Consciousness Videos

Human Brains Possess Quantum Characteristics

The Daily Sheeple

We’re a lot more capable than we think we are. The brain is a quantum computer that we haven’t scratched the surface of understanding yet.

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8 thoughts on “Human Brains Possess Quantum Characteristics
  1. Really pushing on those random…… Pauses…. When you… Read words… It's actually kind of… Annoying… Maybe next… Time… You could talk normal ?

  2. so when someone like Bashar channels a higher dimensional being. The brain could actually be receiving information from that being whos channeling from the higher dimensional and come to us into what we perceive as Bashar the channel.

  3. College level Analytical Geometry can actually "define" points in multiple dimensions. When I took the class, that's when I stopped pursuing "math" as an interest. 🙂

  4. Using math to look at something, is not looking at that thing, its looking at Math. The two need not be related at all in reality. I have never seen ANY evidence of any more than 3 dimensions plus time. In deed there exists a complete and functional, error free model of everything that only requires 3 dimensions and time. Science is often a crock! They make amazing measurements through fabulous experiments and use that to come up with bizarre, way off, theories. Making life more complicated than it needs to be is a form of exclusion, discrimination, job protectionism.

  5. It's funny to hear that, I know the relation with quantum entanglement. We also operate as a collective as we know and send signals out to the universe much like the neurons communicate, but only as a collective effort. this is achieved by quantum entanglement. All worlds are connected this I know %100 and it may well be the universe is brain of sort as a whole" Mind of god ? Evolution will make that clear in time, but to begin to understand one must leave the mindset of the collective and it's limitations. may sound waco to some but personally through life at times I visualize myself sitting in front of the moon lol In my mind I'm there and see the Earth in front of me. From there and disconnected I see much more without the clutter 🙂 /"*

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