Joe Rogan and Steven Pinker discuss mass shootings, Donald Trump, fake news and other topics in his new book “Enlightenment Now”.
For the entire episode Joe Rogan Experience #1073 – Steven Pinker click here:
Bloody good song! Nice pod cast!
6:38… That's the problem with the world. Increase, upgrade, update more more more, consume!
The US isn't a democracy. Deal with it 😉
It is a fool who accepts what one says as reality as opposed to what he does. Obama eloquently used FBI, IRS, DOJ, EPA, NSA, and OCR to push his agenda and to punish those who opposed him and to reignite racial tensions.
Its trendy to talk shit about trump and tbh i think its incredibly boring. How about you just accept the outcome and move on like adults do
Nice strawman, retard. Trump isn't attacking the democratic process of the press criticizingnthe president, he is attacking the repeated and proven false negative reporting about him.
check out a YouTube channel called The Black Child for more the Vegas shooting, mind control….
Pinker is used to people not calling him out on his bullshit. He is full of crap. His leftist bias is disgusting. He claims "right wingers" are the most violent. He minimizes Antifa, the Rainbow Underground, the 100 million killed to communism last century, etc. He refuses to even acknowledge the FBI statistics about black violence. The most violent group is black on black violence, but he can not describe it in political terms because that would brake his political narrative, even though it was his leftist and communist political narrative that largely destroyed the black family after the 1965 welfare act and subsequent murder rates. Pinker is a fraud!
There is no free press in this country any more just 3 assholes fucking with the masses and most things that are involved in deaths in this country have money tied to them example the auto industry if the accidents that involved fatalities were all over the news the way the lies are then the odds of any teenager getting a car would drop dramatically mom's are overprotective and they rule the roost.
me thinks they're talking about manufacturing consent
Love Joe. The Trump Obama bit tho ZZZzzzz
Say what you will about Trump. But, he has done more for this country in his first year than Obummer did in his entire eight years. So, call him crazy, childish or what the hell ever. The man gets results. That is what is important. I can tell you this as well. Trump is far more respected by the leaders of other nation than Obama ever was.
Steven Pinker is a top tier scientist and needs to be protected in a bunker
we arent the richest or the biggest army thats false
Lets ignore terrorism and concentrate on car accidents? did I really just hear that?! wow, just wow.
I am not a super Donald Trump fan , but the reason he is rich and has an empire is because he does things and a lot of those thing are going to fail and some of those things are going to work, but he has to own everything thing he does good or bad. Obama and those like him make their living off the people they do not create or build , take no risk and get paid for intangible work that can't really be measured or quantified. Donald Trump could pull a child from being hit by a car and the media would report, Trump assaults child and breaks arm. Obama could blow up an elementary school in the middle east and the media would report Obama bombs government infrastructure in dictatorship country. Yup fake news is alive and well.
You guys just lost me. This fool says thank god for the deep state. Obama was a polished politician and also a liar.
Stop Trump bashing sigh
I disagree with Pinker's analysis that media attention drives mass murder. There maybe an element of "stardom" or at least attention in these events, but there are underlying causes for why they decided that murder was the best option to solve whatever issue it is that they deal with. There is an underlying feeling of powerlessness and insignificance that many of us deal with in this modern society, and for those of us who don't have healthy social bonds we slip into violence to try and regain that power and significance. I don't even remember what the Vegas Shooter's name was, but the reason we talk about it, is because the official narrative doesn't make much sense and is very suspicious. Media, social or corporate, does not lead to homicidal tendencies, people lead to homicidal tendencies. To borrow a phrase: It's not a Facebook post that kills people, People kill people.
Vox and Slate are good media? They put out a bunch of garbage.
Vox and Slate, good and responsible? Nice joke.
Harvard Linguist, Steven Pinker believes some pretty stupid things. Perpetrators of mass shootings are not famous. They are infamous big difference. Being famous is not only notoriety. It is likability. People look at a famous person say Tom Cruise with adoration. Most people look at a mass shooter and hate that person. This is not to say that there are not outliers who want to marry these creeps . Ted Bundy had women who wanted to marry him for example.
Pinker's stance on mass shootings is just unconscionable. Is he really blind to the public health hazard guns represent in our society? Is it really prudent to have people armed with weapons that make murder facile? And then to compare gun murders to car accidents without taking into consideration intent shows that really smart people can say some really stupid things. We need to change our lax gun laws that enable people to commit these massacres and murder in general.
The news brought this on themselves by adopting total political bias and catering to their viewers.
Canada has a Young Offenders Act. Its not vountary.
I'm a pussy grabber
Obama is far from intelligent
And how many days on end did Fake News accuse Trump of lying about being wiretapped..
Professional liar, Joe.. thats what Obama was..Obama was a narcissistic megalomaniac.
nice clean way of talking and bombing at the same time while the news didn't foxes on it
Vox? Are you shitting me? Lost all credibility when he claimed they were a legit news source.
He blew it.
CNN lies on a daily basis. They should be charged for slander and libel
"The public sucks, fuck hope."
Did he really just say vox and slate are reliable and you can find good information, holy shit this man is stupid
Vox is a good magazine??? We dont have a supreme leader that we bow down to, and the president should be criticized etc? Where the fuck was he during Obama's presidency? What a fraud. Did Rogan sign a pre interview agreement that the wont criticize or challenge this bullshitter? Cuz Rogan knows better.
I like how he does a dig a 1:22 about Trump and Islam terror attacks and saying we should concentrate where the deaths are like car accidents and opiod abuse. He seems to forget that Trump actually gives a shit about opiod deaths and is trying do do something. Oh, and how he talks about people being more critical of themselves? Yes doc, we'll cut ya some slack. You're only human too!!!!
1915 Joe Rogan listens patiently while ALBERT EINSTEIN drones on for nine hours. Aren't podcasts riveting?
Anyone with a brain knows that 85% of journalist are biased towards one party, the democrats. 85% of the media slants the news to produce negative narratives that are targeted at the republican party. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, all use the same talking points. THIS IS FAKE NEWS. And if this is too strong a word, the news is dishonest and unfair.
"Where not a bunch of cowboys that does things that makes us the most powerful, we dont do rash things that are bad for the world" you must be kidding
Rogans observations are embarrassingly superficial. Just because your speeches are eloquent or your sentences well formed doesn't mean you're a decent person. "Presidential" behavior is a facade one should look past, not be blinded by. I thought that was something that is generally understood. Immoral, corrupt agents that manage to give the impression of dignity and humility are the most dangerous. I'm neither endorsing Trump nor judging Obama. I'm just stating something that I thought would be obvious.
3 minutes in and they're confusing famous with infamous already what a shame
great video
I think social media has definitely gave rise to more "fame chasing" mass shooters. Your name gets around 100x faster now than 20 years ago.
The most stunning statistic about violence in America: Whites are 25x more likely to be the victim of a Black murderer than vice versa. And the media's focused on "White supremacy."
Very important points by Steven Pinker. Trump is helping destroy democracy by calling any news "Fake" that criticizes him. Trump's ego and those of his supporters is too weak to handle any criticism and their only recourse is to call criticism "fake". I mean how juvenile can you be? Also Trump saying "I alone can fix it" and his supporters believed that like the Scientology-cult-like followers they are.