Cyber’s Production
Cyber’s Production Shooting
Visit link to Download Active@ Boot Disk 10.0.3 + Serial.
If you have an OS that is installed.
Please Delete Partition its existing OS.
HDD converter can later without having to delete the data in another partition.
Thank you..
Jika ada OS yang sudah ter’install.. Silahkan Hapus Partisi yang ada OS nya..
Nanti baru dapat Convert tanpa hapus Data di Partisi Lain..
Terima Kasih..
Cyber’s Production
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bad vlog ever
Why the hell do you stop the video when the last part is what we need to see? Does it really convert to GPT without loosing data on each partitions? Did you boot back to Windows without a problem? SHOW IT 🙁
Mas coba kasi penjelasannya yang lebih rinci dari Vidio yang saya liat di situ mas ga lakuin convert MBr to gpt nya cuma nunjukin bisa d convert aja takut nya malah ke hapus data semua partisi d sama e