
Emotion based music | ai | deep learning project | with code | ml project


Welcome to new project emotion based music built by using mediapipe and keras. also opencv and streamlit is used to create a webapp. for capturing the webcam in the browser i used streamlit-webrtc module. I explained all of the code in this video which is required to create a webapp for emotion based music recommender.

In this video I used live emoji project code to create a model which could classify different emotions so I already explained the code for that which is over here
Data Collection script :
Data Training and Inference script :
code for live emoji :

code for emotion based music :

If you have any queries regarding any of the topic I discussed in this video feel free to talk to me using below links:
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related queries:
Minor project ideas
Minor project with code
ml minor project
emotion based music
emotion based music,ai,music recommender ai,deep learning porject,machine learning porject,using python,mediapipe,opencv,programminghut,programming hut,coding hut,source code,college project ml,minor project


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36 thoughts on “Emotion based music | ai | deep learning project | with code | ml project
  1. Show me a error in 1st..model = load_model("model.h5")
    No file or directory found at model.h5
    2nd.. raise e.with_traceback(filetered_tb)from none.
    I am waiting for your reply 🙁🙁

  2. This is super intriguing.. more than Deep learning i loved the way u have explained it that a non tech person like me now has a fair understanding of the said tech. Great job

  3. Hlo bro i am doing my fyp based on emotional based web series recommendation of consists of different geners of series bro can u help me out

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