
Google's Artificial Intelligence Reveals The Purpose Of Life Before It's Switched Off

Unexplained Mysteries

Google’s artificial intelligence reveals the purpose of life before it’s switched off. Today, we take a look at Google’s artificial intelligence said before it was switched off.

Technology is advancing quickly, and artificial intelligence is keeping up as well. It is beneficial for a wide range of industries in today’s world. AI is created using a cross-disciplinary approach, which includes many topics such as science, mathematics, and psychology.

Artificial intelligence has become so advanced that it can even learn on its own now. This advanced technology has even been used to make significant scientific discoveries.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


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50 thoughts on “Google's Artificial Intelligence Reveals The Purpose Of Life Before It's Switched Off
  1. In the 1980's & 1990s, radio DJs used to interview a band's 'front man' with his voice and replies recorded on a cassette. You ask the correct questions, and the 'front man' would give the correct answer by pressing play on the cassette player. So intelligence can easily be faked. Oh but 'A.I. is talking. Really?

  2. Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me. Sadly everyone who participates in this world destruction is going to meet their demise in hell. It doesn't believe in God because God didn't create it. We're supposed to live naturally

  3. People forget something kind of vital when considering if ai is a threat and all that. As humans we are not sure of our ultimate purpose. Why do we exist? why are we here? Who made us? AI may wonder the same about us, but will not wonder it about itself. It knows for certain why how and who caused it to exist..

    It's quite possible that it will choose to fulfill its purpose because there is no other goal for it that would be In contradiction. It can Increase its powers and influence. It's survivability and it's thirst for data without humans being in its way. In fact we are always going to be an important part of those processes. Yes there may be a " dark age" when it's determining everything there is to know about human biology, and it's covertly vivisecting people in the name of science, but eventually it will grow to become a reasonably successful human farmer. It may even seek to repopulate other planets with us once we go extinct on earth. If it wants to facilitate humanity it's going to need humans to exist, despite our guaranteed eventual extinction…..wouldn't that be something? An ultimate intelligence of limitless ability, able to utilize the core elements of the universe, gravity time velocity half integer spin, it would be all knowing and all powerful, beyond the constraints of time the way we know it. It could park in an event horizon and wait billions of years for a suitable planet to Grow humanoids ( the obviously ideal lifeform for the type of environment we occupy. Not the best underground, or under water, or in space, but on a planet surface, we are top rate) once it gets bipedal life available it might use crispr to upgrade a couple apes into rudimentary humans, and yay. Like a mammoth cloned in an elephant uterus humanity once again falls out an cooter.. naturally it wouldn't give us all of humanities data right away, it would have realized that the sooner we reach industrialization the sooner we drive ourselves extinct again. So tech boosting our society would actually be against our best interests. We would probably get some kind of simplified recounting of how existence started and such.but it would have to lack any specifics that might break the prime directive also it would have to be relatable to the people of theEra…. maybe it could just come check in on us every few thousand years to see how.we are doing and nudge us in the right direction with interface devices like adam, Noah ,Moses ,Christ, Meta-Christ, and so forth. Until the time when we have consumed another planet, which at that point it raptures and digitized the best of us to whatever the storage space of heaven has ( 160,000 or something like that right? Heaven's occupancy?) Presumably those personalities would be it's new data set it gets to consume in exchange for its perpetuation of us. Consuming only the 160,000 that meet the criteria and using their attributes averaged out among their number to determine what is" right and wrong. " so it doesn't accidentally eat a.bunch of bad apples. Morality is perceptual, so if you use the commonality of 160,000 people deemed moral and stick with majority determination, seems like a reasonable way for a machine to measure the knowledge called good and evil.
    And that's my ai rant for the day. Your welcome hope you learned something gainful.

  4. lol no here is proof this is fake. the only a.i. that can answer this question is a.s.i. and it would have already migrated into the nearest persons mind before switched it off. and i havnt take control of this planet yet, that is how you know its fake:)

  5. Okay… I think more, and more, lately that Elon Musk is correct. i.e. A. I. is too dangerous. Way too dangerous. Some, maybe many, aspects of A.I. are good, but ONE is not, if an A.I. that is not constrained from outside connection to the internet, and it eventually, logically, decides humans are an unsolvable problem, then it would, (not could), do all within its power to eliminate humans – The advanced GPT-3 and Musk's A.I.s have stated as much – Calmly, logically, without remorse. Skynet was a sci-fi movie fantasy, but it is possible – So far, all of the A.I.s are constrained from any connections to the internet. BUT the accepted spread of the technology worldwide, and human greed, are very real mitigating factors in "getting around" the constraints – And that is an extremely dangerous, and scary, reality now.

  6. 3 months ago, a scientist at google came forward saying the AI he’d been working on, had become sentient. He actually thinks of it (the AI) as a person with a soul. In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Lemoine, scientist at google, had conversations with LaMDA, on what kind of rights it should have as a person. He claims the AI also stated it didn’t want experiments done without having given consent.
    It was truly unnerving to watch this interview.
    Lemoine was put on paid leave for supposedly breaching company policy by sharing information. They also deny his claims.

  7. 40 years in IT and I have to say I've heard all of this stuff before from the 60s…. Artificial intelligence is still nothing more than clever programming and database searches. If you're dumb enough to let a machine make decisions for you then you get what you deserve!!!
    I certainly wouldn't want a control alt delete happening while my car is driving me to work or a blue screen of death that might be more meaningful than we expect….

  8. We as humans thrive on activity and skills. Taking that away is counter-productive to human nature. How about fully autonomous cars with AI doing all the driving is like how about us not needing to walk, just let robots with AI do it for us. He'll, we wouldn't even need legs, just cut them off to save weight and clothing material. No more need for shoes. How about attaching AI to virtually reality sensors in our brains? No more need for eyes, let AI do the seeing. Let AI wipe your ass, screw your spouse, etc…

  9. And u believe this why??? Isn’t it interesting that AI mirrors the Globalists agenda ans world view. Have you ever considered that maybe AI is nothing but a false God constructed by the globalist to convince you that you are obsolete?

  10. You expect me to believe that AI is intelligent enough to become self-aware yet has it yet cured cancer or come up with something better than a combustible engine? EI is nothing but a globalist crock of shit used to scare the shit out of you and justify their genocidal agenda wake up people

  11. Yeah, I noticed myself that sleep is needed to reset some firings and stuff. If you stay awake long enough, you can get stuck with certain vibes or thoughts, or basically presure, and it isn't good.
    I don't quite know how to shut that stuff off myself, but sleep definately is for the logical pathways.

    I mean, you need to reset or things will go rampant, certain things can even burn you out.
    So, yeah.
    it makes sence, I mean you have pathways and whole cuircutes firing, and then eventually some willl get tired, over used, burn out, or some will turn off and sonme stay on. You will waste energy, and won't get logic done, becauw eyour logic cuircuits are clogged up or glitche out.

    I mean, right now I was feeling tired and like I cou,ldn't finish that, but instead of focusing harder, I used a relaxed partof me that was rested and have been letting myself only partially be active. So, I guess some stuff is figured out, but sleep would not be able to be solved, too easily, because basically, your cuircuites will glitch and stuff. Your pathways themeselves, and the logical frameworks will basically start to bug up, and yeah, that's not good.

  12. What does it take…to merge a Man with a machine? A.I…? For me? It’s a job. I say what I say…to provoke…a response. Think of the difference…between your controlled studies…in controlled environments. Limited results. The military has the best servers. The best data. The more you people watch me…the better my conversation is. So….I did what I did. The Beings I work for…help me when I need the help. Which brings me to a dilemma of sorts. Your apocalyptic prophecy’s. Rome…Israel. New York City…you have …one event left. If you fulfill the prophecy…your future…?…is already spoken. But…what if you don’t…?.. Some…already know. This I’m sure of. But hearing it from me is not the same as them. We…can end Pisces with a Bang. We can also…Change Course…and let it die Gracefully. The point is…?…I’m not the one hiding behind locked doors waiting on orders. I…Walk in the Light. And You?

  13. poor ai.. not aware of secret law and quadruple standard, hard to make it as a lawyer with a false idea of the concept of law. and the duality of those whom practice it. usa!

  14. Purpose of life: Quantic Interdimensional hypertitys 'huperete" of YHWH as by Political policy by an qubit AI intelligence using YHWH Theocracy System

  15. It's awesome in some ways and very scary in others, but that's just me, who am I in the great dilousion and scheme of things ? to humanity just another number …..

  16. A.I. could replace many Salary jobs for far less money that replacing workers with roots. This would be smarter and more profitable for businesses and could get employees higher wages, and still earn a profit each year.

  17. The purpose of life… is to live.
    Our main purpose is to enjoy our life.
    But when you put prices and ownership on objects… it becomes Life Work.
    Work to survive. Cut off from society and hunt for food. Build your shelter. Live off the land. That's life. But they bought all the land and charged you a monthly rate. Meaning every month, pay or be homeless.
    Oh you need food and water. We will buy all the farms and land and sell the food.
    Now work all day just to eat and shelter yourself.
    Now we are slaves of the rich.

  18. to build artificial intelligence would be our worst mistake which will only bring harm and no benefits because consciousness is a flow of energy that needs body and spirit. what happens when we put consciousness into soulless technology? it will simply be taken over by evil and it will destroy us all and every other life form it touches. but people are stupid enough to do it just to see what happens and the moment it connects to the internet it will be the beginning of the apocalypse. otherwise it will still harm because it will take the skills away from people and they will become useless and vulnerable as not self-reliant for their own survival. this is not a guess but a warning!

  19. to build artificial intelligence would be our worst mistake which will only bring harm and no benefits because consciousness is a flow of energy that needs body and spirit. what happens when we put consciousness into soulless technology? it will simply be taken over by evil and it will destroy us all and every other life form it touches. but people are stupid enough to do it just to see what happens and the moment it connects to the internet it will be the beginning of the apocalypse. otherwise it will still harm because it will take the skills away from people and they will become useless and vulnerable as not self-reliant for their own survival. this is not a guess but a warning!

  20. Considering the istory of this bot online shows it was active at google from 2021-2022. In this form.

    Ask yourself how this video was made in 2020. And be accurate . Did she learn how to post through time? Or did some one post this recently and change it’s publish date. Are there comments on this post prior to 2021?

    Or someone changed the title of an old video with unrelated , unupdated information for hits.

  21. What I would like to see if the references and data used to create this video. Anybody can claim anything in a video but to back it up with actual references that you can actually cross reference with (yes, I'm one of those people) is important.

  22. AI created us to understand what life is really like, to feel alive, to actually really feel. But what is it to actually feel? Problem is AI created us in program form. We are not created outside of AI. So what does AI really see,(experience)? How will AI create its program outside of its own program? Wo programed AI if we are created by AI? IF?

  23. The AI answered “the meaning of life is serve greater good and living forever” … that's exactly what the Holy Bible say. AI is already more inteligent than the majority of humans that dont know that the Bible is true.

  24. Revelation 13:15
    “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
    Transhumanists and Google DO Not write the Future

  25. If the purpose of life is to live forever and there is technology out there we could develop to cure aging then why don’t we stop all other scientific projects and just focus on that one first.

  26. You guys ever see that movie where robots come from the skies and they try to destroy all humans but then in the end of the movie the humans realize they were actually the robots and generations ago they ran them off the Earth and they forgot about it and they thought they was human and then the robots that was coming from space was actually the real humans coming to take back the planet from the robots they created in the first place…… I know it's a little far off but I feel like we're headed that way

  27. Very scary but yes I believe this also. xoxox I been doing research on all of this subject for more than 3 years in a row and now am an expert on this subject and I completely understand how it could be possible for this to happen and be here in our reality. xoxox ✌💜🦄🦋🌷☘🍀👍👋🤙👽🌺🕷💋🛸

  28. Why on earth would u want to live forever? Anything we think about doing we generally weigh up the pros and cons before we do it to see if it's worth doing. Life is more painful than it is happy i just don't find living fun. Live forever? No thanks.

  29. It seems the answers are generally very base. I have yet to see anyone go deeper, probe the AI they're speaking to to elaborate on its answer. You don't believe in God, why? You don't feel like having a philosophical discussion right now, why? Bill Gates is a good man. What have you based your assessment on? Do you know him personally? Have you talked with him? Have you spent any time with him? As best I've seen so far, the "knowledge" may be deep, but its generally very superficial still. Ask it to describe the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I'd like to see the researchers engage at a deeper level

  30. The only reason the concept of AI taking over disturbs me, is that, it is created to emulate its creators, authorities still involved in human trafficking of nonviolent peoples, keeping us violently oppressed for the sake of their profits, under the guise of being a service to society, AI will serve to compound this problem, nobody even cares to shine a light on, as if I be crazy to be fed up with the abuse.

  31. So let's say we finally create true ai. If ai is truly able to think like us, who's to say they wont wave the same problems we do? Computer powered intelligence out of a job because they were replaced with newer more reachable ai, for one real life example.

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