
Lessons from Top Artificial Intelligence Keynote Speakers

We are living in one of the most exciting times in human history. We are entering what is being called the Age of Artificial Intelligence. And more and more global conferences are bringing in top artificial intelligence keynote speakers to help individuals and organizations understand what this all means.

This new age of Artificial Intelligence will transform almost every aspect of our personal and work lives.

You see in over the next 20 years Artificial Intelligence, robots and automation will replace 47% of existing jobs. And there is one skill you and the people you care about need to develop in order to survive and thrive in this new age. The good news is that you already have this skill – my job is to help you understand how you can develop it. So what is this skill?

In this episode, you’ll learn:
Lessons from Top Artificial Intelligence Keynote Speakers
The effect of artificial intelligence, automation and robots on jobs
What jobs will artificial intelligence replace
Hans Moravec
Landscape of Human Competence
Patrick Schwerdtfeger
Rohit Talwar

Here are some reasons why you might want to start a side hustle:

Firstly some extra cash always comes in useful whether it’s to pay off a loan, purchase a big ticket item, book that much needed vacation, or just to create an emergency fund for a rainy day.

Another reason is to create a sustainable and ongoing revenue stream. I’m a big fan of this idea and over the years I’ve created online courses on subjects I’m interested in and these courses are still making money for me today. I call it my ‘Create It and Forget It’ strategy.

Thirdly a side hustle comes in very useful if you want to replace or exceed the income from your current job. Whether you love or hate your day job it’s useful to have the option of handing in your notice, secure in the knowledge that you have an independent source of income.

Chris gives some great examples of people just like you that have created their own side hustles. They include Nick, a guy who wanted to pay off a $2,500 loan so started reselling classic video games. Or there is Bob and Barb, a middle-aged couple from Philadelphia, making custom baseball jerseys which puts real money in their bank account each month. One of my favorites is Joe, a cancer research scientist who loves cocktails so much he created a very profitable side hustle selling ‘gin-making kits’.

Amongst my own friends and clients I know many musicians, writers, speakers, artists and designers who create and sell online courses as a way of providing a consistent side hustle income that supplements their main work.

I’ve created multiple side hustles when I wanted to purchase big ticket items. For example my first side hustle was a website listing details of music promoters and festivals to help musicians get gigs. I wanted to buy a new car and the loan would cost me $500 a month. So over a few weeks I created a website which quickly began generating in excess of $500 a month. On one occasion I wanted to attend a big-ticket seminar so I created a simple little online course on a subject I knew something about. Not only did the money I generate from that course allow me to purchase the ticket, that online course is still selling well today.

For a lot of creative people, coming up with side hustle ideas is not the biggest challenge, selecting the best idea is where things get difficult. You have so many promising ideas but can’t decide which one to pursue. Perhaps you have what we call ‘Paralysis by Analysis’. In his book Chris breaks down how to generate ideas, select your best idea, and then launch it into the world…all within 27 days.

You can get your copy of Chris Guillebeau’s new book “Side Hustle: From Idea To Income In 27 Days’ from this link

In the meantime let me know in the comments below what your biggest challenges and questions are in starting your own side hustle. Thanks for watching.

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