
English vocabulary words with meaning in Urdu | Learn Hindi to English sentences translation


Learn English vocabulary words with meaning in Urdu. Hindi to English phrases translation for English conversation. Learn English speaking in Hindi. Ifactner teaches English words meaning in Urdu. The spoken English lesson is for Indian and Pakistanis. Learn English speaking by understand the meaning of words and vocabulary.
The English vocabulary lesson is for beginners who understand Hindi or Urdu. Ifactner also tries to improve your English pronunciation of difficult words and phrases. The video tutorial also gives your training to develop right English accent. Indians can learn English speaking through Hindi. Pakistanis learn English from this English Urdu speaking course.
You can improve your English speaking skills by learning the meaning of new English words. If you improve your English vocabulary then you can speak English confidently and fluently. English is an international language. It is necessary to be fluent in English speaking, reading, writing and listening to be successful in an international corporate world. Being able to effectively communicate in English is becoming a requirement for more and more jobs in the companies, organizations and government departments. Ifactner aims to build you English speaking, English writing, English reading and listening skills. Ifactner also gives you tips related to English tenses and English grammar.
Instructions to follow this course:
1. Learn the meaning of English vocabulary word
2. Revise the pronunciation of English vocabulary words in Hindi, Urdu
3. Learn to use the English words in common daily use English sentences.
4. Understand the meaning of English phrases and sentences in Hindi, Urdu
5. Revise the meaning of English word and the phrase with ifactner

Thank you for learning the meanings of English words. You also learn the translation of common English phrases in Hindi language. You learn to use English vocabulary in daily sentences in Urdu. Keep learning and keep enjoying English language. .