
Google's 'PAIR' wants to connect AI and Humans | QPT

Rajamanickam Antonimuthu

The past few years have seen rapid advances in machine learning, with dramatic improvements in technical performance—from more accurate speech recognition, to better image search, to improved translations.

Now Google is taking a new initiative named (PAIR) i-e People + AI Research to bring together researchers across Google to study and redesign the ways people interact with AI systems. The goal of PAIR is to focus on the “human side” of AI: the relationship between users and technology, the new applications it enables, and how to make it broadly inclusive. The goal isn’t just to publish research; Google is also releasing open source tools for researchers and other experts to use.

Google is open sourcing two visualization tools, Facets Overview and Facets Dive. These applications are aimed at AI engineers, and address the very beginning of the machine learning process. The Facets applications give engineers a clear view of the data they use to train AI systems.

One of the ways that ML engineering seems different than traditional software engineering is a stronger need to debug not just code, but data too. With Facets, engineers can more easily debug and understand what they’re building.
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