
"ICO Starting Point" – EPISODE 1 – ICO Documentary | DocuSeries – Kimera | Artificial Intelligence

Kimera AI

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will rewrite what it means to live on planet earth, and Kimera wants to see that within our lifetimes. To achieve this, we are traveling the world to share our vision and bring people together.


Kimera Systems is an advanced artificial intelligence company that has developed the world’s first Artificial General Intelligence. AGI is different from other artificial intelligence, because it can think and reason the way humans do. During Kimera’s travel around the world, we will promote our Initial Coin Offering (ICO) to help bring this technology to the world.

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An ICO Documentary | DocuSeries


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28 thoughts on “"ICO Starting Point" – EPISODE 1 – ICO Documentary | DocuSeries – Kimera | Artificial Intelligence
  1. The marriage of blockchain technology with AGI is surely the safest way to progress this field of endeavour. A secure, immutable and decentralised system will allow humanity to embrace AGI without the fear of governments or other well-funded organisations from manipulating or interfering in the development and learning potential of Nigel as it grows.

  2. Global changes are coming and the most of people, unfortunately, do not understand that. AI will have a huge number of roles in our lives and it will change all activity areas of humanity

  3. The project is becoming more popular every day! Your idea is very interesting and, of course, will benefit the whole of humanity! Take a look at this company!

  4. Your project is excellent and necessary for humanity, because the technologies are moving forward, which allows a person to make life easier, and you are moving in the direction that humanity has lived better and more comfortable!

  5. cutting-edge artificial intelligence is pretty primitive, i am sure that the development of experts kimera structures inc. might be the impetus for the similarly improvement of technology.

  6. Kimera has produced a series of videos which provide a simplified way to
    understand the underlying concepts of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).thank for helping

  7. Excellent and innovative project, which did not leave me indifferent, a long history of cryptocurrency, but this project has not yet met.I advise everyone to join.

  8. Kimera is creating a unique Ecosystem around it’s tokens that will allow users and developers to earn them each month.Your idea is very interesting and, of course, will benefit the whole of humanity!

  9. Friends, I advise everyone to pay attention to an interesting project with great goals for the future!

  10. Kimera is an unique and large-scale project. It brings incredible technologies that will change our world! Team is very strong and does everything wisely. Good luck!

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