Consciousness Videos

How to become a quantum physicist in five minutes | Jacob Sherson | TEDxAarhus

TEDx Talks

In his talk, Jacob invites us into the strange world of quantum physics and explains how anyone can become a quantum physicist by playing computer games. Besides enabling ordinary citizens to solve quantum physics research challenges (and beating trained scientists and supercomputers at their own game!), these games open a window to the player’s mind and creative potential. By understanding how gamers build their own “quantum intuition”, Jacob and his team get a glimpse into the amazing power of the human mind and with these insights hope to construct an “equation for innovation”.

Jacob Sherson is an established quantum physicist who has, amongst other achievements, set the world record for quantum teleportation. He is the founder of ScienceAtHome, an online gaming platform that democratizes science by turning scientific problems into engaging games. With these games, anyone can make a genuine contribution to scientific research. Now, with the help of gamers around the world, Jacob aspires to create a quantum computer and turn social science inside out with massive multiplayer games!

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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45 thoughts on “How to become a quantum physicist in five minutes | Jacob Sherson | TEDxAarhus
  1. Great minds never have ego like you the great man, but in the world some professors, who claim to know physics has not known better, but simply carry ego
    You really talked about facts, the great man love u from kashmir

  2. What is our objective? Why do we find the need to create machines that will be smarter then humans. What is the end game………… What are we afraid to see about ourselves?

  3. SteeVeeDee – When I was 18, I was rushing through a crowded shopping centre as I was late for an important business meeting. I was walking fast and looking for the room I was supposed to be, when, all of a sudden, the face of my best friend appeared vividly to my consciousness. He was a photo model and sometimes appeared on the cover of a magazine. I looked back and saw that I had passed a large magazine rack with some 50 different magazines on display. I walked back and glanced at the magazines row by row until I came to the magazine with my friend's face on the cover. The point is that the subconscious picks up way more information than is sent to the consciousness. It's like the subconscious had picked up my friend's face and informed my consciousness. All the other magazine covers on that rack that my subconscious had also picked up – and all the people I was passing – were of no interest thus not sent to consciousness. Probably the same thing happened with your 5-leaf clover. Your subconscious sent a message to your consciousness: "Hey! Stop! Here is something interesting that you should look into."

  4. I used my intuition. I projected myself into the future 100, then 200 then 500 years. I then asked scientists what they thought of these ideas. They said you're not even close, but keep thinking outside the box, take everything with a grain of salt, and don't believe anythings been figured out yet. …. I just think all these scientists who actually think they have things figured out or are even onto something with all these huge scientific leaps forward will only find the rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper. I don't think we're going to become Q anytime soon. But on the other hand it's good to feel like you have a purpose in life. Just stop trying to tell the masses that you actually know how anything works. Because it's total BS.

  5. Brilliant ! The games is like a huge public lab, sketch board/experiment/results generator.. WE THE PEOPLE COLECTIVLY ARE A “ QUANTUM SUPER COMPUTER” ! I believe we are “CHOOSING” the corse of history

  6. I’d like to hear him fit/include the creator/ God in this, the creator of all these atoms and what thay make up..😁 I love this stuff. Just a emotional thought . And awsome stuff

  7. 3:01 "single grain of sand contains more atoms than all grains of sand on earth"

    how can that be ??
    i think that the grains of sand in a bathtub filled with sand would be countless….

  8. The descriptions he's giving for a quantum mindset (in psychological terms) are people low-in-conscientiousness and high-in-openness, whereas people with classical physics mindsets (Newtonians) are probably higher in conscientiousness and slightly lower in openness (probably still decently high, which is fairly important for scientists, I imagine).

  9. Waw …genious finding, registering the behaviours of successfull movements of an analitical human mind and place it as a memory to a compiuter …isn't that what artificial inteligence is doing now? Would it work with quantum phisics? Very curious anyway. But i think that intention and particall behaviour will miss in those computers without the interaction of human minds as intentional observers.

  10. Someone said that quantum physics is tough no one can understand it.but i like this and iam trying to undetstand it.please make a video about which level of education we want to be like you

  11. 😴😪😴😑😶😐………..😐😑😐😑😐😶😑😑……..😪🤤🤤🤤😪😪😪😪😪😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴🤤🤤😓😓🤑😖😖😪😪……

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