Consciousness Videos

Flat Earth Debate (Response) The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & Simulation Theory

Ascend Podcast

Topics Discussed: Flat Earth Debate, Nature of Reality, Simulation Theory, Consciousness, Brain hallucinates your reality, Evolution, Imagination, Dreams

This week on the Ascend podcast we bring to you another episode of observing our thoughts.

■ Flat Earth Debate Podcast

Asking questions We don’t know the answers too 😉
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43 thoughts on “Flat Earth Debate (Response) The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & Simulation Theory
  1. We decided this week to record a episode of Observing our Thoughts we had not done one for a while and we also really wanted to give our Response to last weeks Flat Earth Debate. Hope you Enjoy

  2. You think I was telling the crowd what they wanted to hear?? I am happy to debate someone you consider more articulate if you like, also I would have loved to have this conversation with you

  3. The flat earther in this video doesn't even know basic well proved scientific theories.. FAKE VIDEO.. Total time waste.. moving in circles isn't acceleration.. vacuum on earth isn't same as vacuum in space as on surface of earth we are under tremendous pressure of infinite layers of atmosphere pulled down by GRAVITY of earth. So the true power of vacuum on earth which can lift a car is gravity itself..! The physicist can't even defend these simple common sense things? Deliberately a fourth rated physicist has been engaged to give hype to flat earthers! Just to provoke false promotion to debated flat earth theories, n get more views here.. Unhealthy video .. hope u don't try loop holes n detours to reach more viewership here.. atleast not anymore..

  4. We are so close and yet so far… The thing is, all forms of life have conscious energy following through them… There's no battery, where does the energy come from that connects to our souls? Life is indescribable, but one thing is sure. A fish in the ocean only knows life within the shores. The fish doesn't know that there is land outside or that humans have put up buildings and such. The fish doesn't even understand math, or time… (At least I think) … And my point is… We are the fish

  5. The best part about you guys is that you are 100% unbiased. You have no dog in the fight and you don't care what the outcome is. Just like children learning by observation, you can easily change your beliefs. We aren't given a choice coming into this world, so why should we think we know anything? Keep up the good work

  6. Provide any evidence of what wrong with the properties of earth and space ? Sad that education has gotten so bad that he’s in doubt about it .
    But it’s this ‘ I don’t know what’s wrong but something is off ‘ crap without a shred of evidence .

  7. Common sense is completely tossed out, I hate to tell you but we're not the center of the universe ,Everything does not evolve around us on a flat game board , It's not like clash of the titans the gods aren't looking down on us and playing a game On a game board .But then the other hand I could be wrong lol

  8. That dude Pierre is shame for science, he can't put one normal sentence. Don't know where all his years in school went to. I wanted to punch him so hard that's even not funny.

  9. No, you went and got someone that knew nothing at all about the flat earth bullshit… Why didn't you get someone from the debunking community?

    Some suggestions…

    Fight the flat earth
    Creaky Blinder
    Godless Engineer

    Etc etc etc…

    You go on and on about how nobody knows what's going on! Yes, yes we DO know what's going on! There are answers to all the questions posed! It's all been debunked a million times! The shape of the earth has been well established for thousands of years!

    Why on earth should we waste time going over very basic shit when it has already been well established, just because you idiots can not research properly?

    Now look, with all that said, I am not against people asking questions, that's fine… But this is just not the case here! All you have is some idiots saying "Earff look flat, so earff is flat, everything is lies… derp derp"

    That is NOT asking questions and actually trying to understand the world around you! It's making baseless assertions and complete logical fallacies!

    I would really love to know who you approached to come and debate that fool you had on! Because anyone from the actual flat earth debunking scene would have been more than happy to do it!

    These debates are held weekly on the non sequitur show…

  10. Good topic guys!!
    Have any of you researched the tartarian empire?
    Very interesting! Lots of mystery and deceit.
    Where you guys from in north east?

  11. Lads, like the channel and the always thought provoking content. But have a fucking word with yourselves when you watch this back….. THOSE MICROPHONES ARE SHIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!! Sort it will ya.

  12. No excuse for physicist Dave killed him from the start he had a programme error a mean his best proof was a picture from earth from space lol cartoons arnt proof of anything

  13. This is right down my street keep those mics held high lads oh and I know you know we live on a level none rotating earth it's obvious haha

  14. Earth is stationary and flat, space is a hoax, there is a firmament above us flatearth101 .com….Flat earth society is gov control opposition website to ridicule and discredit flat earthers, they don't want people to wake up.

  15. I think you’ve touched on an important point, one which is bigger than the flat earth debate itself – the whole thing boils down to a matter of trusting your sources of information – particularly when that information is perceived as coming from a government institution such as NASA. I put this down to a couple of things – a) the social media driven trend towards giving credence to opinion over expertise on subject matters and b) the impact of 911, on the collective American psyche in particular, but also the world at large. I think it’s actually hugely important that science is given more emphasis in schools. This whole thing should be a BIG warning sign to education providers, particularly in the USA and your own country, otherwise we could be headed for a new dark age.

  16. There’s a Scottish guy goes by the name harry , he’s also a super=intelligent guy, you might want to get him on for your next flat earth debate, Dave Murphy knows him I’m sure he would have his contact details …

  17. The people who bring the globe model to the table also brought the following . Moon landing, JFK, Vietnam, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, 9/11, tax, and so much more …

  18. Main stream media normally interview the hippy type when doing flat earth interviews, so good on you guys getting intelligent people on the debate…what did you guys believe before that interview?

  19. If you want a vision of the future, imagine a flat earth boot stomping on the heliocentric cults balls- Forever!
    Have a nice day. 😀

  20. We have no way to tell that we are in a simulation or not. Our universe might be an ant farm on some being's shelf, we will not be able to tell. That however does not matter, we are living in this universe which is our reality. None of that determines the shape of the surface we live on, only physics do. Which is a sphere, in case anyone wondered.

  21. The scientist pissed me off, he should have been dunking on that guy, he did not prepare at all, he didn't know any Flat Earth arguments

  22. Good yarn, i highly recommend finding Eric Dubays video on evolution. Might of been on his channel recently banned, would be on his website or possibly his new channel "Eric Duban" It suggests that evolution was a masonic lie. Ties into the idea that "they" are trying to hide creation. He did a simular video on dinosaurs, very interesting.

  23. Brilliant podcast, and im happy you guys are open to the idea alot of people arnt, i gotta say though evolution is just a theory like everything else in life. The only thing you need to trust is yourself and what you see as true, flat earthers dont become flat earthers over night let me put that out their.

  24. To quote from a song "Shove me in the shallow water before I get too deep". These guys just keep getting deeper and deeper. The flat earth nonsense has been completely blown out of the water because they can't prove there is an edge (which would be very easy to document if earth were really flat) so I guess they're moving on to other things. Glad to see they gave up on flat earth…

  25. I wish people who believe in nasa, the globe and expanding universe could take a break from the insults, it is so mind numbingly boring now, so totally childish and puts them in a light of a mind nazi. To tell another human that they cannot freely think differently to mainstream science is a crime on that persons potential and this is what led me to be open to the possibility that i have been lied to.

  26. To be honest it could have been a five minute debate if you edited out all the stuttering the so-called physicist was doing. The only good part is when you asked Dave if he had any questions and he said No he knows everything the other guy knows.

  27. I believe that we experience dreams to help us prepare for what comes after life. We are ultimately creators so dreams are the "simulator" where we can test without the necessity of interacting with other entities (or harm them) and see if we are ready or not for instant manifestation. (there is no time in dreams). I personally have had a dream where I saw myself at my own funeral and I was for some reason below a lake and people from the funeral were about to transport me in a cave…

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