
Jordan Peterson on Milo, Free Speech & Postmodernism

At the Manning Centre Networking Conference, Jay Fayza of talked to Professor Jordan Peterson about his personal free speech battles and the broader issue of campus censorship. MORE:

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38 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson on Milo, Free Speech & Postmodernism
  1. I wish it was easy to sort oneself out. One is being allow the time to do so, life and society and it's needs keep going. Need time and money which is not given. Two is even knowing what to sort, without decent self-awareness, how does one know especially if they are a resistant type. Need properly trained people and open minds to do that if one can't do it on their own. Ideally, that is what college is for, but that educational level has lost it's way and, amongst other things, has become a business.

  2. — Why don't the student unions and faculty stand up for freedom of speech?
    — Let me tell you story about zebras.

    Awesome ?

  3. Hillary Clinton  , like Obama, is in favour of the UN resolution to ban critical speech against Islam. ( a de Facto anti-blasphemy law). It's scary  to think that she could have won the Presidency.

  4. This is a man who specifically studied both left and right wing authoritarianism for decades and has formulated his thoughts in synthesis with psychology and philosophy among other disciplines.

    When he says we better pay attention, you better fucking pay attention.

  5. It's a conundrum. The people attempting to remove the freedom of speech, have abandoned reason, and love to use violence. Freedom of speech is the very thing that deters violence by calling the civilized to intellectual combat.

  6. only one thing worse that extremist sjw's. The pretentious right wing douche bags they legitimise. I think Peterson of course is great, I don't agree with everything he says… but at least everything he says is well thought out…. and he seems genuinely sincere.

  7. The Professor .. Christopher Hitchin – Peter Hitchin – Anne Coulter – Ben Shapiro – Dinesh er al. .. you dont always have to agree with them but we surely need them. I just dont understand why politicians are not 100% on their side and pushing their common sense input.

  8. Milo is a reactionary with a warped sense of humor. One thing I agree with him on is his defense of free speech, as I value opposing points of view for challenging the veracity of my liberal assumptions. I'm waiting for a conservative thinker who can do this successfully. Did I say some of my best friends are conservative?

  9. Gee!!!!!! I thought most people would aspire to free speech and to a variety of ideas, especially from someone who is knowledgeable and has research to back him up.

  10. According to a recent non-partisan study by Georgetown University's Free Speech Project, the majority of censorship on campuses in the US is directed at the left, the study also found that cases of free speech violation are not hugely widespread. I'm sure the likes of Ben Shapiro will be straight on the case. (as if!)

  11. 4:15 violence has solved every major conflict in human history " . " No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country. "An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity." 
    "The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental."

    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and passed on … or we will spend our sunset years telling our children's children what it was like in the United States when men were free."
    – Ronald Reagan

    "I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within."
    – General Douglas MacArthur

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