
Keynote:The Singularity is Near by Takuya Matsuda – CODE BLUE 2015


An Artificial Intelligence (AI) extremely surpassed the human intelligence is called “Superintelligence”. In a short while, the Superintelligence will be developed for the first time in our history. The Superintelligence raises an exponential development of the scientific technology and affects the human society and civilization. The time is called “Singularity (Technological Singularity)”. An American futurist Ray Kurzweil, who bruits the concept of Singularity, predicts that the time will come in the year 2045. And he also predicts that the capacity of the AI will gets up to that of a human in the year 2029. I would like to call the period prior to 2045 as “Pre-Singularity”. An AI used for a specific purpose is called “Narrow AI”, and an AI used for general purposes is called “Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)“. Today there is only Narrow AI, but it will greatly affect the human society such as Technological Unemployment in the coming future. If AGI comes into being, the influence increases dramatically. Researchers all over the world endeavors to develop the AGI. In recent years, researches of the Superintelligence are implemented in Japan. I will discuss what is the Superintelligence and political, economic, technological and military significances. I will especially introduce the roadmap for the development of the Superintelligence in Japan. I will also discuss about the possibility that Singularity will be occurred from Japan in 2020s much earlier than the year 2045.


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