBLE/visible). Now, DIRECTLY compare this to the BRIGHTENED (and FULL) moon as it ALSO appears at THIS location. Moreover, the Earth/ground does ALSO manifest as LAVA; as the IDENTICAL FORM of what is FUNDAMENTALLY linked AND balanced ELECTROMAGNETIC/GRAVITATIONAL FORCE/ENERGY is manifest/revealed in all instances. This is proven by the fact that the composition of lunar rocks is practically IDENTICAL to that of Earth rocks. ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. Notice that the curvature of the moon NECESSARILY matches that of the Earth/ground (given a clear horizon, of course). The LAVA then serves as what is the UNDERLYING and FUNDAMENTALLY linking AND balancing ELECTROMAGNETIC/GRAVITATIONAL manifestation or form in relation to/AS the Earth/ground AND moon. The MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of SPACE and the FULL DISTANCE in/of SPACE are thus understood as linked AND balanced; AS gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND balanced; AS "mass"/energy are linked AND balanced; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/ENERGY IS GRAVITY. So, given DIRECT comparison, the EYE is NECESSARILY the same size as BOTH this BRIGHTENED moon AND the ORANGE Sun.

    By Frank DiMeglio

  4. If it's not too late for you, Dr Wolf, please take a look at "Eckankar – The Key to The Secret Worlds" by Paul Twitchell. He explained quite clearly concepts about matter-time-space-energy, and that was about 50 or 60 year "before" quantum physics was even "invented"! Matter, time, energy and space are concepts from "lower" worlds, while in the "higher" worlds, it exists only the pure form of Soul, who you truly are. Good reading!

  5. Sorry, no one is 'entitled' to food. Farmers have to work hard to create that food and they're not doing it for free. Those people in Africa who can't afford to feed themselves need to stop producing 6-8 mouths to feed (babies) per woman. If you want to help them, send them birth control or teach them self control.

  6. I was so surprised to see Fred Alan Wolf in the new NINJA TURTLES II movie "Out of the Shadows" (by Dave Green)!
    His face appears several times visibly on a background screen, when Donatello explains to his brothers how the trans-dimensional portal opens… weird! I instantly recognized him… I wonder why the director chose to put him into the movie in that particular scene…

  7. Physics is really pretty useless, even desctructive, without an understanding of biology. Who needs the A bomb, fission is the opposite of the way the universe uses stars to create fusion, which our scientists have yet to harness…they do splitting, fragmenting matter into bits, they do that with consciousness to, which they do not really want to deal with yet…

  8. Consciousness is a field [anti-gravity] that contains energy and information and time that opposes the Gravity field, energy and time that much of western science studies. We cannot know truth unless we involve life into our picture of the universe. Life transforms gravity force and works against gravity. They grow against time. Life and its force sustain the universe. The universe cannot collapse into black hole even if one living cell exists. If we are to truly understand Big Bang we have seek within and in Biological way. Me as a life is made100 trillions of cells and uncountable number of atoms. The gravity of this material body is sustained by information and little perturbation that occurred in one cell when the spirit of Father entered it. This little perturbation evolved the information within me and unfolded it in time. A field supports me against gravity and collapse. This is the conscious field and it has the intelligence. As long as I think I am the mind, I work with five senses that feed from external world. I create opposite, live in fear, and build life on war. I can never know Truth. The life and Truth and the conscious field can only be reached when we surrender our mind. Then I see the interrelationship and oneness and even go to that initial source from which everything came. In short, I can perceive the Big Bang – The ancient east probably knew the truth. For they spoke of universe as conscious and intelligent being and we humans being as individuated being formed from it. This means we are like cells of one whole being. Universal secret written in ancient spiritual scriptures can be Scientifically understand only when we understand it as consciousness and intelligence or information or Light unfolding and enfolding – We are due to evolve from darkness to light – it is happening 

  9. if consciousness is a field, then "will" can be described mathematically by (will) proportionate to 1/(entropy). think about it what does "will" do, it has a negative action to natures positive action,and if entropy always increases,then will must negate this principle..

  10. Dr. Wolf is back to doing what he does best.  Taking scientific buzzwords, wringing out the last drops of context, and then duct-taping them to his growing body of unscientific beliefs.  I'm waiting for "Cloud Consciousness"

    He refers to getting into "this business" … For the unenlightened "This business" is the business of selling 'woo-woo' books to the great uneducated masses… and it is a very easy business to get into : )

  11. In highly civilized countries, where the human well-being is put BEFORE the money, like Scandinavian countries, Germany, Canada, Australia, etc. the Governments are organized in such a way that they satisfy all basic HUMAN needs of its people. In less humanly civilized countries like USA, some Asian and African countries, the Governments are controlled (corrupted) by the big capitalistic corporations and the profits are put before the basic human needs. Look around you and you'll see all this.


  13. At 28 minutes in the video he says everyone has certain inalienable rights. They are housing, food, water, ect. He says everyone is entitled to them just for being born. My question is WHO pays for that?

  14. A field that comes into existence as space-time does and then interacts with them, emerging what we consider reality, but its all happening with light. Sounds like what Peter Russel has spoken about before, this is cool !!

  15. Man who would have thought that yoga would be used for time travel. When I was reading Sedona Magazine because I was interested by vortexes caused by the ley lines and in the magazine, it talked about using your mind to time travel into both the past and future using yoga. I was surprised, so I went home and Googled yoga and time travel and there was a book written by Dr. Fred Alan Wolf that talks about it. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

  16. Space and time are eternal. To learn more cf. ytbe channel timeisabsolute. As for quantum mechanics, it's a wrong path physics has taken instead of improving classical mechanics esp. regarding the concept of motion. For more, you may want to take a look at ytbe channel qmiscm and at the experiments of your nearby colleague prof. Yves Couder from UParis Diderot — ytbe channel heligone.

  17. Time is a man made concept, it is used as a measure of distance or velocity with things like the speed of light and anything else. One can have positively charged particles and their anti-particle, they simply spin in the opposite direction. The past is a memory and isn't really time, for time doesn't exist physically without matter.

  18. Without matter in the universe, dimensions don't exist, it is energy without time.
    You can look at it where pure energy or space time is the only dimension and it needs matter to create time, in order to observe itself.

  19. I wouldn't wait for time travel, unless you can do it in your head. Time is a mathematical or dimensional picture rather than a physical reality. Time is nothing but a mass effect in an atomic system. The more mass the nucleons acquire, the slower they interact with each other. Its more of a suspended animation effect than anything else, mass that's gained by high velocity, doesn't create time travel, is slows the thing moving like a space ship down, on the atomic level.

  20. Very wise; thank-you Dr. Wolf and Lilou~Yes, I love to learn all about physics and understand how it relates to the everyday, and philosophy~! Found amazing the hologram ideas, Einstein, Feynman, etc. Can't wait to time travel…maybe doing this already~! 🙂 <3

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