Consciousness Videos

Jordan Peterson: Consciousness and Mystical Experiences through Psychedelics


Clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson talks about hemispheric lateralization (left and right brain), split brain, modes of consciousness, the phenomena of mystical experiences, the author Aldous Huxley and the history of psychedelics, as well as current psychedelic research.

Excerpt from Jordan Peterson’s Biblical Series VIII: The Phenomenology of the Divine


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45 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson: Consciousness and Mystical Experiences through Psychedelics
  1. All I can say to anyone who is serious about exploring the questions posed here is: read Rudolf Steiner. Steiner was a clairvoyant who endeavored to make a scientific exploration of psychic/mystical experiences, basically trying to put a name to things experienced by shamans, and gurus (among others) and make them accessible to the Western rational mind. I'd recommend starting with Theosophy, then try to tackle Esoteric Science. Not easy reading but worth the effort in my opinion. I think Jordan Peterson would find his work highly enlightening and inspiring.

  2. MYSTIC – Obvious, but incredible!

    To prove that our world is not what they think about it, including the above, I use my mystical research of the interaction of consciousness and reality in online roulette, one mystical screenshot of which is shown in the picture of my YouTube channel (all videos in private access).


    “Our world is a civilization of orcs (Cains) – evil primitive semi-entities that do not have their own intellect.

    These creatures are controlled by something like the "Matrix", the most graphic description of what is the "Plato's Cave".

    The Matrix does not know English or any other language, its algorithms react reflexively to human emotions and evoked feelings. These algorithms are imposed by a special cosmic radiation known as the "Maya Illusion".

    A special reflex bio-mechanism of the "slammer*" plunges each consciousness, first into a kind of hypnotic sleep, then into identification with the role assigned to it.

    Consciousness in a "normal" state is not able to influence social processes in the Matrix, because it observes them in the post factum mode.

    The concept of the matrix is the only thing that can somehow explain and help to realize the nightmare that is now happening in the world.

    What to do? Take the red pill, that is the knowledge of the "slammer".

    *In the meaning “to slam the book”–it slams the true reality”.

    I am Ukrainian. Today I am in a difficult situation. If you can support my research in exchange for access to my private videos, please email me.

    /Yam Esotericist/.

  3. I have never tried psychedelics before but when I smoke a lot of "exotic" weed, I would describe my experience the same way. In fact, one time after dabbing I had experienced what I would consider almost complete loss of ego. I am very sensitive to effect of THC. Anyone else experience that with THC? I am considering trying psychedelics to try to cope with flashbacks I get regarding a traumatic event in my life that occurred last year.

  4. As a skeptical individual, I paradoxically believed psychedelic experiences were whimsical delusions at best; that was until curiosity got the best of me, and I had an extraordinary transcendence like no other. Soul mates would have sounded far too pseudo-scientific beforehand, yet today I'd preach to the choir that the knowledge I have acquired from psychedelics has shown me otherwise. The transformations I have undergone already within my 22 years on this earth is in the very least, profoundly extraordinary.

  5. “10% chance for a trip to hell”
    …but knowing that a single trip can increase the trait of openness. Would it be fair to say that in the right set of circumstances (talking with a therapist or compassionate friend) could provide insight into a bad trip that might help someone straighten out their current path?

  6. When we’re not being indoctrinated into hate this or hate that which anti hate is and anti hate double is… because it’s a frame of hate and filters for more and more hate like a magnifying glass…

    When that not the subject WE ACTUALLY GET TO LEARN GREAT THINGS AGAIN like this outstanding lecture.

    Amazing learnings here, Woo Hoo 🤘🏼😜🍻
    Get your learnings on 🥳🤓🤩

  7. Sorry for the bad English, not my first language.
    While I was high I was thinking about counciesness.
    I probably score low in Conscientiousness and high in neuroticism.
    I started to realize that these high amount of bad feelings that comes along high neuroticism could be due a low perception of yourself, like not Perceveing your body as good as a high Conscientiousness person would perceive, focusing your perception too much on the outside, and not exactly knowing what is happening to yourself, and to world as well, giving you confused perception of "reality, different that a high Conscientiousness person, that can understand what is actually happening, and not being confused about it.
    For example, a high Conscientiousness person would know what would be the probably effect a action he did would have, different from a low Conscientiousness person that would not predict the most accurate outcome of the same action, leaving him confused about what is happening.

  8. I’m watching this while coming down from a trip and I can’t explain in any language how much I relate to the profound things these people found in their studies

  9. Lsd for me was The Truth 👁. Such profound realizations i am forever changed. We are one consciousness living in a simulation universe. Sounds insane but the truth is stranger than fiction. I’m so grateful for everything that the universe revealed to me.

  10. The 5 times i've done acid (LSD) are perhaps the most closest I've come to speaking to God. Haven't touched it in 30 years but I know exactly the experience.

  11. The guy he mentioned who designed the ‘God helmet’ is named Michael Persinger. You can find his work on Youtube too. Unfortunately (to me), Persinger is a neuroreductionist who believes religious or mystical experiences are fully produced by and attributable to the brain.

  12. I love that he's truly searching, expanding the boundaries of what we know by contextualizing "new" territory in the work of monumental figures our current world is forced to respect. This builds my faith in humanity, and that we are all headed toward something beautiful.

  13. The way I see it is that the world around us runs on a set of different frequencys and that our brain tries to match those frequencys to the best of Its ability. But too much worrying and negative thinking disstrupts our brain waves so that they no longer match those around us. Maybe because we think so much of the irrational ( for example worst case scenarios or fear ) that we in a sense start to experience the whole world that way.
    The interesting thing is that research of LSD has shown that it harmonizes our brain waves and that far more of our brain becomes active. I think that in a sense a psychedelic trip renormalizes our brain waves and thought patterns so that our brain function better of reflects whats around us, and that this correction also leads to a greater sense of purpose and unity.

  14. I just read Timothy Leary was arrested and sentenced to 30 years in prison for possession of 11 grams of pot in the 60s. He arranged to be smuggled to Switzerland as an escape.

    What a time to be alive.

  15. I can attest to the 1 year permanent personality change. I'm a completely different person, Ive learned so much more this year about myself than any other year in my life… That being said the changes although seemingly positive is incredibly difficult because what I've lost is a lifetime of coping mechanism and the awareness of how unhealthy they have been… learning and implimenting new coping mechanisms is not easy. Ive also learned of the roots of my coping mechanisms and undug issues that have been buried. Unfortunately my childhood like most is riddled in trauma.

  16. "They were of sufficient quality that he would give up his whole life to have had them" this is how I would describe my psychedelic experiences, just simply larger than life and the closest thing to perfection imaginable. I can truly die happily now. We all owe this man for his monumental contributions to society and for initiating educated conversations about stigmatized yet astronomically important issues such as psychedelics.

  17. Psychedelics are the best thing most people will sadly never experience. It expands the potential and quality of life, expands consciousness and initiates an exponential chain reaction of growth (when used properly)

  18. As a young boy I feared death immensely after I first learned of it. Couldn't accept it. Later on after I had a few trips with good friends I realized that I do die but the effects I have in my lifetime will echo through all the places I have been long after I am dead. Motorcycles repaired by me for people to enjoy with family and friends. Homes I built to keep people dry and warm and nurture their families in. To speak of the good effects. Do we unintentionally live vicariously through one another? We tell stories to teach. So ones embellished story can teach another and effect their lives. unfortunately the story can always be misinterpreted. It's chaos and it works is what's mental. There's something holding it all together though right!? Anyway havent had a trip for a while. I encourage you to try it. But look at yourself and ask why you want to in the first place.

  19. They always tell you about set and setting to get a "good" trip when taking psychedelics. But maybe just the thought that you gonna die because of cancer is something like a "fuck it" attitude that gonna lead you in a good trip. Maybe even hope takes a role in this place when people diagnosed with cancer take it because they heard of "some" effects that go with them. Anyway Very insightful speech from Mr. Peterson.

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