Consciousness Videos

Groucho Einstein Shreds Fundamental Physics

Doug Sweetser

Groucho Einstein aka Doug Sweetser talks about how Brutal Simplicity (BS) must guide proposals for fundamental physics. Relativity is about 2 observers comparing notes and a velocity. The game it to figure out what people can agree upon.

Ruler relativity is a simplified form of special relativity (rotations only). Special relativity is an upgrade to ruler relativity that can handle the observer Moving Girl. Now time squared needs to be used to calculate something all observers agree upon.

The final observer to consider is Balloon Girl. With less gravity, her ruler will expand while her heart is free to beat faster. Her escape velocity is also less. How do we find a value that all observers agree about?

Numbers are brutally simple. In 1997, I found out about a number that had four parts to it. Here is the square:

(t, x, y, z)² = (t² – (x²+y²+z²), 2 t x, 2 t y, 2 t z)

Ruler relativity is there along with the invariant of special relativity using time squared and the minus sign. It is the reason I purchased the domain It took 17 years before I suggested the other three terms could be used for a new approach to how gravity works. For this general audience I did not go into more detail.

One slide was dedicated to the transition from analytic geometry to analytic animations I think may visualize abstract ideas in fundamental physics to a general audience. Check back in 5 years to see if I have an app for phones.

Groucho Einstein did go out that night and dance in his Zoot Suit, but ditched the hair.

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