
Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 Ep.11 – Artificial Intelligence

When information from a Sentient Data Log is accidentally downloaded into Zeke’s brain, He leads Battle Force 5 into a secret Zone to find clues that may lead them to Sentient survivors. What Sentient information will be uncovered? Will the Sark get the information before the team can?!

I don’t own anything, other than the Youtube account.

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23 thoughts on “Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 Ep.11 – Artificial Intelligence
  1. We’re definitely on season 2 now and in depth analysis???!!! I Remember this very episode it was funny???!!! I’ll always remember that hilarious line “let’s hit the road battle force 6” “actually it’s still 5 I quit”???!!!

  2. Wait,wait,wait, how can aliens speak the human language? I would understand if they stayed there for a while and humans learned their language, but if its their first time visiting earth, how would they instantly be speaking the exact same language? Including the Zerk and Vandals, plus different mouth shape, equals different way of speech

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