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I Quit
Dear Future Generations: Sorry
The Future I Believe In

BOOK REFERENCES. If you are interested in learning more on the subject I would suggest a few books to get started

1) Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto
2) Creative Schools by Ken Robinson
3) I Love Learning; I Hate School by Susan D Blum
4) The One World SchoolHouse by Salman Khan

Check out the audio only version here:

How do YOU think we can create a better future for learning. Go here and share your thoughts on the topic!

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Filmed and Edited by

Directed By
Joel Bergvall and Joe Lombardi (

Awesome Animation and Graphics By
Hodja Berlev (

Casting and Assistant Production By:
Spencer Sharp (

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Prince EA // @PrinceEa

Prince Ea


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34 thoughts on “I JUST SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!!
  1. people who dislike this are ignorant and are scared of change, those people have no place in a world of peace and no conflict, they create to problems

  2. my math teacher said grades does not matter and he said he doesnt care if we have bad grades because it doesnt define us and he said he teaches real bullcrap and gives us works

  3. Perfect motivation. The most perfect video that I have ever wartched. Thank you so much. DIscuss more such kind of topics. You are againt of the world educational system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. you guy should see school in VietNam,damn it was too bad for student like me,8h in school,learnt only in book without doing pratical stuff,wish i could have this justice :v

  5. I want to become a game developer and I am working on it hard. I can work on it day and night without getting tired. But I am forced by my parents to go to school and college and do what they did. I believe that students must be taught what they want to pursue as their career not cramming up those things which wld never ever be used in their life and the sad reality is those useless things(not useless for others career) decide my future

    I wanted to become an example that you can do whatever you want to do without going to school

  6. Why da hell we goin to collage? Like we spend all our money on dis usless years. Like we finna only get a piece of paper once we graduate. Smh

  7. I know of snakes they want to teach how to walk, of dogs they want to teach how to talk, of colorful parrots they want to stop from flight, of honey badgers they want to stop from a fight and it all began with a single goldfish forced to climb a tree…But its true, if there is a peacock you can´t pluck its feathers because you want a chicken, if there only would be a world that understood that.

  8. The school complex works like one giant filtering system, honestly you should never think that you are less then someone else in any given way, just because a paper score says so.
    There are so many other factors at play here.

    It's all one giant deceptive foundation setup by the elite to preserve full control over countries and nations.
    But why you ask? Because treating everyone equally won't benefit the %1 of people that controls all.
    They want people to feel miserable and inferior, so they can fill them up with medicines and do their dirty work them, make them think their entire life that it was their fault to be in such a position.
    It's the perfect system to divide humanity and making people into obedient slaves, no wonder why school systems haven't changed in all these years.. Why would you change a business model that is still working flawlessly until this day?

  9. If you want your child to learn for the future your better off doing home schooling. Teach them what they need to learn not what is required by the school system.

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