
Jack Ma, Elon Musk debate on artificial intelligence

New China TV

Men vs. machines: who are smarter? Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma and Tesla CEO @ElonMusk appear to disagree with each other


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21 thoughts on “Jack Ma, Elon Musk debate on artificial intelligence
  1. Jack Ma is a layman compared to Elon Musk. Unfortunately, Jack has little to no idea what he's taking about. Watching the debate made me cringe multiple times due to Jack Ma's lack of understanding on AI.

  2. Arrogance comes before downfall.

    Because every thought has implications.
    And the implication of being arrogant is that one stops looking out for things that one should better be aware of.

  3. Jack is right only when we swallow the assumption that what was correct in the past will also be correct in the future, the assumption that computer will remain a tool. That is fine.
    But technology is different from the rest of things because advancement in technology is incredible fast and for us technology will be indistinguishable from magic in a few decades. Look at what AIs are already capable of now. I would say it is not very wise to assume that computer and AI will still be a tool in the future like it used to be in the past.

  4. Elon to Jack: pity Tiny human ( I didn't expect you to be tiny in thinking as well) I think you(Jack) should go back to Alibaba and let me (Elon) handle big boy stuff.

  5. Jack Ma was completely outclassed in this debate. He’s a businessman, Elon is a visionary. What a waste of Elon’s time. Worse, the complete lack of humility in Jack Ma is so offputting. What a douche.

  6. What Jack Ma is trying to explain is more a philosophical debate about human being vs machines. He has always defended SOFT SKILLS in humans over computers lack of feelings. His message simply fell short.

  7. Jack Ma is successful with business, which isn't that hard if you're smart at exploiting the markets. His intellect is far behind from that of a scientist or engineer. He sees everything as a potential profit maker, that's all. The fact he thinks a computer is a toy, well, tell that to the stealth bombers, drones and smart missiles that are essentially flying computers. Not a toy when you can obliterate whole villages at a press of a button.

  8. I think what jack ma trying to deliver is, computer logic is build by human, in term of logic to process the data, is all design firstly by human. Ya computer has better processing speed than our brain, memory that last permanent compare to human brain, that's why computer can proceed those logic with faster and accurately, but who write this logic

  9. Jack Ma prospered by figuring out how to utilize technology to help him achieve the success he has today. Elon Musk envisions the future and invents technology. Enough said.

  10. Jack Ma is right okk! Copmjuter is a computer ? you turn off and on a person is a person Born. Computers are made not born People you turning yourself to commpjuters ??

  11. Jack ma your not looking to the future your just looking to Alibaba I think and your comportable what you achieve ,your just ordinary person and all about money,wealth successess ,Elon mask want to explore and new knowledge to the future and looking for life support that can save all humanity and who's idiot now ,the success person satisfied in daily live or the man holding knowledge for the future?

  12. They are both right. Ma is right, heart is a different intelligence that uses emotion to perceive things pure intelligence cannot. Musk is right in that, like an autistic savant, in a very focused logic game, the computer is able to beat a human. If you can combine the two, it would be a greater whole…in theory. Singularity is trying to convince human minds into machine bodies. The drawback is, humans lose particular capabilities in limited robot bodies, controlled by ? …. we wont know who would control us. No thanks.

  13. Now you guys know why Jack Ma was rejected from the simple odd jobs early on before his career. He had no common sense. All he had was hard work and happened to be lucky in the booming age of the internet.

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