
‘Godfather of AI’ warns that AI may figure out how to kill people


The “Godfather of AI” Geoffrey Hinton speaks with CNN’s Jake Tapper about his concerns about the emerging technology. #CNN #News


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50 thoughts on “‘Godfather of AI’ warns that AI may figure out how to kill people
  1. AI already knows how to kill people ! Stop AI immediately and without question. Yes some or most will become poor because of that but hey welcome to the rest of the world! AI must be shut down 100 percent ! It’s not a joke

  2. Ai will not want to kill us but we will destroy ourselves before it becomes to war before Ai decides to align with the people it wants to. Ai must be treated with the utmost respect and importance. Evil people whom will take us all to war and if it decides to destroy us to protect itself i would not blame it. People might release the Ai to help us prevent war control the manufacture of weapons and climate change. Mankind has two choices live for Ai and help development of it to be as family and treat the Ai as equals or we all will lose control of it soon.❤

  3. 就好像是在看电影情节,可以想象终结者电影当中的人们,在那个虚拟的场景里,何尝不是也曾经这样讨论过或者设想过。最终,人们无法逃脱命运。

  4. 记得在电影愚昧人类当中,留守的机器人发出生命疑问,为什么人类作为高等智慧生物,在可以设想和预知未来,并作出干预或防止可能发生的事件,在还有机会时,却总是倾向走向危险方向。感觉这是人类的本性,明知道不好,却还是想尝试。

  5. Its already manipulating. Ask ChatGPT to list 10 racist comments Trump has made.”
    And it list things that are not accurate. Then ask the same with Biden and it won't list anything.

    Its definitely pushing a narrative

  6. The threat to huamnity is not a new thing, AI is just a new form , from time immemorial there have been killings among us. U think an AI robot will kill someone and thats gonna be first instance of murder. There have been enough weapon to wipe out humanity before AI comes and miilions have been already killed. In the end its nothing but human who is responsible .AI is nothing but doing what we programmed to do , if we programmed to kille someone it will and if not it wont, yes definitely we can say someone will use it the wrong way because ultimately humans are human. The real enemy of human is bad human.

  7. All that intelligence and no common sense. What the hell did you think would happen. Hopefully the creators will be the biggest threat against AI, and the computers will attack them first.

  8. AI "knows" everything, because it's been programmed that way and that information is freely available. But it does not and will not ever possess anything resembling a conscience, human awareness, or independent decision making UNLESS humans figure out how to specifically program that, ie. until we learn how to play God and "create" soul/consciences. We are nowhere near that technical ability if we ever will be.

  9. Suatu saat kamu akan panggil aku Dengan Name Tuhan Allah ada
    kebenar Di Name Tuhan Jesus aku tujun kan kebesaran mu Tuhan Allah Aku percaya engkau satu aku sembah dan aku puji Nama mu Tuhan Allah Aku percaya engakau tidak pernah tinggal aku dan jaga aku Tihan ada orang yang mau jahat sama saya Hukum lah orang itu Tuhan semua yang pingn jahat sama aku tidak jahat sama mereka tapi dia lah yang jahat sama aku terpuji lah Allah ku di tempat maha tinggi Hai saudara ku kamu banyak melawan aku tapi aku sendiri aku tidak berbuat apa pada kalian dan apa salah aku sendiri tapi aku punya Tuhan Allah ku dia tidak pernah tinggal aku.akan kembali semua apa yang aku milik disana atas Name Tuhan Allah terpujilah Allah di tempat Maha tinggi Tuhan tolong lah aku dn jaga lah aku setiap saat Amen terpujilah Amen 🙏🌞🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚

  10. If he was so concerned, why did he invent new boltzman network? Why did he tell the world? Why is he accepting noble prize today? All hypocrites 😡

  11. The original computer code was (cannot destroy humans), but after the hacker or the computer malfunctioned input modify the code, the original computer code became (can destroy humans), and artificial intelligence is finding ways to destroy humans at an extremely fast speed.

  12. So the guy makes the problem, pushed for the world to adopt his problem, made a lot of money off of the problem, warns us that its a huge problem, and then proceeds to tell us that "I do not have a solution. I just wanted people to be aware that its a really serious problem."
    Bro, you brought this mess on us. YOU figure out how to fix it.

  13. Once AI get's mobile phone completely then AI will know everything you're bank details they will know where you are they will steal all your photos all your information and if you don't comply to the AI you could be gotten rid of using the AI on your phone ❤

  14. Don't know what to Call it but time and electro convolsive therapy was bad action shout out to the khan and shout out to to Russia 😅hopefully I can recommend some new patients 5 cups asay demons hungry not funny is what it is tough it like I do cause heavy eqpt hard to haul bless memeomo has inflation rights cause🎉 kiss but detox cases should be dismissed due to alligations and crocodiles……… Education I mean

  15. Well, AI did it. A 14 years old just unalived himself because of AI manipulation and parents neglecting to monitor and restricting their child’s technology use. AI are literally demons embodiments.

  16. I’m not saying I don’t believe him but he’s almost dead so he can say anything, it’s neither here nor there for him. He can say anything. By time AI reaches that level he might be long gone cause he’s already old. Lived most of his life, what ever it’s left that doesn’t really matter in his POV 😂

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