Consciousness Videos

Hegelian Spirit,evolution of Human Consciousness to political maturity for global human coexistence

Competitiv Crash Courses CE

Hegelian Spirit is nothing but evolution of Human Consciousness to the realization of global human coexistence.
#HegelianSpirit #HumanConsciousness #PoliticalMaturity #HumanCoexistence


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6 thoughts on “Hegelian Spirit,evolution of Human Consciousness to political maturity for global human coexistence
  1. Salam…sir kindly make this lecture in slides like curtain raiser, then points with elaboration please. That is more understandable way for the beginners please. It's q humble request

  2. Hey, I am glad to see your lecture. I believe as per my readings of his works and idealism, the pattern to absolute knowledge lies in dialectics which are based on the natural growth of man's intellect to reach the goal. For Instance, the idea of justice got matured with time. It had naturally inherited in it the seeds of change that Hegel tried to explain through his dialectic method. But in physical manifestation, it happened in the minds of people(ideas) through intellectual growth happened through dialecticism in natural circumstances which resulted in the awakening of political maturity.
    Simply put, the Evolution of human consciousness is dependent on the dialectic method as named by Hegel after knowing the pattern of change, thus, the Hegelian spirit is nothing but a documented pattern of the evolution of human consciousness which leads to political maturity..

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