
Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow: The Futurism of Walt Disney

Featuring interviews with various Disney Legends and Historians, Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow looks at the various technologies Walt Disney used and developed over the course of his life. From creating the first sync sound animation in 1928 to his unrealized dream of E.P.C.O.T., an experimental city that passed on with him in 1966, this film shows Walt Disney as the futurist he truly was.

For more in depth information on Walt Disney and his development of technologies :

For more information on the subjects covered in this film please visit the following websites:

Jim Korkis:

Sam Gennawey:

Mauren Furniss:

Bob Gurr:

Rolly Crump:

Theme Park Press:

Christian Moran

CM Films


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36 thoughts on “Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow: The Futurism of Walt Disney
  1. Several people have attempted to point out that the phrase used at 7:25, "If you can dream it, you can do it," is not a quote from Walt Disney. Instead of answering for it every time it is brought up, we will put our response here for all to see:

    In a 1979 interview conducted by Arn Saba, Disney Legend Floyd Gottfredson recounted an exchange that occurred at Imagineering during a meeting about the new audioanamatronics technology. Someone said that what Walt wanted could not be achieved, and Gottfredson described Walt's response as, "God Damn it, if you can visualize it, if you can dream it, then there's some way to do it! Now keep after it until we get it!" The words are not the same but the sentiment is, and this conversation is most likely the genesis of that phrase. Though Gottfredson did not work in Imagineering it's reasonable to believe that as a member of the Disney Organization from 1929 to 1975 he is a reliable source and was up to date on the various goings on within the organization. We hope you will now understand why the phrase was included and attributed to Walt. Thank you for watching!

  2. I like how much actual footage of Walt you crammed into this. While I know it's not the case, it almost feels like everything he said was made with this documentary in mind. Fantastic interviews and writing, this is a must-see for anyone touched by Disney and his work. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this. Thank you!

  3. Wow. This was extremely well done and enjoyable. As a Disney lover, you added to my appreciation of what he and the company has given to us. Thank you.

  4. Saw how long this was when it queued and thought “I’m not watching 2 hours of this” but after 30 seconds I was glued!! Awesome and very enjoyable!! Thanks for the great film ?

  5. I L♡VE Walt Disney! Although opening day of Disneyland was a mess I woulda loved to be there with Frank Sinatra being there & all. Also I wish EPCOT was built as Walt designed it to be.

  6. Walt Disney was an admitted bohemian grover. The DEMON moloch from bohemian grove is on the dollar bill and the little butt fuck owl DEMON amon. Bohemian grove is frequented by underage male prostitutes and gay porn stars. The climax to the bohemian grove sausage fest is a child sacrifice to a forty foot owl headed DEMON statue named: "moloch". Walt Disney had little cartoon phalluses and rectums swimming around in his Tinkerbell brain. Walt Disney animators drew hidden little schlongs on everything. Definitely evil.

  7. The more I learn about all this, the more I realize that Disney’s involvement in Worlds Fairs towards the last decade of his life, motivated him to the next level. Through sponsorships that were mutually beneficial at Disneyland also, he could basically make Disneyworld a place of applying permanent residence of new technologies. It was a very radical thing (creating a living prototype city) that hinged on his optimism of technology. There’s no way that anyone else could have brought this to fruition at the critical stage when we lost Walt.

  8. This was such a wonderful video i really enjoyed it thanks so much for making it very touching heart warming and just a overall wonderful video i enjoyed that you put rolly crump in and bob gurr in the video i love seeing what the animators saw and thought when they were with walt.??have a great day

  9. To think what the company would’ve been in Walt had never smoked…Roy lived into his late 70’s….what would the company have been if Walt had been able to see the Florida Project through to completion; if we’d had Walt Disney into the 80’s, into HIS 80’s…Damned cigarettes robbed us all of what that could’ve been!!

  10. An excellent documentary! I really enjoyed it! But, young man, get a suit that fits correctly and an a new tie before your next production. js

  11. I have love walt Disney since I was a child 34 now, i hate hearing the things said about him because i knew they were not true. My father was born in 42 and would talk about this great man and how he chanced movie making, how we thought about technology, space and so many different ideas. As a kid I watched many of his films from 40s and 50s and technology and the future so I have always been difficult to hear that bs so thank u for cutting though that.

  12. Just want to add that I dont like modern Disney 2000s and up because I dont think they stand for nor understand what walt believed in and what he wished his films to do for the world.

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