The German philosopher Immanuel Kant’s 1790 “Critique of Aesthetic Judgement” is an amazing piece of thinking, and the foundation for the last few centuries’ worth of art: he explains what, exactly, beauty and sublimity are, and how we respond to them. It’s also one of the most savagely difficult pieces of writing ever published. In these five minutes and twenty slides, I will explain Kant’s ideas about aesthetics in the most comprehensible–and most awesome–terms that time permits. There may be a special appearance by the ghost of Patrick Swayze.
Recorded by Strange Love Live Productions
Ignite Portland
What an annoying audience. Exuberance bordering on the downright sarcastic. Was there a free bar or something? Sounds like they're drunk and just cheering X-men characters rather than listening to the actual content.
the audience really makes it hard to watch and understand what youre saying. :/
please, put subtitles on it. Thanks
this looks amazing but the sound is terrible …
Kant originally felt that there was no way, or reason, to apply philosophy to the idea of beauty, etc. And then he changed his mind. Kant: One of our species' true mental giants.
Hey lets connect I know I can help build your brand! lets connect via instagram @thomasmesen
Little less blow before this explication would have helped this dude.
Really helpful, thanks so much!
the audience is stupid