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43 thoughts on “Korean guy, Reacts to ‘The meaning of Life’ | Muslim spoken word
  1. لا اله الا الله سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
    لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

  2. Ya Allah😭 I was moved to tears. I am proud to be Muslim. Islam is a true religion, a straight religion and only Allah gives everything. Allahu Akbar😭 I want to meet with the Prophet Muhammad in the end of the day and I want to get his intercession😭 Aminnn

  3. قناتك جميله ولكن لم افهم ماقلت لو تترجم بالعربي ياافضل يوتيوبز

  4. Dawod I can't believe! People said before that your face after you became Muslim is brighter more than before.
    How your face really becomes light and it has so acceptance unusually.

  5. Masha Allah, i have goosbumps too. I already know about it, but hearing its from other people with their own way, its make me feel "i have just heard it". Its renewing my faith. Masha Allah

  6. I pray to Allah that will help you to go ahead on Islam and be patient against corrupted life in this life , just be strong and do not give up , this my wattsapp 00966580805063 , we can communicate with each , hope the best for you

  7. This was the first Daud's (Jay at that time) video i watched. Then i subscribed. I was so lucky watching his journey becoming muslim.

  8. 1 of the message I understand well is that Allah says I give you the more time for you to find me.. And it explains more how amazingly He made humans life the universe and the earth. The heavens

  9. ارجعى الى ربك راضية مرضية 💖 فدخلي في عبادي 💖 ودخلي جنتي 💖 ☝ 💖 لاإله إلا الله محمد رسول الله 💖 ☝ لا اله الا الله واحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير 💖 ☝ 💖

  10. I had a question for you jay. Do you know about jakat and hajj and another eid called ed-ul-adha. Jakat's time has already finished because it's time was in the eid day. The rich Muslims donate(40 percent of their wealth maybe) which is called jakat

  11. Stop that’s world lies
    I see nothing GOOD
    Just many kids take way drugs
    and many women like body
    We know indeed the grief which their words do cause thee: It is not thee they reject: it is the signs of God, which the wicked contemn.

  12. ما يفيد لامال،،ولا،بنون،،الا،من،اتى، بقلبا،،سليم،، الا،الاعمال،،الصالحة لللمؤمن،،هي توقف له،يو،الاخرة،يوم القيامة

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