
Elon Musk Nick Bostrom Ray Kurzweil Superintelligence


Elon Musk and other panellists talk AI and answer the question: “If we succeed in building human-level Artificial general intelligence (AGI), then what are the likely outcomes? What would we like to happen?”

Credit: Thanks to the Future of Life Institute for sharing. Visit their website at:
Thanks to fan-of-the-channel Alan for the heads up!

00:00. Yes, No, It’s complicated
03:10. Timescale (Elon at 5:45)
07:07. How to slow it down
14:04. Risks and mitigations (Elon at 32:14)
37:00. Upsides (Elon at 51:18)
52:44. Democracy 2.0
54:14. Bad guys
56:43. Democratising AI (Elon)

Panelists: Bart Selman (Cornell), David Chalmers (NYU), Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX), Jaan Tallinn (CSER/FLI), Nick Bostrom (FHI), Ray Kurzweil (Google), Stuart Russell (Berkeley), Sam Harris, Demis Hassabis (DeepMind).


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35 thoughts on “Elon Musk Nick Bostrom Ray Kurzweil Superintelligence
  1. Yeah they should all have a mic. Too many panellists. Not enough time for them to express their views. I definitely agree that the solution to a benign AI isn’t only a technical one. Really I see a bigger issue with politics, social and philosophical aspects of AI.

    There’s no question we’ll be creating a god but we need to ensure that it’s a god that is good to humans.

  2. Props to the sound people for fucking this event up from the microphone distribution right down to the YouTube upload. Jesus Christ. How much more can you possibly qualify for termination.

  3. What if these AGI's turn out to be hyper-religious? Can we be sure any other psychological pathologies would not arise? We would need to find meaning, in a world without immediate material, or health care.

  4. These panelists are worth billions upon billions of dollars in the tech industry and they can't afford to have clip-on mics for each one of them? Unbelievable!

  5. The most important question asked in this: What is a "good" future? If you have an opinion on this, please ask yourself "why?" and then keep asking that until you can't and then tell me about it, I'm really interested. The best answer I can ever come up with while thinking about this is "why not?" but that doesn't satisfy me…

  6. Whenever they talk about slowing down out of control AI I always think what about just unplugging the computer it is running on? What am I missing on this topic? I didn't watch this whole thing so if this was referred to I apologize.

  7. Make it ubiquitous and merge it with humanity. Musk seems to be on the right track. The only two genuine intellectuals in this forum is Musk and the guy who created AlphaGo. Everyone else is too busy trying to sound smart.

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