I get it❤ For me still very much in the WoRD-Less-thoughtless-zone and then…I remember I have a spacesuit that needs attention. When You break all the words down All you will find is NOTHING at all. Simply a Holy space of beautiful light that draws me ever closer. The absolute nothing of NOTHINGNESS of which all that is MADE Springs forth and calls itself ME, sometimes ( I ) yet eternally, YOU❤
"What dreaming does is give us the fluidity to enter into other worlds by destroying our sense of knowing this world."
–Carlos Castaneda
I get it❤ For me still very much in the WoRD-Less-thoughtless-zone and then…I remember I have a spacesuit that needs attention. When You break all the words down All you will find is NOTHING at all. Simply a Holy space of beautiful light that draws me ever closer. The absolute nothing of NOTHINGNESS of which all that is MADE Springs forth and calls itself ME, sometimes ( I ) yet eternally, YOU❤
We are not the dancer.
We are the dance. 💕
Expanding the brain triangle in the frontal lobe with Deepak chopra. Information is the necessary tool for data processing. ⛵️😎