Institute of Noetic Sciences
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This video is part of the series “Extraordinary Abilities”
written and edited by Adrian David Nelson.
Adrian’s channel~
Mind Matter Interaction ~ References
Schmidt (1987). The strange properties of psychokinesis.
Schmidt (1990). Correlation between mental processes and external random events
Radin & Nelson (1989). Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical systems
Jahn & Dunne (2005). The PEAR Proposition.
Radin & Nelson (1989). Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical systems
Nelson et al (2002). Correlations of continuous random data with major world events.
Further references
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This is a free nonprofit video made for the purposes of education and public interest.
Professor Sudhakaran Gopalan(Alumnus,7/M.Sc/Physics/1964,IIT,Madras)Published a Paper “Action Of Mind Over Matter (an IITian View)”On also gave a talk On the subject and it is uploaded on YouTube.To View The Talk One Need Only Type”Marmasramum P01” On Google.
Hit or miss, Huh?
I don't mean to sound condescending here but the idea that the mind exists in reality itself isn't at all a massive revelation.
The double slit experiment can be set up to happen when nobody is in the room, and we get the same results as if someone was in the room, therefore consciousness is not required for nature to exist. Measurements do not have to be taken by a conscious entity.
I manifested £0.16p today.
I was holding a 2p piece (the one I always use) and doing my affirmations (this time regarding money).
To my right I found a 5p, to my left I found 2x5p's and then in front of me I found a 1p.
All where I was sitting.
They were probably there all along, but I'll stay optimistic
The mind over matter can never be explained using 3D scientific theories because mind over matter mainly exist in 4D world. .
Just flipped a coin 10 times, thinking heads. 8/10 heads. Same again, thinking tails. Again 8/10. Also, the times it wasn’t what I was thinking, I didn’t catch the coin. Your go!
All is possible! But not to everyone! hold onto your hats, it wont be long until the truth is common knowledge
Has anyone else mentioned "crock of horseshit?"
Mind is the creator of all matters
If physics can't explain this, physics is incomplete or broken.
There is no such thing as a "truly random" generator. What we perceive as random is simply an unknown cause or a cause too small to measure or a series of causes too complex to be traced back to its origin. This is not just personal opinion. It is based on 5000 year-old Hermetic wisdom, which states that Chance is but a name for Law not recognized.
When you think about it, you realize that mind could not affect a RNG if the numbers were indeed random. Otherwise the numbers would simply ignore the attempted influence. That mind can affect the outcome clearly demonstrates that the numbers can be influenced. If they can be influenced by mind, then they are always influenced by Universal Mind. If they weren't, then they would be independent of Universal Mind. If that were true, then Consciousness would not be One, it would be Two; and order could never arise from chaos.
So far in my life(22 year) nothing unbelieveable has ever happened everyhing happened was only logical.
Just think of the boost we got when Trump got elected,if obamas was that big President Trumps must be massive!!
A prima facie case that the physical world is a virtual reality:
by Brian Whitworth
One of the mysteries of our world is how every photon of light, every electron and quark, and indeed every point of space itself, seems to just “know” what to do at each moment. The mystery is that these tiniest parts of the universe have no mechanisms or structures by which to make such “decisions.” Yet if the world is a virtual reality, this problem disappears. Other examples of how a VR approach could illuminate current physics issues include:
1. Virtual reality creation. A virtual reality usually arises from “nothing,” which matches how the big bang theory proposes our universe did arise (see next section).
2. Maximum processing rate. The maximum speed a pixel in a virtual reality game can cross a screen is limited by the processing capacity of the computer running it. In general, a virtual world’s maximum event rate is fixed by the allocated processing capacity. In our world, the fixed maximum that comes to mind is the speed of light. That there is an absolute maximum speed could reflect a maximum information processing rate (see next section).
3. Digital processing. If a world is virtual, everything in it must be digitized, and so discrete at the lowest level. Plank’s discovery that light is quantized (as photons) could then generalize not only to charge, spin and matter, but also to space-time. Discrete space-time avoids the mathematical infinities of continuous space-time, as loop quantum gravity theory argues [18].
4. Non-local effects. The processing that creates a virtual world is not limited by the space of that world, e.g. a CPU drawing a screen is no “further” from any one part of the screen than any other. All screen points are equidistant with respect to the CPU, so VR processor effects can ignore screen distance, i.e. be non-local. If our universe is a three-dimensional “screen” it’s processing is “equidistant” to all points in the universe, so the non-local collapse of the quantum wave function could be such an effect.
5. Processing load effects. On a distributed network, nodes with a high local workload will slow down, e.g. if a local server has many demands a video download may play slower than usual. Likewise a high matter concentration may constitute a high processing demand, so a massive body could slow down the information processing of space-time, causing space to “curve” and time to slow. Likewise, if faster movement requires more processing, speeds near light speed could affect space/time, causing time to “dilate” and space to extend. Relativity effects could then arise from local processing overloads.
6. Information conservation. If a system inputs no new information after it starts, it must also not lose the information it has or it will “run down”. Our universe has not run down after an inconceivable number of microscopic interactions over 14+ billion years, so if it is made of information it must conserve it. If matter, energy, charge, momentum and spin are all information, all the conservation laws could reduce to one. Einstein’s transformation of matter into energy (e=mc2 ) would then be simply information going from one form to another. The only conservation law VR theory requires is that of information conservation.
7. Algorithmic simplicity. If the world arises from finite information processing, it is necessary to keep frequent calculations simple. Indeed the core mathematical laws that describe our world are surprisingly simple: “The enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and there is no rational explanation for it.” [28] In VR theory physical laws are simple because they must actually be calculated.
8. Choice creation. Information arises from a choice between options [29]. A mechanical or predictable choice is not really a choice in this sense. Einstein never accepted that quantum events were truly random, i.e. no prior world events could predict them. That a radioactive atom decays by pure chance, whenever “it decides” was to him unacceptable, as it was a physical event not predicted by another physical event. He argued that one day quantum random effects would be predicted by as yet unknown “hidden properties”. Yet if the source of quantum randomness is the VR processor, which is outside the physical world, this predicts that no hidden variables will ever be found.
9. Complementary uncertainty. In Newtonian mechanics one can know both the position and momentum of objects, but for quantum objects Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle means one cannot know both at once. Knowing one property with 100% certainty makes the other entirely uncertain. This is not measurement “noise”, but a property of reality, e.g. measuring particle position displaces its momentum information, and vice-versa. In a similar way virtual reality “screens” are typically only calculated when they are viewed, i.e. when an interaction occurs [12]. If complementary object properties use the same memory location, the object can appear as having either position or momentum, but not both at once.
10. Digital equivalence. Every digital symbol calculated by the same program is identical to every other, e.g. every “a” on this page identical to every other one because all arise from the same computer code. In computing terms, objects can be “instances” of a general class. Likewise every photon in the universe is exactly identical to every other photon, as is every electron, quark, etc. While the objects we see have individual properties, quantum objects like photons seem all pressed from identical moulds. VR theory suggests that this is so because each is created by the same digital calculation.
11. Digital transitions. When one views a digital animation it looks continuous, but in fact it is a series of state transitions, e.g. a movie is a series of still frames run together fast enough to look like a continuous event. Yet if the projector is slowed down, one sees a series of still pictures. Quantum mechanics describes quantum interactions in similar terms, as state transitions. These transitions could explain quantum tunneling, where an electron at A suddenly appears at C without moving through the intervening area B which is impenetrable to it. While this is strange for an objective reality, in VR theory all object movement would be expected to be by state transitions.
Individually none of the above short points is convincing, but taken together they constitute what a court might call circumstantial evidence, favoring virtual reality against objective reality. When coincidences mount up, they present a plausibility argument if not a proof. More powerful evidence is provided by cases which a VR theory explains easily but which OR approaches have great difficulty with. Two such cases are now given in more detail.
The further man gets from Nature, the less we are able to feel.
I will be happy if science come somehow to the state and able to confirm that hermetics have truth… but it will take some time.
Consciousness affecting matter: No amount of experimentation will cause people to stop calling it mysticism if they so like.
over matter? don't think so
connected in some way? sure thing
The psychologists Leonard Zusne, Warren H. Jones supported Hansel and also noted:
The effect obtained by Schmidt and others is very small, at most a 2% deviation from the 50% chance level. Because of the very large number of trials that can be run with the REG in a short period of time (each trial lasts only a second or less), the odds against even such minuscule deviations range from 100 to 1 to several billions to 1. When, in addition to assessing the statistical significance of the results, their clinical or practical significance is also assessed using the appropriate statistics, it turns out to be practically zero… It can be assumed that the smaller the absolute size of a measured effect, the greater the likelihood that the effect is due to some extraneous, uncontrolled variable. In the REG experiments, statistical significance of the results is achieved only against a background of a very large number of trials, and the practical significance of the results is concomitantly zero. It can be, therefore, also assumed that such results are probably the outcome of one or more uncontrolled variable
Is the double slit experiment not proof of mind over matter…..
Soo… Shmidt is RNGesus. Mind Blown
And I do not know why I feel that I am so important for the future.
And when the 911 event happens it triggers a collective awareness.
I doubt the wave-function is being collapsed — or even if there is ever a collapse? However, it looks to me like something else is being affected — something in nature and reality. Reality is responding to thought in some way. That is, the "information" formed in the mind. A simple way of looking at it is "inducing synchronicities to happen". What would be more interesting would be knowing exactly how or why this happens. Although, there are several theories out there none of them really satisfy me. However, the best one is that reality is actually one big information system, and that the human mind can get information from it and put information into it. I'm going to go with that for the time being.
Thank you, great video!
yes very well done video, it deserves more views. What happened to empiricism in this world :*(
Why does this video have not more views? I love how you show your sources straight in the video and especially your editing. Keep up the good work!
The evidence here was small but great topic and video!
The Vedas have been saying this for 15000 years +
Still much more science that has yet to be brought forth from them.
It is unfortunate that Italy is still withholding this information, albeit the world is about to change.
what if 2 people have concentrate on a specific opposite result, their will collide and then what? an experiment should have made and if so, mentioned.
in the real world there are endless conflicting thoughts and needs between humans. A wants money, B wants A money, and so on.
Some of the «intention» experiments described in this video remind me of some of Dr. Steven Greer's descriptions/explanations of thought-controlled technologies (but that such types of technologies are apparently very highly censored and suppressed from clandestine forces of collusion/conspiracy/monopoly). I think there are additional terms besides thought-controlled prosthetics/computing but there have already been basic versions of such technologies (referencing Dr. Greer's explanations for «alien-level» technology) demonstrated back in the early 2000s with thought-controlled mouse cursors (something to do with electrodes connected to the brain for the mind to move the cursor on a screen).
Whilst putting in this comment, I now «see» why the materialism-oriented «pharmaceutical» industry always seems to want to prevent this kind of information from getting out into or believed by the public, and I will just state that it is factual that «thoughts» can and do have an influence over one's emotions; why would anybody buy «anti-depressants» (psychotropics are neuro-toxic poisons) when one can instead use their own thoughts to control and regulate their own emotions (although psychotronic mind-control technologies are another issue that I won't go into too much detail over at the moment).
The «mind» also has the capability to literally solve every single problem in existence, the end of all diseases (Dr. Royal Raymond Rife), the elimination of poverty (Nikola Tesla), the many cures for cancer (investigated and discussed by Sergeant Rick Schiff of the San Francisco Police Department), abolishment of tyrannical/oppressive de facto corporate governments (pending global movement), etc. The mind is certainly a powerful tool if developed properly to fully use. ;o
Dan Brown's Lost Symbol was so heavily influenced by this. I was awed when I read the book…
I've always seen and heard of Dean Radin doing experiments like this.. I'm surprised you didn't mention him
this goes back to the double slit theory, when we are viewing reality we can influence it. but when we are not matter acts on potential
These videos are beautiful. Great job, IONS!!!
Those who have even preliminary acquaintance with the structure and laws of the inner spheres of existence know that the isolation of human beings is a fiction. Whether they desire it or not, all persons constantly act and interact upon each other by their very existence, even when they have not established contact on the physical plane. There are no limits to the influence of man. The magnetic influence of the subtle spheres knows no barriers of frontiers or distance or any other conventional limitation. Good thoughts as well as evil, cheerful moods as well as gloomy, noble and expansive feelings as well as petty and narrow ones, unselfish aspiration as well as selfish ambition, all influence others, even when not expressed in words or deeds. Thus, the world of mental life is as much a unified system as the world of matter. The physical world as a vehicle of spiritual life has its own importance; but the connections existing between different persons is by no means fully realised by considering only the contacts of the physical world.
Meher Baba
double slit experiment – mind over matter
is the evidence conclusive enough ?
The new world my friend. Welcome