
Is This Kid An Art GENIUS? Modern Art Masterpiece or 5-Year-Old’s Doodle? – Penn Point

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Can you tell the difference between a painting by Pollock and one by a Kindergartener? Don’t lie. Is this 5 year old an art GENIUS, or just doodling? Art or crap- you decide.

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26 thoughts on “Is This Kid An Art GENIUS? Modern Art Masterpiece or 5-Year-Old’s Doodle? – Penn Point
  1. Just have to write, that the american artist were sponsored by the CIA (all true), and that Pollock didn`t even came up with this technique of painting…he was attending at some lessons form a Mexican painter Siqueiros, who was really into experimenting and he invented this dripping technique. But Pollock was the first painter who made a show out of painting – actually a performances.

  2. Is pollock's "paintings" art?? Well sure it is. And so is a 5 year old's doodle that's pinned up on the fridge. They're just bad art. But one is apparently worth millions.

  3. as an artist who has sold some really, really stupid paintings for hundreds of dollars, i can confidently say that modern art is bullshit.

  4. "I cant tell the 5 year olds Jackson Polluck paintings from the real Jackson Polluck paintings!" …. And there you have it folks. Even a modern art fan can see the bullshit.

  5. I understand this argument, yet there are Pollock drip paintings I love, and others I don't care for. And when I take photographs in nature, I often see an image through the lens and recognize the same thing I see in my favorite Pollocks. When you look at those paintings by five-year-olds that you can't tell from Pollocks, do you find that you have favorites among the works of the five-year-olds? Well, your own kid's work, of course, but I would bet you like some of the others more than others of the others.

  6. Personally I don't like Jackson Pollack's work and am probably couldn't tell it from the work of a five year old or an orangutan. But some people can. I read an article in..I think it was the Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, aka "Science" that showed that Pollack's work was actually mathematically distinguishable from similar work by talented adult artists. Something to do with fractal complexity. Yeah, they used computers.

  7. Exactly . . .Jackson Pollock's works destroyed traditional representational art. That's what makes it so genius. In a world populated only by Kiss and the Bee gees, along comes the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and BAM! The world is changed forever. 🙂

  8. As a artist all my life. And an avid art lover, I really don't like most modern art pieces…this especially includes Pollack. Abstract/Modern art was supposed to be considered a rebellious movement against the old masters style of work. Traditional oil painting, highly accurate figures, etc. Now it is the popular kid in school with rich friends and all the connections, while highly technical and incredible pieces are the odd ball outcast kid. Went to an exhibit at a nice museum of art, the exhibit was women of abstract art. The first response from my sister, "If you took all the names off the wall next to the pieces, it looks like one person did all of the work." Which made me think, she's right! We had a great discussion, in every field including musicians they have studied and practice to learn their craft. Growing and evolving, while abstract art talks about "de-evolving" ALOT. Speaking of their pieces as a recapturing of youth or childlike freedom. Yet, if a actual child is doing the same work, then it's bullshit or the kids a genius. I have kids, plural, they've been painting like pollack since they were babies. I guess I should be selling their work. DAMN

  9. If I paint in the style of Jackson Pollock that is just crap, cause anyone can do it. If I recreate the Mona Lisa now that is forgery because you have to be a really skilled artist to do that.
    In my opinion, Pollock wasn't talented nor genius and certainly not one of the Masters, although the idea to come up with a new way of painting was genius. Anything after him is just dripped paint and doodling of a 5 year old as anyone can do it…

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