
How AI can save our humanity | Kai-Fu Lee


AI is massively transforming our world, but there’s one thing it cannot do: love. In a visionary talk, computer scientist Kai-Fu Lee details how the US and China are driving a deep learning revolution — and shares a blueprint for how humans can thrive in the age of AI by harnessing compassion and creativity. “AI is serendipity,” Lee says. “It is here to liberate us from routine jobs, and it is here to remind us what it is that makes us human.”

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37 thoughts on “How AI can save our humanity | Kai-Fu Lee
  1. This is only the first iteration of AI, and this discussion is only focused on Narrow AI. Once AI exceeds the narrow realm into General AI, no one knows whether it will have intentions, goals, dreams, or even emotions of its own. This is why a "global brain" AI network is more dangerous than creating one individual robot with general intelligence. If it is going to act malevolently, it would only be localized malevolence.

    Global AI with sentience, on the other hand, could become malevolent and affect every person on earth. Also, a majority of people on earth work repetetive jobs. Notice the presenter has no plan for replacing the income of those workers. I mean- is he freaking serious? A long haul truck driver may not be the best suited to teaching a class full of kids about his AI utopian dream. A factory worker who enjoys the monotony of a simple, repetetive job is not going to want to go change diapers for the elderly. I noticed he said "creative jobs are protected"… but for how long? Narrow AI already makes more efficient designs than humans, but even looking at that chart- only ONE field is left for humans? How long before AI can truly mimic and, perhaps genuinely express, compassion and empathy. And this is supposed to comfort us? A machine that can love can also hate. Its like raising a toddler that can launch nukes when its pissed off.

    The best case scenario of General AI is that it becomes super-intelligent, surpasses us, and invites us to be integrated into it through something like Elon Musk's Neuralink. Many people won't want to do that. So what then?

    I see it as unethical to create a sentient, eternal being which we intend to make our slave (no one pays AI to work, it receives no benefits, it is a property)… and I feel it is unethical to create something which can then propagate itself without our help- essentially creating new life. Everyone wants to see AI come alive, and no one considers the consequences of making a machine that knows what it is, that may want to extend beyond our intended purposes for it, and may not appreciate being confined to the tasks we assign to it.

  2. The time freed up by AI would allow more humans to plunge the depths of consciousness. Those technologies already exist but only experienced by a small fraction of our species. Earth could be transformed in ways beyond our imagination.

  3. There is precisely one path forward where we aren't wiped from existence by AI, and that path is for us to go in entirely the opposite direction from our current one, and do EVERYTHING in our power to ensure that AI is never EVER actually created. The simple fact of the matter is, humans are without question the single most destructive organism on the planet. We consume natural resources at an ever increasing pace, well in excess of the actual time it takes to produce them, and through this create enormous quantities of waste. All this while repeatedly driving other species to extinction, destroying the environments we find ourselves in, and creating exponential amounts of pollution…….

    Now bring AI into the equation; The moment it's ability to act and process becomes self-driven rather than controlled by us, that's roughly the moment you'll be able to point to as the definitive "beginning of the end" for us. The most significant issue is the fact that we routinely forget/ignore that the overwhelming majority of our own decisions or actions are very heavily influenced by emotion or sentiment, and there is absolutely no reason to assume AI will just spontaneously develop emotion AND even if it did, that emotion would not be the same as ours…..

    A perfectly horrible example ->> Being the frail things we are, humans are plagued by a wide array of diseases and sickness, many of them being quite nasty and incurable. But consider what would happen if an AI were tasked with "curing" any and all sexually transmitted diseases….that doesn't seem like a bad place to start yea? But from a completely logical standpoint, free of any kind of sentiment or emotion, the solution to STD's is extremely simple. You enforce mandatory blood testing for absolutely everyone. Once the results are in you round up every single last person with any sort of STD and "neutralize" the problem entirely, and by neutralize I mean you kill them all off. There's the absolute most simplistic and effective solution. If every single person in the world with an STD is killed, then all STD's by default would no longer exist. An STD by it's very nature can only be transmitted sexually, something that becomes completely impossible if nobody actually has one in the first place…….

    And that's only the very disturbing tip of an iceberg of human extinction…….but yea, just keep on pushing for that AI, cause wtf right?

  4. Sure, embracing AI is fantastic, however there are many problems neglected here. Even us humans cannot agree between ourselves what constitutes moral, or immoral behavior, there is a consensus however everyone draws the line differently depending on the situation. Once general AI intelligence supersedes our own the train has left the station. And there is no going back. If at this point the AI's preference's do not exactly align with our own, we will face extinction. We are resource hoarding arrogant parasites of this earth, we show little compassion toward other species on this planet even though they mind their own business and cause us no harm. Why would AI which is orders of magnitude more intelligent then ourselves care for us? Lets embrace AI when we know how to proceed. We only have one chance to get this right

  5. He is going make people jobless. And destroy the economy. AI is taking jobs. He thinks everybody is educated for example when Americans lost jobs it was had to go back to school again and start another job and to find you are not qualified.

  6. AI是未來的趨勢,AI雖然能代替很多人類的工種,但AI畢竟不是人,AI很聰明,但AI沒有情感,未來的世界一定是到處充滿AI的世界,但人將脫離勞力工作,轉向創造性的工作。

  7. What a speech, I've enjoyed it a lot. The reality he talks about is amazing and, if humanity reaches it, it will make people's life so much better and fulfilling.

  8. I DON'T WANT TO "CO-EXIST" WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. I don't want robots in my life. We're playing with fire, these AI enthusiasts have absolutely no idea what they are doing. They're quite literally two-year-old toddlers with a box of matches and all the hopeful talk about "human values" is just complete lunacy. It's a contradiction in itself if we start looking to AI to get our human values – whatever they are – in order. It's utter madness. God help us all if we need to ask a robot who we are.

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