
Five Minute Film School Surrealism and David Lynch

A lesson on surrealism, style and the films of David Lynch.

Film School Hooligans


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15 thoughts on “Five Minute Film School Surrealism and David Lynch
  1. Good video, but what about Inland Empire, by far his most confusing film. I still don't get it. Can't wait for Twin Peaks next year 🙂

  2. As someone said, "Make them think that they're thinking and they will love you. But make them really think, they will hate you." This is the reason why surrealistic cinema isn't popular.

  3. Come on man! Eraserhead is not that hard to get. It's about the fear of fatherhood, and the thought of should he do down the path of fatherhood, or kill the baby. In the scene with the radiator lady (who has ovaries on her face) she sings "In heaven everything is fine" as a coping mechanism for the thoughts of killing the baby "abortion"

  4. Eraserhead is about a man who accidentally gets a girl pregnant and has a baby that is deformed. After the woman can't take the struggle of having to live with him and taking care of the baby anymore, she leaves him with the baby to take care of by himself. The only option for him know is to kill himself but has to kill the baby before it dies from natural causes. That's why in heaven everything is fine

  5. You know the funny thing is?

    By a simple cut, we believe that in The Andalusian Dog, we think it's the woman's eye being cut open.
    When in actuality, it was that of a dead animal.

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