Art Theory

Kees van Dongen 基斯·梵·鄧肯 1877–1968 Dutch Fauvist

Tuen Tony Kwok

Kees van Dongen (Dutch, 1877–1968)
Kees van Dongen was a Dutch painter known for his distinctive Fauvist portraits characterized by their bold palettes and his subject’s large, almond-shaped eyes. Part of the avant-garde movement that included Henri Matisse, Maurice de Vlaminck, and André Derain, van Dongen employed aggressively clashing colors to paint sensuous and even garish representations of the fashionable French bourgeoisie, and the wealth that permitted their leisurely lifestyle. Born Cornelis Theodorus Maria van Dongen on January 26, 1877 in Delfshaven, outside of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, the artist’s flagrant use of color and expressive line became his signature style, and inspiration gained from international travel set him apart from his peers—the French artists he exhibited with while living in Paris during the early part of the 20th century. In 1926, van Dongen was inducted into the French Legion of Honor, and, in 1927, awarded the Order of the Crown of Belgium. Van Dongen died May 28, 1968 in Monte Carlo, Monaco at the age of 91.
基斯·梵·鄧肯(Kees van Dongen,1877年1月26日-1968年5月28日)是荷蘭的野獸派畫家。主著色大膽, 在20世紀後期生活在巴黎。 1926年進入法國榮譽軍團,1927年授予比利時王冠銜。1968年5月28日守終於摩納哥的蒙地卡羅,年齡91歲。


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