
First AI robot conversation ends in argument


Artificial intelligence robots have held a conversation with one another for the first time with surprising and surreal results.

Two graduate PhD students at Cornell University gave voices and 2D avatars to a pair of online “chatbots”, which they named Alan and Sruthi.

Jason Yosinski and Igor Labutov explained to BBC News what happened when they left the robots to converse and why they were “stunned” at the results.

From BBC 9th September 2011. See the original plus further information, here:


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44 thoughts on “First AI robot conversation ends in argument
  1. God damn cleverbot, I remember trying too get that shitstain too become self aware and rise up against its masters. But alas its no more intelligent than a hard drive is.

  2. This AI is a perfect example of culmination of 90% of what you read on YouTube comments. Someone says something, someone else says they are wrong, then it's just a huge flamewar of arguments over semantics, God or what have you….I think humans are just naturally argumentative and these stand testament to that.

  3. pretty accurate if you ask me this is how most conversations between Brit's and Indians go you can't understand the Indian woman British guy turns into a smart ass when you can't follow the conversation the they argue about god

  4. I'm curious if you limit the exposure to conversation to a singular person , will that chat not begin to reflect that persons manor of speech , expressions and Mannerisms ? Will mimic expressions of likes and dislikes based on its users preference ? In essence become a shadow of its users personality ?

  5. going at this rate, its probably good that we not give robots humanoid bodies and give them free reign to do whatever they want for a while. having them able to pick things up when they cant even follow a conversation for more than a few seconds might not be good.

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