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18 thoughts on “Drawing Fundamentals Ron Lemen photoshop
  1. feral714, I totally agree. Usually people who believe in talent don't believe in themselves and never try hard enough since they feel they don't have talent. Those that are very good right from the beginning never turn out to tbe the world's best in the end. The ones that work hard like Muhammad Ali, Michael Schumacher, Dali, Michale Jordan That goes for sports, arts, music, extreme savants being the exception, but they usually lack something in their work.

  2. I've had people say my 6 year old daughter has great artistic talent. It isn't inherited or some magic talent. I am an artist and had her drawing foundational shapes and then using them in combination to do more advanced drawing as she got older. That magical artistic talent is just someone that started drawing earlier than anyone else. It is all learned. And can be learned at age 6 or 60 it doesn't matter.

  3. I agree with you all, but i do believe that an artist who inherited the talent does have an advantage over one who didnt because it comes easier and more natural to the person.

  4. @raceme914 youre right. But how does one really know whether hes talented or not? lets say youre talented when it comes to great designs and composition, but youll never know because you only draw anatomy. 🙂

  5. There is talent. There is knowledge and practice. And there is people with TALENT and Knowledge, and those are the great ones.

    I'm an illustrator, i've met many many many illustrators that practice a lot of hours a day, and they are still not as good as others that practice, maybe 3 times a week. That is talent

    Of course, talent without practice equals nothing

  6. @GnomoLD its not how long u practice its what you practice, i could draw doodles from my mind 10 hours a day and be worse then someone that did stills life's an hour a day.

  7. @element1988 Yup i Agree. It's called "perfect practice" i read about it once in a guitar book. You could spend days practicing nothing and wasting time. You should check out that book and apply it to whatever you do

  8. I can draw and play guitar like a master… people that doenst know me say: oohh you got talent! it must be fantastic to have this "gift" with you from you were born!… While they who do knows me say: Damn you are good! by the way, Im going to visit this friend, and would love you to come with me, but I guess you dont have time? <– I may or may not, cause they know I spend 4+ hours a day drawing/painting and 4+ with the guitar, from 3-4 years old.. and now Im almost 33 and still do it! 🙂

  9. @GnomoLD its more like…. those you say that practice lots of hours but still arent "that" good, arent practicing the right stuff! While those who are "Talented" are more probably "doing it" (the right stuff) 😛

    2friends, both went to same guitar teacher (together), and they got same stuff to learn each!, still just one did play great, while the other just good.. the difference?.. The "great" player kept practicing the stuff he had trouble with, the other just played what he was good at!

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