
HOW MACHINES WILL CHANGE THE WORLD | Elon Musk, Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg

Jonas Bjerg

In this video we discuss how artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning principles will and already have changed the world. Hopefully they will have a positive impact on the world, but not all are of that belief. Especially Elon Musk calls for stricter government control, where Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates both have a more relaxed approach.


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30 thoughts on “HOW MACHINES WILL CHANGE THE WORLD | Elon Musk, Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg
  1. I think it will really increase productivity and revolutionize our technological advancements and people will have more free time and be able to do more of what they please. Of course jobs in the tech space like programming and engineering will still be growing in high demand and these people need to do constant learning to keep up with an ever advancing industry. Jobs like marketing and entertainment will also still be in growing demand because people will have more time on their hands and robots I doubt can give a good tv show, movie, advertising to appeal to people, music, YOUTUBE videos(lol) or video game content. The more creative aspect of society will be in higher in demand since AI and robots will be able to do more of the physical labor and technical work needed. It'll help us advance much faster and take out human error.

    So yes I think it'll be an amazing advancement in human history, but I do think there needs to be some sort of safety mechanism just in case, or there is that possibility that machines and AI will surpass us as humans as the most intelligent known beings. Sounds strange saying it but it isn't far fetched at all, what makes us human is our ability to learn information and pass that along to evolve ourselves throughout time, but machines are technically immortal beings that can live forever and process years of information in seconds or less. But, like Elon Musk said before, to keep up with them we may have to become cyborgs, half man half machine to boost our information processing abilities. It's very crazy and interesting all this, it's like living in a movie of the present becoming the future, keeps me on the edge of my seat. Btw, I haven't watched this video yet, but now I am, this is just my thoughts from other things I've read and watched and learned about and just putting my thoughts here. (: Oh and I appreciate all your videos too! It's just what I was looking for, love from the US!! What are your thoughts on this? You agree, disagree on some things I said? Wdy think Jonas?

  2. Musk has little substance behind his words. I don't think he has any special ai technology. He says stuff to keep customers and share holders off his back.

  3. Interesting video but you really need to normalise your audio between the different clips you use. Quiet / loud / quiet / death to headphone users / quiet

  4. Good video again Jonas. I send video's to my family nowadays to inform them. I'm still one of your true subscribers. Keep up the good work. And maybe. Ons day we can meet in Amsterdam :D!!! Chears leader ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. The perception that people must work is high class perception. What will be done if we automate everything? At industry revolution a lot of people suffered. Some values, like energy, water, air, currency can't be owned by private interests. At technology and innovations is the same. They are not bad concepts. Bad is the hand and the way they want to use them. By this point of view, we are not in a sustainable way. "S.F.M.E."

  6. Isn't the whole point of automation is to make things easier, so we don't have to work. Maybe we are so stuck in a achievement based reward system, that money only means that it's a reward, and not a trade of value. Maybe the goal of not working should be more noble than we make it out to be, so there will be less fear of the future.

  7. In Werner Herzog's doc Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World, he claims AI could never do what he does and Elon sort of agreed with him. Do you think there will be something 'creative' that would always elude the increasingly capable bots or would nothing separate us at one point (lest there's a complete takeover)?

  8. I like this but the truth is AI Can be hacked and humans are still needed . The problem will be the rich and company's that still don't get every human that has a job buys and need something. So human's are more in economic and growth AI Short terms is good but will flat line economic and growth. You needed a mixture of more human's and little bits of AI AND robots with this economic plan for the world we can have a greater future ? human's buy AI would flat line economic and growth it that easy's?. I Still Think growth and economic will 110% need human's because human's buy and have idea's that makes growth so AI is nice to have but can't take jobs because of growth. If the rich and company's get that then we all be richer ? it about growth and idea's ?

  9. The biggest fear of the future is not self learning AI… but the corrupt governments corporations/organizations that will take advantage of it

    who can stop a corrupt government with an army of mechanized machines behind them from enslaving everyone ? no protest will brake them down.
    THATS what problem everyone is ignoing here!

  10. Hi Jonas, apart from the great content you are sharing, I think you've done a fantastic job replying to the feedback and kinda 'host' the discussion to always make sure that it goes in a open, constructive and polite way ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks you for doing this. The Youtube community would probably be an even better place to enjoy if more vlogers can do that ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. there should be no incentives on a basic income , because entertainment, it provides no value to science but, try getting a human 24/7 minus sleep to work or learn all day, also established systems, you will get say 10 corporations that will cover all areas of employment, innovation does not happen when you learn to become a mechanic that repairs x car of y brand for half his/her life, you do your own stuff and then inevitably you share your learning s with other people and/so they benefit as well

    ofc i agree with a basic lvl on knowledge every individual should ahve about the society they live in in order to know what buttons to push and not to push but at the same time any and all knowledge should be freely available for whoever wants to learn it, people get borred , you may not want to learn quadratic equations when you are 10 cuz they serve you no purpose, tho you might want to learn them when/if whatever you want to achieve (rockets to orbit) requires that specific knowledge

  12. I won't miss my warehouse job. I just want to make sure I have a safe home with my wife and three kids. For now I have to deal with bosses who treat you with almost zero respect after slaving for the company for 8+ years. We were also just all informed we are no longer aloud to have sick days as it has been affecting company productivity. Yes these jobs are for robots.

  13. That simply gonna lead to improvement in tecnology, massive number of people without work, no privacy, worst economy and rich people even more rich. I dont really see any good

  14. The movie Transcendence and the Steely Dan song What a beautiful World this will be often haunt my 62 year old brain in these discussions.. In the movie ai the programmers recreation of love becomes distrusted regardless of the miraculous side effects and only in the death of both primitive forms is the true ai allowed to fulfill its purpose of regenerative symbiosis…This,to me, represents our true desire to do good in our world without the belief we are actually capable of doing so. This tiny seed of doubt is growing in masses of uneducated humans as the tech exponentially overtakes us all. Our discussions must say more, faster..our children taught how to humanely evolve โค

  15. The last speaker is worried that solving these problems or find better ideas to build a future economy that works for everybody at every level of our society will be one of the most challenge that we are going to face in the future years…Now, here is what I believe will solve these problems, the same AI which has taken our jobs will solve this problems.

  16. Some say that approximately 6 % of humans are psychopaths, that probably is true. The people that run this world most likely would qualify for that name. You keep talking and planing on human progress in 50 years to the future, but there is so much poverty around us, in the world, never ending psycho-elites wars, that I couldn't even imagine in my wildest dreams 30 years ago. There are already millions, and millions with no jobs. Man with no job, has no purpose in life. What some call the progress of humanity at the same time it is it's worst enemy. All that benefit in life, like leeches are the dysfunctional "elites" and the bankers… Do you know how many people in the world are hungry, they can't determine their lives for economic enslavement and political reasons… Where are we going with this crap ? What's wrong with you people ? You are already irrational, insane, sadistic…

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