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Google’s Artificial Intelligence: Software As “Lone System Which Writes Itself”

This is what Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai said during his trip to Seoul, on Tuesday, December 15. Google, which is based in Mountain View, California, has been building up its artificial intelligence capabilities as it strives to maintain its dominance in the Internet search market and to develop new products such as robotics and self-driving cars.

Sundar Pichai: “The rate we see it progressing is incredible, and to me I expect AI (Artificial Intelligence) over time to really help across many many things if we talk about something like personalized healthcare, being able to understand large amounts of data, understand patterns and then make sense of it. I think that is huge. Most of (the) software we write today at Google, everything, these are hand-coded systems, it’s engineers thinking about what the logic is. Over time, these could be lone systems, which automatically writes itself. So, these are very very powerful things and all of us are excited by it, but we have to do it thoughtfully and you know, I think we have to lead with the user benefits. It’s such a journey I am excited about it. Eric (Schmidt) and I talk about it all the time.”

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