Consciousness Videos

Earth Science: Crash Course History of Science #20


It’s Earth Science time!!!! In this field, natural philosophers were asking questions like, what’s up with fossils? Are they the remains of extinct organisms? Or are they so-called “sports of nature”—rocks that just happen to look like living things but don’t /mean/ anything? And most importantly, how old is… everything?


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34 thoughts on “Earth Science: Crash Course History of Science #20
  1. 7:18 I'm all for elevating and appreciating uncredited contributors to science (or any endeavor), but "indigenous knowledge-makers" sounds distinctly like intersectionalist jargon creeping into your science. Keep the religious lingo out of my science, thanks.

  2. I'm really curious how geologist determined the age of the earth. Now, my questions are answered. Many speculation and theories regarding the age of earth have arisen during 17th century in Europe, people do believe that the age of the earth is parallel with the age of humans. It is really awesome how geologist determined the age of the earth depending on the fossils, volcanoes, and rocks. Their conclusions and studies has a big impact in the history of science because it help us to determined the age of the earth.

  3. And there are still people who believe earth is around 6K years old. And that this current humanity coexisted with dinosaurs, and the carbon dating is a scam from the devil to weaken your faith.

  4. man more people need to see this channel cause if they knew about this each video would atleast get 300 – 400k easily youtube pls give this channel more exposer

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