Consciousness Videos

How Consciousness Manifests Reality

Actualized Clips

Exploring how the universe manifests itself. Consciousness divides into infinite Godheads that imagine a collective dream with certain limitations.

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New Kind Of Awakening: Infinity Of Gods

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied improperly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, ADHD, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo’s teachings assume you have a stable and well-ground mind and life. If your mind is ill or unstable, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Warning: Psychedelic substances are inherently risky and dangerous in many ways. Only use psychedelics if you are willing to take 100% responsibility for the consequences. Do not take psychedelics if you are too young, too immature, on mind-altering medication, or if you have a mental disorder. By listening to Leo you agree that is not responsible if you misuse psychedelics and injure yourself or others. If you decide to use psychedelics you must exercise extreme caution and carefully follow safety protocols. Leo’s use of psychedelics is always done with extreme caution and attention to safety. You should treat psychedelics like a loaded gun.


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18 thoughts on “How Consciousness Manifests Reality
  1. ok now im fkn done… no ever that nightmare… its good what is now… all of it… it can be much worst… mych… cheesos fakin krist … dont think just live… YES YES. 😢😵‍💫😅 NEVER AGAIN. STRANGELOOP.. MMMHY.. ISEE..

  2. Infinite, what is infinite? If there is infinite then YOU are IT. Infinite? (no beginning, no end, no up no down, no outside no inside, no us no them) If infinity exists it can NOT exist without YOU and YOU cannot be separate from IT.

  3. we get born as babies that know not everything, then we get told we are us, then at age 18 we have gotten so cynical that we realise its all bs, everything is, then we snap, we realise we are the only one here in this universe, and we get bored. then end.

  4. One friend of mine is shears your video about the solipsism and I wants to see that but you deleted
    But I have some ideas about it
    And it is like…………..
    I hope that you can understand this dots
    Because if You wackup or your dreams is end then what's left which is dreaming this dream ?
    But dream is an also concept of this mind but this is only reality itself and its nature Because we can't sure one's dreaming and he is sleeping or awake.
    So it is just conceptual thinking only.
    But Awareness is not an illusion and it is project itself as the all experiences and also experienced them.
    And if you upload it then please keep it short.

  5. Can there be more than one "set" of experiences at the same point in time? In other words, can there exist experiences right now that I am not experiencing? Is there only my experiential world?

  6. What a dilemma huh?

    I like to theorize that when the consciousnesses give up a bit of their Sovereignty, they open the possibility to create something finite (obviously), but this finite creation has the potential to be extremely powerful (something new and revolutionary) and even mold the collective dream. This new finite creation has the potential to outlive it parts and because of it obvious power, would in turn create "gods" in the dream.

    Could awakening to both god and God maintain some sort of balance?

    This is the theory I talked myself into so I could date the "other" 😂

  7. This is my point of view ,
    Experiences that's we consciousness are experiencing it is experienced in Consciousness. Experiences can't be experienced without consciousness.
    So all experiences are appears in consciousness and consciousness have nothing otherthan itself in itself. So there's no distance and separation between consciousness and experiences. So experiences are made by consciousness and also experienced by consciousness alone. And what's more so funny is that consciousness is doing all of these without doing anything and also do if it is wants as an finite mind ( as us )

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