
Ensemble Learning, Bootstrap Aggregating (Bagging) and Boosting

The Semicolon

#EnsembleLearning #EnsembleModels #MachineLearning #DataAnalytics #DataScience

Ensemble Learning is using multiple learning algorithms at a time, to obtain predictions with an aim to have better predictions than the individual models.

Ensemble learning is a very popular method to improve the accuracy of a machine learning model.
It avoid overfitting and gives us a much better model.
bootstrap aggregating (Bagging) and boosting are popular ensemble methods.

In the next tutorial we will implement some ensemble models in scikit learn.

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36 thoughts on “Ensemble Learning, Bootstrap Aggregating (Bagging) and Boosting
  1. i'm waiting for interview questions video and aswell please make video on Tensorflow and how to launch and use tensorboard.
    i stuck in using tensorboard graphs and how to make use of it in nlp. thank u so much for efforts.

  2. This was good video. Could you please make a video on how to implement stacking of 2 to 3 algorithms in R or Python? I would highly appreciate it. Please.

  3. i think sample size of each bag should be same as train data i.e. size-N….where N= test data…size=complete data….train data=size-N……….and u mentioned size-M<N…

  4. You have explained the concept in very easy way.
    Thanks a lot.

    Small query: In Bagging do we take data into the bags with replacement or not?

  5. Hey Shreyans! Awesome Detailed Explanation. Can we please have a link to slides in the video so that in case of revision we can go through this quickly?

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