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Elite Folding Reality into Illusion to Assimilate Energy & Consciousness

Leak Project

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33 thoughts on “Elite Folding Reality into Illusion to Assimilate Energy & Consciousness
  1. So nowhere in the show did you talk about the Elite folding reality into illusion, I gather that was what you were doing during the show, just kidding… But not really.

  2. Where's Rex??? I can't tell which is Rex!! I am beginning to think neither…
    We need to get mobile people! They've cloned Rex in an effort to confuse the Movement!!

  3. all you guys are doing is causing people to fear death, there is nothing to fear, this whole soul trap idea is a deception, pure and simple, everyone goes home, they may trap them for a time, but you have guides and souls who love you more than love itself, that are always there, to help you and guide you back home.

  4. Jacob said to comment. I was tested at my elementary school for psychic abilities in the early 70s. There was a few odd things and I dont know how to look into it.

  5. Yeshua stated,”Your battle is not with your brother, but rather, the Archon-(Powers) and Aeons-(Principalities), unseen powers on high.” Pretty cool, rebel freedom fighter for humankind.

  6. Love your shows and your guest!!! Was curious have y'all seen the documentary (higher entities)? If so I would like to see you do a show on it please.

  7. @The Lizard Of Oz You accuse me of trolling wrong again.

    In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

    Which is not my objective. I was not going to comment any further but Leak Project requested me to.

  8. We no longer have the language or words that correctly explain or understand the supernatural and dimensional beings, this may have been intentional. However, with the advancement of quantum computers, we can once again develop a language that can explain dimensions and the beings or supernatural events which our ancestors had a better understanding.

  9. @52:22 It appears from what science seems to prove is the opposite. Namely, that mankind has changed genetically over millions of years starting with our earliest ancestors standing upright @ 11.5 mya in North Asia Minor, Eurasia. Interbreeding of various sub-species from various locations across time; first fire 5.5 mya in Central Asia, first tool use 3.5 mya etc.
    Therefore, everything we know is that we evolved from the very ground of this world per Brahma's instructions see Baratha (India).
    Side note King Barathi awarded one Anu tribe the NW territory – a line that stretches from the mouth of the Ganges river to Scandinavia home of their Son Skanda/Kartikeya/Murugan/Dionysus/DE-AB.YESUS/Veli/Bali/Vali -son of Odin Allfather making Odin Allfather from Norse myth Anu.
    [see Sumerian EN.AG.AD.DE-VIDAR – In a gadda da vida song Iron Butterfly 1969.1069 King Sweyn II lands with a Danish invasion fleet in North(C)umbria and captures a swath from York to Durham burning all killing more than 100,000 people and untold livestock then inflicts the Iron Butterfly Financial move on them. Vidar is the son of Odin Allfather]

  10. @48:00 omg a two minute rant of stupid. starting in @46:00 countries do not exist lol right bro that is … words fail me. These countries that don't exist sure are tripping about those illegal aliens crossing those imaginary borders.

  11. @46:30 wrong again! the reptilian brain is the base base and controls our fight or flight reactions and processes our auto-bodily functions like breathing and heartbeat etc.

    What you are referring to is the left and right hemispheres of our brain the logical vs artistic in normal right-handed people the left brain lobe controls the right side of the body and the right lobe controls the left side of the body. The right side of the body is electric/projective and tied to the will residing in the left lobe. Opposite side is magnetic/contractive tied to emotional states. In a truly left handed person the wiring is opposite.

  12. @46:25 really? Our ancestors made choices and we live with those choices. This is what it means by the sins of the parents fall onto the children. The American legal system is not forced onto anybody that is a lie.
    You were BLESSED enough to be born in the best DAMN country this world has ever seen. BTW, if America is so damn bad why the hell does everyone want to get in here? We do not see lines at the border into Mexico fleeing America. We have no lines of people camped out trying to get into Canada. Get real! Airports also declare the falsehood of this statement.

  13. 46:00 So what you mean? The lead mare in a herd of horses does not hold a tight rein on the herd? The stallions patrol the perimeter of the herd always keeping one-eye on the lead mare [think Odin]? The top bitch in a wolf pack does not keeps the other bitches in check? The dog patrols the area militarily. The poppa beaver does not keep a close watch on his dam? The Rooster does not guard his flock? If you think this you need to get out the city my friend.
    You what? just want to push an idea or an agenda?

  14. @44:51 U.F.O. right this is radio language it means an attempt has been made to hail the vessel and no contact and no I.D. therefore it is a UFO.
    The only way it could be identified is if it did answer the hail and I.D. itself.
    It is NOT an attempt to confuse anyone it is stating the facts.

  15. @37:00 spot on bro – the moon was previously known as Kingu general of Tiamat's army slain and mankind made from the blood of Kingu according ancient mystics/magi (now known as Sufi)
    Also, the story of Brahma holding the moon and Shiva catching in His hair [read magneto-sphere]

  16. @LeakProject @30:19 getting out of the Wheel is their old fashion way of saying 'Take the Red Pill'
    Buddha is pointing everyone to the moon because that is the next step on the stairway to heaven/Latter of Lights/Sefirot after the Noble has Tread The Way of Kings by conquering self, all elemental kingdoms + the earth sphere (not planet).

  17. @29:00
    the moon effects magnetism which means it helps us gather the Astral elements to produce a soul/Astral body/I.D. that is a representation of our Spirit/Mental body – tied to Mercury.
    The moon Sphere is different then the planet (which is only the material anchor for the Sphere) which is located in an area of space [read orbital path].
    The beings of the moon sphere are the only ones given the duty to effect changes in/on all the spheres in this universe even physically, by Divine Providence.

  18. @28:43 wrong again
    Python was not the bad guy in that story it was Apollo who was the negative usurper. See Revelation 9:11 reference Apollyon/Abaddon same as Avallon btw linguistically due to 'p', 'b', 'v' being interchangable

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