Consciousness Videos

Jon Kabat-Zinn Teaches Mindfulness and Meditation | Official Trailer | MasterClass


A pioneer of the Western mindfulness movement, Jon Kabat-Zinn has spent more than 40 years studying, teaching, and advocating the benefits of mindfulness. In his MasterClass, he teaches you how to cultivate a mindfulness practice, reduce your stress, and soothe your thoughts with meditation and movement. Jon shares expert tips and guidance that meets you where you are. Let this class help you make the most of being alive.

Learn more about Jon Kabat-Zinn’s MasterClass at

An internationally known scientist, writer, and meditation teacher engaged in bringing mindfulness into the mainstream of society and medicine, Jon Kabat-Zinn has made it his life’s work to normalize the practice of mindfulness and meditation, making it accessible to all.

Jon has more than 50 years of experience in the field and has been instrumental in bringing the practice of mindfulness to mainstream institutions such as hospitals, schools, and prisons. He is the author of 10 books, the creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic, and has a Ph.D. in molecular biology.

Lessons in this online class include:
• What Is Mindfulness?
• Factors of Mindful Living
• What Is Meditation?
• Navigating Thoughts While Meditating
• Meditation Postures
• Guided Meditations
• Responding to Stress
• Facing Physical Pain
• Mindfulness in Movement
• Discovering Your Wholeness
• Maintaining a Mindfulness Practice

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37 thoughts on “Jon Kabat-Zinn Teaches Mindfulness and Meditation | Official Trailer | MasterClass
  1. I am looking for the Name of the instrument he is using in the begining of the video. I have been looking for it for years. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Huge fan of Jon and of this Masterclass.

  2. I'm moved by the narrative of this content. A book I read with parallel insights was a life-changing experience. "Mindful Mastery: Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World" by Kyle Ash

  3. Listening to meditative music while meditating can greatly enhance the healing effects of your practice. The soothing melodies and gentle rhythms of meditative music can help you relax more deeply and enter a meditative state more easily. This can lead to a greater sense of calm and inner peace, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, the vibrations and frequencies of the music can have a therapeutic effect on the body and mind, promoting physical and emotional healing

  4. I See someone has already said the recognizing your already whole part
    i commit to mindfulness
    its all a choice
    but this is truly amazing
    mindfulness healed me from psychosis
    to depression and anxiety

  5. Is it normal when I meditate having a constant dialogue with my self? Like having a voice that describe everything I do while I’m meditating like “ok focus on the breath” or “ok I’m having a thought, return to the breath”. Is it correct or should I stop to talk to my in this way during my practice?

  6. The master of mindfulness…sleep walking through our lives!! Such an important message to jolt us out of auto-pilot living and coming into the present…thankyou

  7. Thank you for the suggestion and we appreciate you explaining how it would help you out. While that feature isn’t currently in our development roadmap, we are working on big improvements that will be helpful for the majority of our members, and you’ll see those rolling soon.

  8. Um.. my mind always goes blank when meditating.

    Normally I use this method

    Concentrate on one small object and take it. Weigh everything about it size, shape, color… and then place it in-front of you and repeat everything out loud until it lessens its meaning. Place the object behind you and continue to repeat your mantra of thoughts until eventually your mind goes blank and your just speaking gibberish.

  9. A life without Jesus is just empty. You'll go round and round and still come back to that empty place. You can try all sorts of things like mindfulness. It'll sound good in the beginning. And then you'll realise that it does nothing for you

  10. Jon Kabat-Zinn's did an excellent job at conveying his expertise on the subject matter of mindfulness and meditation. He was able to effectively draw his audience in by explaining to us how we go about our lives without even noticing. He uses powerful wording that brings a genuine purpose to his masterclass. He also gives an example of how to bring mindfulness into our lives without working too hard. Jon Kabat-Zinn gives a coping strategy for stress, which is something that we as an audience can relate to because we all experience stress in our lives. His communication style is inviting and motivational because he is not putting himself or anyone on a pedestal but explaining that we all go through life in the same way which is a way to make his masterclass less intimidating. He uses very fluid body language that is not all over the place but puts the focus on the center of himself which draws the attention of the audience more towards him. The fluidity and calmness of his body language complements his message that he is broadcasting because being mindful is partially about calming and grounding yourself.

  11. I feel it's really important to recognize how violently Yoga and Yogis treat caste oppressed people. Yoga has a long history of upholding untouchability and violence toward Dalits. It's time for westerners to wrap their mind around this reality.

  12. Kabat-Zinn is quoted in a book I’m reading now: Train Your Brain Engage Your Heart Transform Your Life. It lays out the processes in our mind that cause us to be stressed and unhappy, and gives clear concise suggestions on how we can change the way we think and feel. I recommend it highly!

  13. "This is my non-Masterclass." Haha, what a man! JKZ is a legend, and a true inspiration. His teachings on Mindfulness have turned my life around in the past few years.

  14. I loved this trailer as he has got such a charming presence and radiates wisdom and inner peace. Glad I got my subscription to Masterclass as I am learning a lot!

  15. Now Masterclass is trying to make money off of meditation!!! That's disgusting! You shouldn't have to spend a cent to learn about meditation. There is so much information out there. Just read one of this guy's books or listen to his lectures as a start.

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