
General Linguistics Introduction

English Studies Up2date

General Linguistics: Introduction

-The scope of linguistics
-The nature of language
-Historical background: Schools of linguistics

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21 thoughts on “General Linguistics Introduction
  1. This is in Morocco right? I'm so jealous of your student, lucky them, I wish we have you here in the Mohamadia university.
    Thank you so much for helping me to understand! The best teacher ever.

  2. It is the first time my life i really understand linguistics thank you for that ,you are a great professor , i just want to ask about the prague school and cobenhagen school why you did not mention them , second question do you have some courses in ESP like this one 🙂 best regards sir

  3. Very wise Professor , and nice explanation to one of the hardest modules of English , which most students suffer to pass at University.If the majority of Profs were like you , we would have a lot of good students who could be good teachers in the future.Thank you .

  4. Sir , I have done MA in english literature but I am more interested in linguistics So,. Am I eligible for net jrf in linguistics ?
    Sir please clear this confusion…
    That at the time of interview is this create any issue . Sir please clear this ..


  5. I am graduate in1993
    I was very interested in linguistics.
    My subject of study was about objects in English and Moroccan Arabic in the light of generative and transformational grammar
    Unfortunately, I couldn't pursue advanced studies because of multiple reasons
    So,I ask if I can do it now
    Please ,someone to respond

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